
"you......Completely dead again........"

"And it seems that you are going to stay with me, my eldest sister, for a long time this time."

Sven was still looking at each other upside down with Mei Lin in a familiar posture, and Mei Lin was also speechless. But what do you mean by this?

And Sven listened to Mei Lin saying that she had already Complete death, rather than love separation, is a sign of dying before resurrecting. Suddenly, there was a burst of sourness and pain in my heart.

"Well........"Sven choked up a little, with an expression on his face that was about to cry.

And Mei Lin was a little surprised when she saw Sven like this. Through her own peek,......Phew, let’s look at the results!

She had predicted all kinds of reactions that Sven might have when facing death. It might be sighing, it might be sadness, it might be unwillingness or regret, but this look of someone about to burst into tears was beyond her expectations.!

Is it really due to the child’s xinxing?

Mei Lin was a little surprised at first, but she quickly adjusted her mentality.

"Ahem, okay, okay, don't be sad, isn't there a big sister here to accompany you?"

"Even after you die, my big sister will still be by your side forever.~"

"You won't be alone in this place, but with me, the two of us together"

"You won't feel alone~"

Meilin spoke very softly, with a peaceful expression on her face, and at the same time she did not forget to gently stroke Sven's head and pat his shoulder, which really seemed like An unusually gentle elder sister seemed to be comforting her younger brother, and the scene suddenly became very warm.


But with Merlin's comfort, Sven cried louder.

"OK OK~~"

"Don't cry don't cry~~~"And Meilin was not bored and kept comforting him.

This scene seemed normal, but the good atmosphere lasted until Swain spoke.


"Oh my God! What did I do wrong that you want to punish me like this? Even after death, I have to live alone with this idol who only has a lustful heart but no lustful courage. I have to stay alone in this place where there are only flower fields and high towers!!"

"Um?"Meilin's body suddenly stiffened, and her face was full of doubts. She was wondering if she heard correctly.

"If I'm guilty please punish me instead of locking me up here!"

"I would rather you let me go to hell, heaven, or Hades, anywhere! It's much better than staying here.——!!"Sven kept crying in grief.

"Eh! ?!"

Merlin didn't expect Swain to say that at all.......It would be better to say that the reason why I burst into tears with You is not because you are dead, but because you want to stay with me after death! ?!

"Hey, hey——!!"

Merlin was immediately annoyed and immediately flipped Sven from her lap to the side.

"Swain, you idiot! idiot!"

"Give me back all the tenderness I had just now!!"

Mei Lin couldn't maintain her gentle and watery look just now. She suddenly changed from a gentle big sister to a slut........

"cut~~"Sven raised his head, his face still showed traces of the uncontrollable crying he had just done. Even his eyes were dry, not even a single tear.

"You guy obviously just wants to take advantage of me, and you still say something so fair and reasonable. Don't you think it's embarrassing?......"Sven looked at her with disdain and adjusted his clothes

"That’s not called taking advantage!"Meilin immediately retorted

"I'm just charging some fees to appease you. After all, the eldest sister of a psychological counselor also has to pay attention~" Even though her behavior was exposed, Mei Lin still didn't blush or breath, and held up her chest with a smile on her face. Proud look

"I should really take a photo of you doing this and put it on your homepage so that your fans can see what they are following."Swen covered her face and couldn't bear to look at Mei Lin. At the same time, she felt unworthy of those fans who fancied her.

"It doesn't matter, I only have one fan left now!"Mei Lin puffed up her chest and looked proud.

".......Is that something to be proud of?"

"Of course, there is still one fan left in this situation!"Mei Lin looked like she was pointing something out.

"Forehead........Well, it's something to be proud of."Sven thought about his current situation. It's really not easy to have a fan in this situation!

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, what is going on with my current situation?"Sven looked at his body. Because it was a soul body, he couldn't see any damage.

"Didn't I tell you that you were dead?"Mei Lin puffed her lips in dissatisfaction.

"If that were the case, then based on what my friend told me, I shouldn't be here right now, but in Hades."Sven touched his neck. There should be the necklace Xiao Ai gave him before.

"Hey, it’s really not easy to deceive you......."Meilin shook her head as if giving up.

"Let me explain first, you are really dead......But not completely dead"

".......Aha?"Sven looked confused.

"But there is no way. Who asked your mother to stay aside? Although she was in a state of self-sealing before and is now unblocking it, the time required is not a fraction of a second, so now she basically has no abilities."

"But do you think that even with her extremely protective personality, she would watch her own cub die in front of her?"Meilin spread her hands and muttered extremely speechlessly.

"Forehead.......seemingly......No, that's not possible at all."Sven scratched his cheek in embarrassment.

"But what the hell is your title?!"

"What is a kid!!"

Sven protested, but Meilin obviously had no intention of paying attention to him. She lay back on the bed and looked at the ceiling, feeling speechless in her heart.

"You are really ruthless enough to dare to challenge an existence with the blood of the true demon ancestor and god king as a human being. And if you hadn't been in the middle due to insufficient information, you would have probably solved Gorgon by now. Or maybe you even took care of Perseus?"

"Okay, guess what, these are all excuses now. It didn’t work out at the time, so I won’t make excuses."Sven didn't listen to Merlin's words of comfort.

"Gee, but who would have thought that this one also has gene locks, and you have to have divinity to use it?......."

For Sven, when he picks up a weapon on the battlefield, it doesn't matter whose it is, as long as it can be used, but now a locked one comes out, and he is cheated all of a sudden.

"The battle plan must be modified."Sven lowered his head and looked like he was ready to start planning.

"No! ? You haven't given up yet!"Meilin was very surprised and jumped up from the bed.

"Unfortunately, I am just a fool who doesn’t know how to give up, nor will I abandon my friends and family~" Swain looked at her and smiled.

"And if the opponent is so strong, it makes my hands itch even more!"

Seeing Sven gearing up, he was obviously aroused to fight.

Meilin was speechless for a while, so she could only smile helplessly and look at him.

"Hey, the path of a hero is not that easy........."

"Um? Did you say something else?"

"No, your mother is still waiting for you kid to go back. Stop hanging around with your sister. I won’t give you any benefits if you continue.~"

"No......Originally, I didn’t expect you, a guy with a lustful heart but no courage, to be able to do anything, so it doesn’t matter........."Swain looked shy and said embarrassedly

".......Uh-huh! You stupid!"When Mei Lin heard this, she was so emotional that she burst into tears.

Well, it's not very harmful, but it's extremely insulting!


Sven opened his eyes, and there was no pain at all that he thought would suddenly appear. It would be better to say that his whole body didn't hurt at all.


The surrounding area seemed very dark, and almost nothing could be seen. It seemed to be an eye problem. After Sven got used to it a little bit, he felt that it was actually quite bright here, and there were quite a few creatures around.

Well, it was like far away There are several giant squids that are more than ten meters long, as well as the increasingly indulgent-looking deep-sea fish, and the bottom of the sea is full of silt corals, shrimps and crabs........its not right! Isn’t this a deep-sea animal that lives almost at the bottom of the ocean? ?!

I am at the bottom of the ocean! ?

Swain stood up smartly, closed his mouth without thinking, and pinched his nose at the same time.


And when he couldn't help spitting out large bubbles after holding it for a long time, he felt that he didn't seem to feel any water pressure that the deep sea should have, and it seemed that his breathing had no effect. He stretched out his hand and waved it around. Twice, if he hadn't been able to feel the flow of water, Sven would have thought he was on land.

"What's going on? It seems that breathing in the water is no problem, and it seems that the water pressure and resistance are not felt?"

Sven even felt that it was quite suitable to be in the heavy and cold environment under the water?

Ah? Could it be?.........I am actually a fish! ?

"Swain......you're awake.....?"

Suddenly, a cool buzzing voice came from above. Swain felt that this voice was very familiar, but for some reason the words did not seem to be very coherent.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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