.......After all, Gulu can only perform magic in the mid-summer season when he has frozen fruits or frozen herbal tea.

And every time it can only condense small, inoffensive ice particles. It seems that it is really useless and it is simply miserable.

Obviously, with just a little effort, one can grow into a being who can control the weather, but as a result......Hey, I’m just too lazy!

But fortunately, at least she became more concerned about her figure.

Maybe he lost some weight under Swain's strict supervision?.......Hmm, but I always feel like the future is bumpy.

I just hope that I won’t follow Sven to the beach for fishing before appearing again. As a result, when I was dozing off, I accidentally rolled down the hillside into the sea, and by chance, I was swallowed by a passing big fish. It got into her stomach, and before Sven could rush to save her, she choked the fish to death because she was too fat..........

After Tiamat followed Gulu and Sven to wash up, it was time for breakfast.

However, after a year, Swain had no idea that he would be living on a desert island and stay there for a year. Moreover, he still had so many mouths to eat, so there was no cooked food or processed food. Be prepared enough.

Although there are a lot of things in the ring, except for cans and the like, they should have almost expired. Now the only things left are crops growing in the fields. However, several people do not have cooking skills. In order to prevent a After the meal caused a complete annihilation dilemma, Swain decisively gave up the option of cooking by himself. At most, he could just pick some fresh fruits for a change.

Therefore, you can often see a very interesting scene. Except for the three little guys, whose breakfast is the result of their own hunting, the breakfast of the other three people is all flower petals, fruits and mountain spring water.........

I'm afraid I have three herbivorous animals!!!

Gulu was originally a complete vegetarian. She was very happy with such three meals and didn't think there was anything wrong with it. It would be better to say that being able to eat fresh fruits from other regions made her very satisfied with her current life.

Tiamat didn't matter even more. She ate whatever Sven ate, and it was impossible to tell whether she liked to eat or not from her expressionless face.

Si Wen didn't care much about living such a light and waterless life, but now he felt more and more the importance of finding a cook!

After breakfast, Sven was about to start his daily lessons. As soon as he picked up his bow and arrows, he heard Gulu whispering something to Xiaobai behind him.

"Eh? Is anyone here?"Gulu tilted his head, touched a pair of curved corners on his head, looked in the direction of Sven and repeated Xiaobai's words. After hearing this,

Sven almost dropped the bow in his hand to the ground. Over a year Oh!

I haven’t seen a single living person except the people here for more than a year! I haven’t even seen any man-made drifting objects!

Sven thought that according to this kind of ether concentration, , it should be an uninhabited area of ​​the Age of Gods like Northern Europe, but it doesn’t seem to be like this now!

This situation shows that someone has landed here!

Then there must be a ship!!

Then he can be regarded as solving the problem of crossing the sea. A difficult problem!

After simply asking Gulu to ask Xiaobai about the location of those people, Sven rushed out of the door and ordered to the two little wolves in the den at the door:

"Let's set off, glutinous rice, sesame seeds, target the west coast, and explore forward"


With two neat wolf howls, two strong little wolves followed Sven on the left and right, and suddenly jumped out of the door.

They are more than a year old this year. Compared with their previous furry appearance, it can be seen that their bodies have become stronger and their bodies have become more slender and fit. Their hair has also been carefully treated by Swain every day. Neatly groomed and shiny.

And now after a year of training, in addition to retaining their original wolf nature, these two little things have also learned various abilities that hounds need to learn!

Swain felt that these two little guys should be able to help him a lot in the future!


But just when Swain thought so confidently, these two guys jumped directly into a pile of flowers not far after going out. Then the grass pile shook twice, revealing two weed-covered flowers. wolf head......

Sesame was okay, and could shake off the weeds and flower petals on his head, but Nuomi looked at him with a silly smile on his face, holding flowers in his mouth, which looked strange!

"Forehead......This must be wolf nature, right?"Sven's face dropped, and his face kept twitching.......But no matter how I look at it, I feel more and more that this is Erha sex!!!

Swain thought for a moment, then he held his head and had a headache.

No, the cub he raised by himself will not throw it away even if it cries. Even if this number is abandoned, he can't find another number to practice again, can he?

The project of crossing the jungle is very simple, and it is not difficult for the two wolves. Behind them, Gulu is following far behind, panting heavily, and his physical strength is not up to standard!!

If you are like this, take the high school entrance examination......No, how can 800 meters qualify?

How could you have the nerve to face the first person in your life who asked you so solemnly and sincerely,"Don't leave, okay?" 'The person is the physical education teacher!

Although her physical education teacher is Swain, and the second half of her sentence is basically 'How about running?........’

Compared to others, Sven was more flexible in moving back and forth among the branches and leaves above, but the way these people moved was not very cool.

The coolest one is undoubtedly Tiamat! boom--!!

In the green jungle, a blue torrent followed Sven like a torrent, as if preparing to wash away the entire forest.

And at the top of the rapids, Tiamat didn't even need to move her feet to move forward at a speed that far surpassed that of others.......

"Well......."Sven looked at Tiamat below and gritted his teeth in reluctance.

Damn it, if the magic circuit can still be used, I can create an ice road, and if the propulsion of the light wings is used to glide on it, I will definitely not be slower than her!

Unfortunately, Swain's circuit has not been repaired to this day.

It's not that he didn't try, but that after trying it, he discovered that his magic circuit seemed to have changed a lot.

He originally only had one magic circuit, so he shouldn't have any problem rearranging it.

After all, there is only one. If you can still connect it wrongly, Swain will be very happy. After all, this means that the magic circuit has been increased.

But now in the body, the heart part, which is responsible for the center of the magic circuit and the link between the previous and the following, has been replaced.

It's like one section of the pipe or circuit has been replaced by another section, but fortunately the models match, so there are no adverse reactions.

It’s just that you have a lot of extra interfaces in this section! ?

Originally, we were walking on a straight country road with no forks. Even without a navigation system, we would definitely not get lost if we walked with our eyes closed. However, halfway through, we suddenly turned into a complicated complex high-speed overpass! ?

And it’s the kind with upper and lower layers without navigation to guide the way! ?

The originally two-way passage suddenly became extending in all directions, and Sven was dumbfounded.

If you want to use magic, wouldn't it be like running a maze?

When the magic power has been gone for a week, you can use magic. I am afraid that you will be cold during the battle!

But that being said, there are actually good aspects to this.

There are so many roads, take a walk and see where other roads can lead. After all, if the original owner of this heart can fight like this, then he must be able to too!

However, Swain still hasn't figured out which path he needs to take to activate his magic circuit and complete the conversion of vitality into magic power.

You can’t rush this. After all, Swain is the circuit in the center of the body. If you ask other people to rush a little bit and there is a traffic jam, then it will be like tying a knot in a rope. Swain will be able to completely master magic in this life. Say goodbye!

So now I can only deal with it slowly and step by step.

It feels like being an electrician in India.

Turning around, Swain was familiar with the location of the target reported by Xiaobai, because the west coast happened to be a place full of sweet flowers, and it was also the only large open space on the island.

When there was still quite a distance from the target, Sven got down from the tree and walked towards the lawn step by step. After all, otherwise, just the movement of Tiamat would have caused even a deaf person to be shaken by the ground. Shocked to wake up!!

Except for Gollum, who was following far behind and still couldn't see anyone, Sven and his party finally arrived at their destination relatively quietly.

However, lying behind the branches and leaves, Sven squinted his eyes slightly and looked into the distance. Among the three people standing on the edge of the sea cliff, Sven's expression instantly became strange because there were too many doubts.

First of all, the first point is that there are no human footprints on one side of the beach, and there are also no ships. Obviously they did not come by boat, and they set foot on the island without passing by the beach.

Secondly, they are a group of only three women, and two of them are too petite. Swain really doesn’t think they are the kind of people who can travel across the ocean. In the end, just looking at the footprints around them, anyway, Swain will not be able to travel across the ocean from now on. Looking from his position on the tree, he saw no other footprints near this group of people. The three of them gave people the feeling of suddenly falling from the sky.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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