
Sven's eyes widened with a ferocious expression, and even with his good education, he couldn't help but utter a curse word.

The thrust of the armor behind him was fully activated, and he started to dodge left and right in the air until he started playing a real-life barrage game. It couldn't be more exciting!

As the objects on the ground rose, Swain also saw clearly what the black tides on the ground were. They were clearly ferocious-looking monsters!

And judging from their appearance, most of them should have evolved from seafood!

No wonder there are so many!

However, these guys seem to have no brains. They only rely on instinct to attack the surrounding creatures, so they basically don't pose much of a threat.

So when Swain is constantly dodging the flying 'barrages', he only needs to pay a little attention to these 'small barrages' that may suddenly appear at any time.

Swain kept dodging, but the area of ​​the barrage became larger and larger, and became more and more dense. What finally appeared in front of him was a huge piece of land with a diameter of more than a hundred kilometers!

Isn’t this just a small continent? ?

And Sven is still right in the center of the ground, so there is not much distance no matter where he goes!

"Oops! You can't avoid this!"

"......But it looks like this is the last big piece. Judging from the previous results, it shouldn’t be too thick. Drilling a hole through it shouldn’t be a problem!"

Sven immediately took out a lot of gems and began to quickly absorb the magic power in them to see if he could combine his magic eyes and skills to create a small hole in the land that he could pass through so that he could get through it!

And At this time, he didn't pay any attention to how crazy and unrealistic his idea was!

If this failed, he would be stuck directly in the center of the continent!

"Magic Eye! Shine!"

The emerald-colored magic eyes flashed suddenly, and at the same time, Sven took advantage of the long distance between the two sides to start looking for the weak points of the earth.


But soon a red red one appeared in the center of the earth. The light spot attracted his attention. With Swain's current eyesight and distance, he could only see that the center of the light spot seemed to be a person?

And as the light spot appeared, Swain felt a strong obsession. , or like an instruction

"We must defeat her here!"

"This is my only chance, please!"

"Eh?"Sven was a little confused at first, thinking that he was hearing hallucinations, but as the light spot got closer, the feeling became more intense. As he was in a trance, the light spot exploded, and red flames splashed everywhere. There were pieces of fire feathers, but they were not irregular. Soon the flames formed the image of an illusory big bird. Then the flames suddenly ignited. The originally dark sky became brighter because of this light, and it looked like a starless sky. The night is like a light that guides the way

"What kind of bird is this?"Sven felt that this animal had never been seen in the animal encyclopedia, so he was very confused.


The crisp cry was very crisp and agile, and the wings of the big bird covered in red flames began to plump, with distinct layers and bright colors, as if it was really alive, and with a long cry, it struck towards a dark place. passed.

And there was a burst of light in the darkness, but it was not strong, in sharp contrast to the big flaming bird!

Swain took a closer look and found that it was a woman, and it seemed that she was just unfolding a blue shield.

Compared with the big birds that can be seen high in the sky, they are really tiny.

Anyone would think that the sharp beak of the flaming bird would easily penetrate the simple shield of light.

But the fact is that the light shield seems to be like a heavenly insect that cannot be broken through. No matter how hard the fire bird tries, it can't break through. The most it can do is push it up into the sky!

As the big bird and the woman below approached, Sven opened his eyes in disbelief after seeing their figures clearly.


"......Yes, that's what it is......."After a brief absence, as if he suddenly woke up, Sven showed a funny look and shook his head gently. All the sense of disobedience in his mind disappeared, and he also suddenly felt a little better about the special attitude of some people around him towards him. I have some clues, and at the same time I understand the situation"I" am currently in.

"So......Just leave it to me!!"

Sven shook Lianyue in his hand, and the magic power in his body began to become active. His eyes were locked tightly below. The fierce heat and dazzling light became stronger and stronger, and finally exceeded the limit of Sven's endurance.

Destiny The value was no longer static, but began to drop rapidly. At the same time, the magic power in the body began to riot rapidly. In just an instant, the magic power surged to a strength that Sven had never felt. The bones began to wail, and severe pain occurred between the joints. , the skin began to rupture and bleed, parts of the muscle tissue began to break, the surging magic power caused the blood to boil, the veins on the forehead popped out, the eyes became red due to excessive blood congestion, and traces of blood and tears flowed from the corners of the eyes.

But even though Sven was bleeding all over his body, but there was still no blood spilling out of the outside of the armor. The red lines on the armor began to flash faster, and the cracks on it were like real gaps, and every drop of blood flowing through it was absorbed. Entering the inside.

And unknowingly, the length of Sven's hair behind him has exceeded two meters. The purple light on the outside and the starry sky-like hair color on the inside make it impossible for people looking from below to notice the starry sky behind them. Sven merged into one.

Sven glanced at the crazily declining destiny and felt that he could only last in this state for a few dozen seconds, by which time his destiny would completely return to zero. The magic power was rioting, and it was obviously beyond control. situation, but Sven did not suppress the magic power, he was just constantly erasing the fluctuations of the magic power. It seemed that he was very willing to let it be in a state of out-of-control rampage!

But this behavior was like boiling and whining with high temperature. The heat dissipation vent of the steam pressure cooker was blocked.

In an instant, Sven's face turned red, and the muscles on his body suddenly bulged as if they were half inflated. His whole body became red, and even his armor was affected by the high temperature. It became as red as a soldering iron.

Although the strength continued to rise, the life breath in the whole body began to calm down quickly visible to the naked eye.

".......I am a pebble on the roadside, just a leaf that can be seen falling with the wind, a piece of snow that melts quickly in the ordinary, a wisp of dust that can be seen everywhere, I will not appear in anyone's field of vision, I will not stay in anyone's memory......."

Swain narrowed his eyes slightly and kept telling himself in his mind like a hypnosis.

This is the most complete breath-containing technique in the assassination technique, and it has even become a unique skill - breath blocking!

Therefore, no matter how much pain he suffered, Sven's face became calmer and his sense of existence was finally suppressed to the extreme.


"snort! Don’t overestimate your capabilities!"The woman looked at the man hidden in the fire phoenix and sneered fearlessly.

But at this time, she did not look relaxed, because her body was covered with wounds, and a large amount of blood was flowing continuously, and her right hand was tightly She was holding a shocking wound on her abdomen. The wound spanned her entire body and almost cut her in half!

She was really panicked just now and almost fell here. If the other side hadn't been unable to hold on first Stop, now the winner between the two has been decided!

The smile on her face is getting bigger and bigger, because the opponent's condition is getting worse and worse, and he will destroy himself soon without her taking action. Got it!!

"Even if you do it now, it won't change anything."

She raised her head and looked at the passage above

"Although I don’t know why those tattered stars of yours can still move now and restrict the scope of that door, but as long as I can pass through that door, I will have as many other miscellaneous soldiers as I want when I get to the other side!"The woman was not worried at all and even said calmly.

"………No, you won't succeed."In the flames, the sound of the man gnashing his teeth came out, but his voice had lost a lot of confidence, and he was obviously on his deathbed.

"oh? Do you still think you can beat me?"The woman was stunned for a moment, then laughed wildly and said

"Stop dreaming, you are not in the same form now. I admit that in martial arts, if you are still in full form, I will never be able to defeat you, because you are very strong, really very strong........"Even the woman who had acted so arrogantly before had to admit that her opponent was still superior in terms of combat ability!

"But that is always the ideal state! You can't change the past, and now you can't even break through this level of barrier, so what do you want to rely on to defeat me?"The woman shook her head, looking very confused, and her tone became more and more aggressive.

"Are they those little mice on the other side of the earth?"

"Or the swarm of ants that have disappeared?"

"No one is here to help you now!! there is none left!!"

"You are the last one left!! the last one!!"

"Honestly admit that you lost!"

"I won this contest! I won!!"

The woman's slightly crazy shout reached the man's ears, causing him to lower his head slightly and look a little lonely.

"really………You're right, I'm the last one here now!"The man's low murmur seemed inexplicably harsh in this scene.

"But do you really know everything about me?"

"Even if there is no way to use that move again, I still have the confidence to prevent you from winning!!"

Although these words sound like unconvincing words, a woman knows that the person in front of her will never be wrong!

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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