"You must be the legendary ghost swordsman on this island!"

Today is a sunny day, and it is a day that Sven likes to stay in the gym at home. Previously, Sven would never go out in weather like today, but today, he had to go out to face another person who came to look for trouble. A guy.

A man wearing a knight's armor and holding a conical knight's spear in his hand. He was obviously a knight and was riding a brown horse. Yanran was also wearing silver-coloured armor on the horse, and he looked like a knight. The costume of deputy war horse!

"I am***The best knight in the country!"

"In order to marry the princess of my country, I need to knock you down and bring back your mask to show my martial prowess!!"

"Therefore, I now officially challenge you to a duel!"

"Be prepared to be aware!"

After that, the man closed his knight mask, clamped the BMW under his crotch with his legs, put his right hand tightly against his body, clenched the knight gun in his hand, and then faced the distance with the mask on, but the face below was Swain looked helpless and launched a charge......


"I am......Uh-huh!!!"

The knight was about to announce his name during the charge. However, before the horse could reach Sven, it was hit in the eye by a pebble held by Sven, and then it closed its eyes. , galloping past Sven as if he had lost his target, making the knight shut his mouth at a loss.

"Well.....Wait, I love horses! What's wrong with you!!!"

Sven turned his head and looked at the knight pulling the reins in a panic, but still uselessly skipped his side and rushed towards the hills on the side.


With a long neighing sound, both the man and the horse fell down the hill, and then their heads were neatly inserted into the sand..........

"........"Swain then took off his mask, with a look of despair on his face, forcing himself not to be afraid to look back at the farce-like situation, and returned to the jungle in the blink of an eye.

After the knight pulled his head out of the sand, he shouted loudly to the rear:

"All right! I admit that you are stronger!"

"I remembered it then! I will defeat you with my own hands one day!"

"my name is........."

No matter how far away Sven was, he couldn't hear clearly at all, and he had no interest in listening to that crazy declaration.

"What is that.........."

Speechlessly, he turned his head and looked at the remaining pebbles in his hands. Sven violently dropped it to the ground as if he was in an explosive mood.


The pebbles blasted out small holes one after another, and then circled around to create a large hollow hole in the tree on the side. The profile reflected the anger in Sven's heart.

"Do not make jokes——!!"

"You guys have something seriously wrong with your brains, right?——!!"Sven shouted to the sky, and the sound was so loud that the birds and animals in the surrounding mountains and forests rioted. Large numbers of birds circled into the sky, temporarily blocking the sun above.

"Who spread the word that as long as you defeat me, you can prove your martial prowess! ?"

"If you want to know who is stronger, go fight each other! What are you doing with me? I’m not even considered a melon-eater!"

"And why do you want to get my treasure? ? Or the treasure of an incredibly wealthy country? Where did I get this treasure from? Have you ever seen an extremely wealthy person who can only eat flower petals and drink spring water for every meal? ?"

"Even more nonsense, if you want to marry a princess, just go ahead and do it!! It has nothing to do with defeating me! ?"

"I’m not going to marry some princess I’ve never met before!"

"Didn't you hear that this was a weird reason deliberately put forward to embarrass you?"

"This obviously means I don’t want to marry you!"

"Otherwise, just go after her directly! Chase me for sex!! I can't prove anything if I'm defeated! Do you still expect me to lead the red thread and build the red bridge for you? , you all regard me as the God of Marriage or the God of Love!"

"asshole! asshole!! asshole——!!!!"

"Don't let me know who spread the message!!!!"

With the furious Sven, the trio watching the theater standing aside looked very relaxed.


Stheno stood aside with a smile, watching Sven venting his anger and incompetence over there, while Euryale, on the other hand, looked unhappy.

"That rascal.......After all, I was forced to embark on this path."

"It seems that he was almost collapsed by those ants with abnormal brain circuits."Urielle clicked her tongue and shook her head, with a look of emotion on her face.

"It’s really confusing how these obviously false news came about."Euryale still can't figure out what's going on in the minds of human beings.

Could it be that as long as a being who doesn't look like a human but is extremely powerful in combat suddenly appears on such a small island far away from human habitation, People will inevitably come up with a lot of things that are and are not.

Just like now......

There are many reasons to challenge Swain over the past few months.

In order to get rich, for reputation, to prove that you are powerful, the most cliché and the number one purpose among people who come here is to marry a princess........

Are you marrying the same princess? ?

Or do you have the same father-in-law who would make such nonsense requests? ?

How about I just give up my resistance and go back with you to see if one princess marries dozens of people, or which king has so many princesses?

Or maybe I can add some more story effects to you, kidnap the princess along the way after I go back with you, and then turn into a plot where the hero defeats the evil ghost swordsman and rescues the princess?

The ghost swordsman snatched the princess and took her to a deserted island. When the brave man finally came to rescue him after going through all kinds of hardships and crossing thousands of mountains and rivers, the princess was still waiting for you wearing a bright and beautiful princess dress. ?

Or did it turn into a pile of bones?

Or maybe the evil ghost swordsman and the princess will take you, as a brave man, to get to know the lively children on the island and see which one is the eldest and which one is the second child?

There's so much trouble happening across the street! ?

Boom boom boom——!!

After Sven stepped on a large deep hole on the ground, he finally vented the anger he had suffered in the past few months.


After taking a deep breath to adjust his mood, Swain turned around and hugged Sesame and Nuomi, who came to comfort him, buried his face in their furry bellies, and relaxed for a while.


The two wolves and Sven made sounds of enjoyment from their throats at the same time, and those who didn't know thought they were the same kind.


"I seem to hear someone calling me?"

But from the jungle on one side, Gulu emerged from the low branches and leaves. His figure became slender, so he could only wear Sven's big shirt and walked over with a confused look on his face.

"Huh, it looks like that guy's naming skills still need to be improved."Stheno looked at Gulu and said with a smile.

"Hey, don't lose your temper. I'll give you half of the sugar cubes in the black tea when you get back at noon~" Eurielle consoled her with a smile.

"What does splitting in half mean?......"Swain glanced back at her

"Obviously I gave you half of that"

"and.......You can actually comfort people?"Sven's tone was full of disbelief.

"Ah, what are you talking about? Those sugar cubes are obviously the ones you lost to me.~!"

"Since you lost to me, it belongs to me. Now I will give you half of my things. You must remember this kindness~" Euryale said matter-of-factly, and poked Si. Wen's profile

"So unreasonable......"

"Oh, since you are not convinced, how about we fight all night again tonight?"Euryale licked her tongue and invited directly.

"Forget it, if we go with Medusa, I will definitely lose again."

Sven can still only control the ordinary controller on the right side. The sensitivity of his left hand is destined to not be able to control the small buttons of the controller sensitively, so every time he plays a game, another person must control the direction of the other side of the controller, but every time Medusa Neither of them wanted to fight head-on with their sister, so as long as he teamed up with Medusa to fight Stheno or Euryale, Sven had never won in the past two years........

"I'd better go with Gulu this time. Although she's really good at playing, there's still a 100% chance that she can win......."Sven said as if giving up

"Well done!"

"I was just careless occasionally!"Gulu puffed out his face in dissatisfaction and protested with his fists clenched.

"Occasionally, carelessness can lead to kneeling for twenty games in a row?"

"The winning rate in 100 games is less than 5%?"Sven's eyes sharpened.

"Well....."Immediately Gulu burst into tears and fell silent.

Showdown of the night.

Sven originally wanted to hold Gulu as before, but this girl had grown too big without realizing it, and Sven could not see the screen while holding her.

"You have also started to grow into a big girl and become beautiful. Sure enough, I was right, right? You will really look better if you lose weight."Sven stared at the screen in front of him, but out of the corner of his eye he glanced at Gulu, who was still addicted to food.

"Well.....Hehehe, is that so?"Gulu had been sitting upright and looked very serious. He was still operating his left hand in a panic, but it was still a situation where Sven could assist in the control. But after Sven finished praising him, Gulu began to float. Ever since , Sven could not control the characters on the screen at all, and started acting up on the screen.

Originally, this game could be evenly matched with the opponent, but now.....He was immediately taken away by a series of gorgeous combos from the opponent.

(To be continued)

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