
"Hey, what do you think that is?"In the grass behind, a middle-aged man with messy hair and tattered clothes, looking like a medieval pirate, looked at Gulu's back in front and asked in a low voice to the people behind him.

"Hmm......He looks like a human, but he has horns on his head........"Another pirate touched his chin with a puzzled look on his face, obviously it was difficult to judge.

"I have heard rumors that there are similar creatures on a mysterious island. It seems that there are some kind of monsters. There should be three of them, all female. The reward for the snake monster among them is still posted everywhere!"Another elderly pirate stroked his knotted white beard and recalled the reward notice he had seen at the port.

"Did we come here by accident?"

The old pirate guessed, but the other pirates were obviously more interested in the so-called bounty than this one.


"How much?"The leader asked curiously.

But he had no intention of receiving the bonus.

After all, which terrorist did you see going back to capture wanted criminals in exchange for bounties?

If he really went, what would it be like for the guards? It's just that good things come in pairs.~

"The last time I saw it, it had gone up to 150,000........"

"And it’s gold coins!"

As the old pirate's words fell, there was a sound of gasping air-conditioning from all around, and cold light shone in the eyes of each one. The weapons in their hands stood up unconsciously, and their faces were full of fanatical and bloodthirsty expressions.

After all, even if they can't directly exchange for the bounty, it's not impossible to find a younger brother or a few nobles who want this honor and sell them the credit!

After all, many of the things they get are based on these fat-minded nobles. Help with it!

"........Then, why is the reward still there now?"

"Are those three monsters strong?"

The pirate leader was still calm. He was not dazzled by money, but calmed down.

"No......I’m not sure about this, but the location of this island has been erratic until now. To be honest, if we hadn’t encountered sea fog this time, and we didn’t have enough fresh water to make an emergency landing, I don’t think we would have been able to reach here!"

"Hmm........"The pirate leader began to think about it

"what to do? Boss? Do we vote?"

"Yes, with the artillery on our ship, we can do it no matter what........"

"No.....We won't vote for this!"

But no matter what the people around him said, the leading pirate calmed down and finally decided not to do it!

"Boss!"When the people around heard this, they became anxious on the spot and wanted to discuss it.

"We just grabbed a whole shipload of goods and packed it full. After doing this, we can cultivate for a long time and don't need to take risks. After all, fighting monsters and other things, compared with pirates, it is better to let the heroes do it!"

The pirate leader licked his somewhat white lips with a ferocious smile on his face.

"Make a note of the location of this island. We can make a lot of money from this when we go back."

"but......When you leave, why don't you take a souvenir with you?~?"As he spoke, the pirate leader stretched out his thumb and pointed at Gulu not far behind him, who still didn't notice any danger.

The person in front of me heard this and smiled unscrupulously.


"The boss still understands us!"

"That is, otherwise could he be the boss?"

After a few people flattered them, they dispersed under the leader's order, and quietly and quietly approached Gulu from different positions.

"Hum ~ hum ~ hum~~"

Gulu's side was still business as usual, and he didn't even notice the danger approaching quietly.

When she felt that all the sweet flowers around her were almost eaten, she was about to change places.

She was about to get up, but she ate too much and her belly was a little bulging, so she suddenly got up. Instead of getting up, she lay on the ground limply.

"Well......Oops, I ate too much this time......"

Gulu wanted to sit up, but unfortunately her sit-ups were only supine and not sit-ups.........

Holding his stomach, he tried hard to shake it twice, but he still didn't get up.

"call.....Let’s lose weight tomorrow."

Gulu said as if giving up, then closed her eyes and lay down on the lawn, choosing to lie down with a salty look on her face.

But soon she felt that her eyes were dark, as if there was a dark cloud covering her. The sunshine above is normal

"Ah, dark clouds? Is it going to rain?"

Gulu opened his eyes drowsily, and then saw the reflection of a fierce-looking man with bared teeth and an evil smile appearing in his field of vision.

"........Eh! ?"

Gulu's eyes went white and he almost fainted.

"Woo woo woo ah ah ah——!!"

"There are monsters, there are monsters——!!!"

This is the first time Gulu has seen other human beings except Sven, and he is also a human male with such an exciting appearance. He is more excited than Sven's fresh and pretty face, with a fierce look and a face full of knives. He has scars, an eyepatch, and yellowed teeth, and he looks like a pirate in standard pirate attire!

The frightened Gulu burst out with unprecedented strength and jumped up from the ground, completing the first sit-ups in his career.......

But at this time, she saw that there was a circle around her. People in similar costumes were holding various weapons in their hands. At first glance, they were not good people.

Gulu stood up and didn't dare to think too much. He lowered his head and used the horns on his head to rush towards one of the people.


But these people obviously didn't look too worried or scared when they saw Gollum's actions.

She turned slightly sideways and dodged Gulu's collision. Then the tall and strong pirates on both sides grabbed Gulu's horns with one hand and lifted her up directly.

"Hahahaha, I didn’t expect to catch it so easily!"

Although Gulu was resisting, the two people were holding her horns so that her short hands couldn't reach them at all!


Since physical attacks are useless, then use magic!

Gulu opened his two short hands and faced the pirate leader in front of him, and a blue light emitted from his hands.

Seeing this, everyone who was laughing just now became cautious. After all, there are not many weak monsters that can use magic!

But just when everyone was waiting for the magic effect, an ice particle the size of a little finger hit the person in front of him on the forehead, and then fell to the lawn without anything happening. The person who was hit didn't even have a forehead. It turns red and feels like a mosquito bite.......

Everyone watching at the scene fell into wordless silence as they looked at the ice particle on the ground that had begun to slowly melt.......

"Ah ha ha——!!"

"What is this!"

"So weak!!"


"It must be the cub of some kind of monster, it's too weak!!"

"But isn’t this just right!"

"Okay, kids, let’s go back!"


After seeing that Gulu was easier to subdue than everyone expected, this group of people became even more unscrupulous. They directly carried Gulu's two horns as if they were carrying goods, and walked towards the beach outside the forest with a big smile. go


"Sorry, Swain! I must lose weight in the future and learn magic well——!!"

"I will definitely change my ways and stop being a lazy person.——!"


Gulu was rocking back and forth, covering his head with tears in his eyes, and yelling like he was crying, which sounded very noisy all the way.

Now that he had really suffered a loss, Gulu began to truly realize how correct Swain's previous instructions were!

A group of people walked through the forest in a cheerful manner, and at the same time they did not forget to sing a few words along the way, as if they were worried that others would not find them.

Listening to the roar of the waves and smelling the salty water mixed with the smell of blood and copper, each of them felt high.

"good! After going back, sell this thing at a good price, and everyone will have a good time eating and drinking that day!!"


"The wise boss——!!"The pirates couldn't help cheering loudly.

"Hum, it's a cub of Warcraft, and it's humanoid and can speak human language. I think there should be quite a few nobles and gentlemen with special interests who plan to buy it home. If you do it right, maybe you can compare to my shipload of goods. They are all valuable!"The pirate leader licked his tongue, and with a wicked smile on his face, he began to calculate how much Gulu could be sold for.

"Um? Why does it seem to have calmed down?"

But suddenly he found that the shouting of Gulu behind him seemed to have stopped, and he turned around in confusion.

"Hey, you won't get killed, right?"

"That's an important business.......Taste........"

But while the man was speaking, his face turned pale and froze.

When the others saw this, they looked towards the end of the team curiously, but they all had expressions similar to those of the pirate leader, their pupils were dilated and their mouths were trembling.

The two people walking at the end were very confused. How were these people looking at themselves?

They raised their hands holding Gulu's horns in confusion, trying to show that they didn't do anything, they were really just holding them.

"Boss, we have nothing........."

The two people explained with a smile, and at the same time, they glanced sideways at the Gulu they were holding in their hands.

But the next moment, the two of them stayed where they were, and the smiles on their faces suddenly stopped.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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