"Gu Gu Gu Gu......call!"

After drinking most of the bottle of water, the man let out a sigh of relief and wiped the water stains on his face with the back of his hand.

"You have to be careful at all times when you get here. Judging from the words of those who survived here, the role of Shoujima here should be the ghost swordsman."

"That guy is both good and evil. He will help others deliver fresh water and supplies and then let them go. However, he will also kill everyone on some ships. I have no idea what he is thinking."

"Therefore, it is very possible that someone with the same purpose as me came to the island and was captured by the three banshees, and then was charmed into what he is now? But, even so, he can still help others occasionally. He must be an extremely determined person."

"But even so, it became what it is now.......I have to be careful!"

Although he thought about it for a while, it seemed to make sense, but when he thought about it more carefully,.....There is at least a hole in my brain.

The man put the kettle into the cloth pocket on his waist and carefully guarded his surroundings, wary of Sven who might suddenly appear.

But after observing for a while, he didn't find anyone.

Because the location he is currently in is the location where someone, that is, the knight with a serious brain disease, has landed before, the gem magic used to call the police has been activated. Before Sven could rearrange it, he was involuntarily told by Euryale. Pulled away.

Swain thought that there were still a few layers arranged inside anyway, and it didn't matter if the outermost ones were arranged later, so he let her go.

Because of this, she was teased by Stheno for a while for doting on Eurielle too much.

But Eurielle felt that it was only natural that she was doted on by others!

".........No one is there"

"But this is just right, I can explore this carefully......."


Before he finished speaking, his nose smelled a strong aroma of ripe fruits, mixed with the fragrance of some kind of sweet flowers.

"........During that period, it's better to fill your stomach first. It's really pointless to fight the opponent when you're hungry."

He touched his already hungry belly, and then the boots on his feet were slowly filled with magic power. With a faint fluorescence, he flew over the sand at low altitude and flew towards the forest in the distance.




In the quiet room, the breathing and faint sounds of people still sleeping were mixed with the wall-mounted display screen on one side. The long and cheerful music during some settlement screens became the only sound here.

It's just that this bit of game music is not a problem at all to the ears of everyone who is already drunk!

The eight or nine empty large wooden barrels rolling on the ground told how much everyone drank last night. They even said that in one of the wooden barrels with the lid opened, glutinous rice and sesame seeds were curled up together, obviously drunk. Yes, but looking at them they don't look crowded at all. More things show how big this wine barrel is........

This wine was brewed by Si Wen for two years. The main ingredients in it are Qingxin and Tiantian flowers, supplemented by a large number of fruits and various strange medicinal materials. The taste is mellow but sweet and delicious. The taste is so There is nothing to say, and it also has a series of medicinal effects.

Even Xiaobai's small body has drunk several large glasses of wine, and now he is still lying motionless on the sofa aside, sleeping in an unsightly manner.

Um......It can be seen that it tastes good, but the alcohol is quite strong. Even Sven, who is highly resistant to poison and some negative effects, has now joined the ranks of drunkards.


But having said that, Swain was still the first one to wake up here. He stood up dizzy, with an uncomfortable expression on his face. Swain touched his head, which was still dizzy, and waited until his vision became clear. Looking at the mess in the room.

Everyone was lying on the soft carpet, not caring about their own image at all, or they were not sober enough to even care about their own image.

"Well.......I seem to remember yesterday that I said everyone drank from one bucket together, not one bucket per person.......No, this is how many barrels each person has in the end."

"Could it be that Medusa moved all my inventory out?........"

Swain glanced at the large wooden barrel on the side and let out a long sigh, but his mouth still had a strong smell of wine and a strong fruity aroma.

Gently putting Gulu and Euryale lying on him aside, Sven was about to get up.

"you're awake?"From behind, Tiamat's voice came faintly, and a hand kept touching Sven's head.

Sven tilted his head back and looked at Tiamat with a loving look on his face, and then realized I just rested on her lap

"Mother.....You got up so early......"

Swain closed his eyes again, twisted his head and body a little, and rubbed himself twice on the soft pillow behind him, like a child lying in bed in the room on a holiday morning.

"Do you still want to take a nap?"

"I can sing a lullaby."Tiamat liked Sven's coquettish look very much, so she asked softly.

"......Haha, forget it, otherwise you won’t know how many days later you will wake up next time."

Just kidding, that lullaby is a real lullaby!

The Lord God's voice has various additional attributes. The last time he spoke it, everyone in the room fell asleep for at least a week..........

Sven chuckled, stretched somewhat reluctantly, then lazily got up without disturbing anyone else, and followed Tiamat out of the room.

Crash, clatter -

Sven washed himself briefly, then took the towel Tiamat handed him and wiped it, then turned around and went to the kitchen.

He was going to make something to sober up, otherwise when those people in the room woke up later, everyone would have a headache due to hangover.

Perhaps it was because Swain knew very well that his cooking skills were low, so he simply did not regard this as a hangover soup, but a hangover medicinal soup.

Using the kitchen stove, there is a sand pot for brewing medicine on it. Every ingredient is carefully weighed, accurate to milligrams, before being put into the pot..........

He just looked at Svenna lying on the edge of the table, carefully holding a small spoon and adding seasonings with slightly shaking fingers.

If you drop a few crystal grains and add seasonings this time, can the whole family really have breakfast before dark?

If it really doesn’t work, forget it. At least eat flowers and don’t care if you eat them for a few more days.

"........Then some sweetness needs to be added, otherwise no one of these people will drink it."

Sven was busy for a long time, watching the flames on the stove under the sand pot adjust to a low flame before finally taking some time off.

Tiamat was watching quietly from the beginning to the end, as if he was just Seeing all this makes me satisfied

"Mother, you are so good, you are not drunk at all."Sven sat aside, feeling a little emotional.

"........Is it?"Tiamat looked a little confused.

"Or is it simply because the mother here is just a projection? Swain pointed out his discovery seemingly casually.

"Eh........Well, do you mind?"Then she showed a worried expression, and the two people's positions seemed to be reversed. At this time, Tiamat seemed like a child who was caught doing bad things.

"That's not true. I don't care about these little things. I just thought about it. No wonder you don't eat at all. After much deliberation, I only came up with this result."

"I.....Won't be hungry."Tiamat touched her belly, not understanding the chill of hunger at all.

"Yes, after all, she is a goddess, and she is also a mother goddess at the main god level."Sven couldn't help but chuckle. It would be strange for a god of this level to be hungry.

"But even if you are not hungry......It doesn’t stop you from trying this taste, right?"Sven stepped forward and opened the lid of the sand jar, and a faint sweet smell suddenly filled the entire kitchen.

Sven took out a small bowl and handed it to Tiamat with a smile.

"I made it sweet according to the taste of most people in the room. I don’t know if you like it."


Tiamat said she liked it even before she tasted it. To her, as long as it is made by her children, everything is good, everything is delicious, and everything is right!

"Please at least try it before answering........."Sven looked at Tiamat funny, feeling that she, the mother goddess, was really not that interesting.


Flying directly over the beach and skipping the outermost forest, the man who had arrived at the Swain Orchard was slightly surprised when he looked at the neat and orderly orchard.

"Does this monster actually have a planned orchard?"

Although the man was shocked, it is most important to solve the problem of hunger first!

He directly controlled the boots on his feet and pushed him to the top of the fruit tree very easily, near the ripe fruits one by one.

Although there were many He had never heard of the existence of fruits that he had never seen before, but when he plucked up the courage to taste a few, the sweet taste was like the rain of salvation to him who had been wandering for a long time. Basically, three times five divided by two would be enough. Eat a fruit.

And the more he ate, the more courageous he became. He would eat two bites of the fruit from this tree, and then switch to another tree to try another fruit.

Before long, the ground was full of fruits, and he only took two bites of them. Fruit that is thrown away after just three mouthfuls is simply a waste.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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