The leader of a group looked at Sven's unstoppable offensive and cursed.


"Who do you think you are? Dare you comment on good and evil?"

"I tell you it doesn't matter what is good or evil, only the weapons in our hands are the only criterion for judgment!"

"The strong is the good! Anyone else who dares to resist us is evil!"

"Array! Shield soldiers come forward! Lancers prepare!"

"Be careful not to let him get close! Keep your distance! Archers take aim!"

As he spoke, the remaining dozens of people also began to prepare.

Soon, Sven was in the middle of the crowd, and a row of heavy armored shield soldiers stood there.

Sven also happened to solve the small group in front of him. people, ready to attack the rest of the people.

But these guys are all made of iron cans, and they also wear chain armor inside, so there are almost no gaps to penetrate except for the face. Although just now There are also a few tin cans, but because they are scattered, they can be solved easily.

But now this group of guys huddled together, relying only on the short knives in their hands, obviously takes some effort.

Whoosh whoosh——!!

At this time, a hail of arrows burst in the direction of Sven. Sven glanced sideways, and immediately moved quickly. While avoiding the rain of arrows, he also saw the group of iron cans forming a wall based on the number of people. , firmly guarding the people inside.

In this regard, Swain was ready to use magic eyes or magic to deal with it.

Swain looked at the shield wall in the distance, stretched out his right hand, and three daggers suddenly appeared in his hand.

The external magic circuit in his right eye was about to be activated, boom——!!

But there was no action on Sven's side. From the forest on one side, a purple lightning flashed across the ground at low altitude and hit the shield wall on one side. , directly opening a hole in its ring formation!

"Uh ah ah ah——!!"

People around him flew around, and finally hit the beach hard.

Then Sven saw Medusa, who stretched out her arms and showed off her graceful figure, and landed in front of him in a cross somersault.

Medusa lowered her upper body, crossed her hands and pressed them to the ground, holding invisible chains in her hands. Her legs were only slightly apart, but she still stood upright! Use the word slender and slender to its fullest!

Swain blinked curiously and looked around at the circle in front of him before looking back.

"How did you come?"

"Don't you have to take care of your important sisters?"

Sven walked up to Medusa and stood on the same front, but he did not forget to ask curiously.

".........Solve what they are talking about first."

Medusa didn't say anything more, pressed her body back, and then jumped out directly.

In this regard, Swain did not ask too much, and it was not too late to deal with what these people were talking about.

So Swain put himself The body shape was hidden under Medusa's overly dazzling purple magic power. Relying on the gaps that Medusa kept opening with its strange power, they directly entered the center of the defense circle of the mercenaries on the opposite side and began to harvest. The actions of the two They cooperated with each other without the slightest sense of unfamiliarity. As expected, they were two people who had been together for more than a year. They understood the principles of action to a certain extent.

After Swain entered the opposite defensive circle, facing the supporting characters, They quickly eliminated the people in the inner circle without encountering any decent resistance, while those in the outer circle who were heavily armed, with big swords or war hammers were all beaten by Medusa's extraordinary speed and strange power. , or the impact was shattered, in the real physical sense.

After all, he was kicked head-on at super high speed by those legs that were slender and full of elasticity, but contained abnormal strength. Being hit from the front by a car on the road and then flying for more than ten meters is about the same, or even worse than that! In addition, the weapon in Medusa's hand was a whip or a chain. Many people were rolled up by that thing and treated as It was swung wildly like a meteor hammer, and not even a single corpse was left behind.......

So after a while, only Sven and Medusa were left standing on the beach, and the ground was a mess of broken arms and limbs.

Sven put away his dagger, and then began to recover the throwing daggers still left on those people on the ground. The condition of his body was not bad, that is, the soles of his feet were stained with blood, but there were not many traces left as usual.

But when Sven turned to look at Medusa, who was looking up and wondering what she was thinking, she was speechless.

The black boots she wore on her feet were stained with blood. People who didn't know it might have thought she was wearing dark red boots.

The invisible weapons on her hands were also stained with blood. The general appearance was revealed, and its shape and length were not much different from Swain's initial guess. It was a long chain with a wedge on one side and a short blade on the other.

But these are still good questions. The problem is......

"Are you making such a fuss?"

"Why is there so much blood on not only my clothes, but also my body and hair?"

"Even if I barely get any blood stains, I will still be picked on by those two sisters who are just looking for trouble. Now that you've done this, don't you want to go home?"

Sven suddenly felt a deep sense of powerlessness. He took out a handkerchief and began to help Medusa wipe it carefully. Although her hair and body were not good, at least her face was wiped clean.

"Eh.......If I had known this, I might as well have done it by myself........"

Medusa came back to her senses, turned to look at Sven, and finally made a move that was somewhat beyond Sven's expectations.

She slowly lowered her head, and although her face was expressionless, she said very seriously:"I'm sorry........"

"Well......."Swain was also a little surprised by the unexpected reaction.

".......Okay, you'd better take a rest first, and after I finish dealing with these people, I'll take you to deal with the blood stains on your body."

Sven let Medusa rest aside, and then called two little wolves to help him deal with the people in this place.

Although he was a little bit unhappy because Sven didn't let the two of them play just now, some of them loved him. He looked like he was ignoring the answer.

Sven could only smile bitterly in response. If the number of people was smaller, he wouldn't mind letting these two little guys come up to help, but this time the opponent not only didn't talk much, but was also very well prepared. , as for those armors and shields, Sven felt that it was obviously impossible to shake them with their still slightly immature fangs and claws.

In addition, he could not heal the exaggerated injuries now. If something happened If the problem is solved, maybe the two of them will stay on this island forever!

After dealing with everyone, there are only weapons and armors all over the ground. They are still talking about the tragic situation here, but these things are so Wen didn't care. They were all rubbish equipment anyway, and he didn't like them either.

"Let's go."

Waving at Medusa, Sven was about to take her to a place where he would go every three to five times.

Wow, wow, wow.——

"here it is......Downstream of the spring."Medusa looked at a small pond not far below the source of the gurgling spring in the forest. There were small spring water tributaries everywhere, but quite a few tributaries gathered here, so this was formed. The pond.

The pond is not small, but the depth of the water is only up to her calf, but it is crystal clear. It is full of round pebbles. In addition, the place is big enough, even Medusa can lie down directly in it. No problem

"Ang, I usually come to this place to clean the blood stains on my body."

Sven said while giving a bottle of shower gel to Medusa.

"This is for you, I specially prepared it to cleanse the smell of blood."

After Medusa took the shower gel somewhat naturally, Sven turned around and found a small diversion to start handling his weapons.

If the weapons are not cleaned of blood and maintained, they will soon become unusable..

Medusa glanced at Sven who was busy, put the shower gel aside and took off her blood-stained clothes........

Lying in the pond in the forest, Medusa stretched out her arms and legs like this, and her hair spread freely in the water. The area was larger than her entire body.

The clothes were taken off, but only the blindfold remained. But it was not for the sake of looking good, but there was a reason why it couldn't be taken off.

He tilted his head and looked at the glutinous rice and sesame seeds playing in the distance, a little downstream, and then lay down again.

"Always felt.......Somewhat incredible."

Medusa looked at the sunlight shining from the branches and leaves above and listened to the gurgling water. She felt that such a leisurely life was not bad, so she said with some comfort.

"What's wrong?"

Sven was still busy drying the cleaned weapons, so he replied directly without looking back.

"I just feel like such a leisurely day........No, nothing."

Medusa couldn't help but said, but stopped mid-sentence.

"No, your tone definitely doesn’t sound like it’s nothing."Sven couldn't help complaining.

"And how leisurely are these days?"

"Almost every few days, someone comes to seek death, and some come to seek medical treatment. Do you call such days leisurely?"

Medusa said nothing, just floating in the pond quietly, being a quiet listener.

"A truly leisurely life means that you don’t need to worry about these guys who come looking for trouble all day long, and you don’t need to worry about making a living. The family lives together, and occasionally goes out to buy things together or look around to see the scenery. Are there any delicious things sold on the street that we can share with everyone? Or if we want to be more leisurely, I would like to go fishing.........."

Swain was talking over there about what he thought a leisurely life should be like.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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