After hearing this, Tiamat really just stayed there and didn't do much. She just kept staring at Sven, with a slightly worried look on her face, but she also wanted to watch her child grow up and looked forward to it.

When the two goddesses saw this, they looked at each other and gradually relaxed and breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, if the person opposite does something, they don't need to think too much, they all have to answer here!

And it’s the kind that has no power to fight back!

From this point of view, it seems that the most nervous person in the audience is Medusa standing opposite Sven with a fierce look on his face.

"Mere humans, don’t think about being able to touch my sisters!"Medusa had a fierce look on her face. She gritted her teeth and the veins on her arms and forehead popped out, looking like she was in a violent state.

"Understand your own status and give up those unrealistic ideas as soon as possible!"

"Onee-sama, I will protect you!!"

Medusa held her hands slightly hard, and then waved them back and forth a few times.

Although she did not see the weapon on the opposite side, Sven did not feel that there was no weapon in her hand, because as she danced, the air around her The faint sound of breaking through the air began to become chaotic, mixed with the faint sound of air explosions.

There was something invisible hidden around!

Swain understood that the other party wanted to fight, but..........

What the hell is your reason for starting the war?!

You said that if she wanted to carve out a territory on this island, she challenged herself. After all, as an outsider, the first step is to determine the territory. Then it is not impossible to accept the challenge and fight seriously.

But you? ? ?

How can a fight be fought for a reason that is not tenable at all?

At this time, the fighting spirit that Sven had just ignited was like a bucket of cold water being poured on his head, and it succumbed to the naked eye.

Then the corners of Swain's eyes twitched slightly, and his face became a little complicated as he explained:"No.......I'm not interested in either of them.....real...."

"So your reason is not very valid.......Can you change the reason for the fight?"




Following these words, the scene fell into a strange silent embarrassment, and the smiles of the three people opposite seemed to be frozen on their faces.

"Aha! ?"

"What are you kidding!"The first person to get angry was Euryale. She clenched her fists and stamped her feet as if she absolutely didn't believe it.

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

"I am a goddess who was born as a model for an idol that all men look up to. Please open your eyes and see clearly! As cute as I am, such a beautiful goddess, such a beautiful and touching goddess, how could anyone not be tempted by me!!"

As she spoke, Euryale also showed off her slender figure with a slim waist and a round face with red lips and white teeth to Swain, trying to increase the convincingness of her words.

Although her words And her appearance is suspected of being a bit boastful, but I have to say that she does have the capital to boast.

And Stheno's face also became a little gloomy, and her face that originally looked gentle and fragrant seemed to be covered with dark clouds. I don't know. When will the angry thunder descend?

"Ah~~ He is really an interesting but extremely sad person, who cannot understand the beauty of the goddess."

But the next moment, her face had a sweet smile that seemed to be able to tolerate all things, as if all her previous performances were fake, and she said slowly:

"But forget it, who made me a goddess? It was a phenomenon born to be able to capture any brave man. Even a brave man can be captured, let alone an ordinary human being?"Stheno seemed to be very at ease. He didn't believe that Sven was telling the truth at all. He just thought that he didn't dare to speak the truth.

"Hum~ I don’t like people who are arrogant either~ Since you like me, just tell me honestly. Anyway, we are born to be loved by others. We have heard such confessions many times. There is no need to be shy. It’s okay to hide it too~!"Until now, Eurielle seemed to think that Sven was just being tough. After all, how could any man resist her charm?

That is absolutely impossible!

"That's right! My sisters are much more charming than me. What are you trying to do by hiding your true purpose?"When Medusa mentioned her sister's charm, her face was obviously a little inferior, but then she became fierce again. The magic power on her body began to stir, and her long purple hair spread out. Then her posture changed, and her two The slender thighs with long sleeves were stretched straight apart, and then the upper body was slowly lowered until the hands could reach the ground, like a squatting starting position.

"But it doesn't matter what your purpose is"

"In short.....Can't leave you here!"

"For the safety of my sisters, you must be completely eliminated from here immediately!!"

She raised her head. Although her eyes were partially covered by a black eyepatch, Swain felt that her eyes were always staring at him.

And Swain looked at the three sisters who were talking to themselves, and the ones who were completely ready to take action. Medusa, I think that rather than just using words, it would be better to let the other party suffer some pain first. It would be good to calm down and listen to what she is saying before starting a formal conversation.

"Haha, it’s right to want to protect your family in a strange environment, but you......Can it be done?"Sven looked at Medusa across from him in a funny way, his shoulders trembling with the laughter. He wiped the hair from his forehead with his right hand and combed it back.

Buzz -!!

Followed by beauty Dusha didn't give Sven any more time to react. She bent her legs, sank her body, and then quickly ejected forward!

"So fast!!"

The opponent's speed was so fast that even with Sven's dynamic vision, he couldn't keep up quickly!

"Oops! There is absolutely no way to hide this!"

Seeing the panic on Sven's face and the way he was blocking with his hands in front of him, Medusa thought that this one move could subdue him!

Therefore, the guard in her heart could not help but relax a little.

".......To say it like this is actually to lie to you."Then Swain's expression changed again, and he looked at her with a smirk.

There was still a certain distance between the two parties before, so with this buffer zone, Swain can do more things.

The three middle fingers of the right hand hold the two steel needles that were just taken out of the hair, and in the palm of the hand, the remaining thumb and little finger hold the medicine powder packet in front of the body, and the left hand holding the dagger leaves no trace. With her back to the back, the opponent's attention was all on her right hand, and her face showed an abnormal panic expression, which was completely opposite to the full attack posture. This distracted her attention, making it unclear whether Swain was serious. Are you ready, or is it just a bluff?

The moment your opponent is slightly stunned, it's time to counterattack!

"What! ?"

Medusa looked at the thing that suddenly flew towards her, and she immediately thought of herself and waved the weapon in her hand.


Two crisp metal collisions sounded, and they were still quite far away from the opposite side. Under the circumstances, the attack range is indeed very wide!

Only after Medusa shot down two steel nails did she notice the medicine pack coming from behind and already in front of her!

"This way of fighting.......Not the knights, not the guards"

"........A common trick used by thieves or assassins!"

Medusa clicked her tongue, her expression serious. She was not very good at dealing with opponents who were clever but actually useful in battle!

Medusa turned her right hand over, holding something behind her back to stab the medicine bag in the air. , and Sven also took advantage of this and jumped back, looking closely at the opponent's clasped hands.

When the medicine powder bag almost reached the position where Medusa clenched her fist, it strangely and suddenly burst open, forming a large of smoke

"that distance.......The weapon in the opponent's hand should not be long, about the size of a short knife or dagger."

In just this moment, Swain has grasped the approximate length of the short part of the opponent's weapon. Now he only needs to determine what kind of weapon she is holding in her other hand.

Taking advantage of the opponent's sight being lost, Swain faced A swarm of daggers swept out in front of her, but the final result was only the faint sound of stabbing the ground and the sound of objects running quickly.

Obviously, she did not attack unprovoked, giving Swain more opportunities to guess the length of her weapon.

But even so, she There is still some kind of dragging or throwing when moving. To put it more vividly, it is like the sound of waving a rope quickly or the sound of a hammer breaking through the air.

When the steel needle was first shot down, it obviously made a metal sound. There was a sound of collision and a little spark,

".......So that’s it, it’s a chain."

Although Sven is sure that her weapons are chains and short weapons, the length is not sure. So to deal with long weapons, you only need to block its length! Change the battle venue and use all factors to turn the battle against you. The advantageous side.

So Swain immediately turned around and ran away towards the woods.

"Ah, do you want to run away?"Euryale was a little surprised. She didn't expect that just one move scared him so much that he ran away. She suddenly looked down on Sven.

She didn't expect that he was really a coward.

"Haha, Euryale, your eyesight still needs to be improved."Stheno looked at Eurielle with a relaxed expression, with a smile on his face like a child discovering a new toy.

This guy is interesting, and it looks like he can make me happy for a while.

(Unfinished) to be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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