"Ah, yes, Sven, thank you for helping my immature me."A very gentle and bright smile appeared on Anna's face, and she bowed and thanked Sven.

But Sven's face twitched, looking at Anna in disbelief, and gestured with his right hand in front of him

"But, you clearly knew before.....Such a thing!"

"Haha, how about it, let’s see it clearly like this."What Stheno wanted was Swain's surprised and shocked expression. He immediately walked to him happily, leaned down and said in his ear in a voice that only two people could hear:"Not bad, for This look is very attractive to men, isn't it?"

"Sure enough it was your idea again."Sven rolled his eyes at Stheno and said angrily.

"After all, she is your biological sister. Is it really okay to bully her like this?"

"Ah, what's wrong?"Euryale immediately clicked her tongue and said arrogantly.

"Just because she is too weak! Your arms are gone, so just treat this little thing as an apology!"

When Gulu heard this, she blushed completely and didn't dare to look up. Even though Sven hadn't woken up in the past few days, the conversation between these three people really refreshed her perspective. She originally thought she was immune to this, but in the end Even now she still can't look directly at Anna!

"No, it doesn't have to be that way......Okay, at least find her some clothes first........Anyway, let’s put this on first."Sven said, and found a purple and black suspender skirt of about the same size in his fingers and handed it to Anna. The style was somewhat similar to Stheno and Euryale's. At least the family looked more tidy.

Anyway, it's much better than the naked appearance now!

But Anna didn't take it, but looked at her eldest sister and second sister solicitously.

"No, she has to stay like this until she fully atones!"Stheno retorted directly with a smile, simply preparing to embarrass his third sister to the end!

"Anyway, there are no other outsiders here except us.~"

"Wouldn't it be better to relax a little?"

"That's right! Until you feel satisfied!"Euryale also came to help.

"No, I'm already satisfied....."

"No! You are not satisfied!"

"......"Swain heard the shouts in unison,"Don't I even have this right that I think I have?"

But Sven didn't panic, he already knew how to deal with these two.

"Then just think of it as my hobby, I just like to see her wearing this!!"

"I think it looks better in this outfit! I like!"

"Then there's no way~"

"Anna, just wear this!"

"Yes, sis-sama.......".......

Sven then checked himself again. Apart from the abnormality of the purple eyes, there was nothing wrong with his body. He was very healthy. The previous scales and claws had also disappeared, leaving only this toned and slender figure. After retaining it, my physical fitness has been greatly improved.

As for my own eyes, although there is a small cross in the middle of the eye, which is usually difficult to spot, if I focus more or inject magic power, my vision will continue to improve, but the opposite cross will also Magnified, like Tiamat's eyes, this seems to be a different kind of magic eye, but it is completely different from my previous magic eye in that this magic eye cannot be closed!

Therefore, no matter what you look at, you can see it very finely. If you accidentally concentrate on looking at it, you can even see the texture on the object clearly, and as long as it can move, whether it is passively or actively, it will have a large effect. Ghosting is just like living with a 16x magnifying glass on your eyes. Everything looks beautiful!!

Moreover, the visual distance is not easy to control, so the distance between yourself and the object is also not easy to control at all.

It was really disgusting to feel dizzy all day long, and I would bump into various things because I couldn't control the distance well. Therefore, whenever there was something to do, Anna would support Sven or do it for him.

During this period of time, Anna was no longer the cold Medusa. She was smiling all day long, which was really in line with the mentality of a girl of this age. And she also took great care of Sven!

For example, Sven got up to go to the toilet, but Anna on the side would jump up as if reacting to a stress reaction, with food in one hand and drink in the other, and a fan and blanket nearby.

"Sven what are you going to do?"

"Are you hungry? Still thirsty?"

"ah! Is it too hot? Still cold?"

"Do you want me to give you a massage?"

"Or help you step on your back and relax?"

Anna's eyes shone, she was like a little loyal dog, staying by Sven's side forty-eight hours a day.........Although there are only twenty-four hours in a day

"........." hateful! I feel like I will become a useless person if this continues!

Although Swain is actively adapting to his eyes, more than a month has passed and he still has not succeeded.

However, by chance, Swain discovered a little trick. He only needs to block his sight, and The only way to block your vision and still see the road clearly is to wear glasses........

He pushed the silver IOU given to him by Skaya on the bridge of his nose. Uh, no, silver glasses.

I didn't expect that these things would come in handy on this occasion. Fortunately, these glasses were flat lenses, otherwise they would be really real. Can't wear it.

So in addition to the adaptation training, Swain has been wearing this thing all the time, so he no longer needs Anna's 24-hour care.

And Swain also took advantage of this month to re-cross the sea curtain and enter the bottom of the sea many times, and found the ruins of his own mansion. Yes, it was the ruins. After all, they had completely collapsed!

Sven rummaged here for a long time and even found all the parts of the armor that had been restored from stone to its original state. He even recovered Perseus's two magic boots!

But there is still no trace of my left hand, as if it has disappeared into the sea, as if it has been hidden by someone.

"I didn’t gain anything today........."

Swain casually scanned the surrounding fish in the depths of the sea. They swam past him one by one, but they seemed to have no interest in him or any hostility. They were like the neighbors next to the house you just moved to. I feel like I would say hello when I meet, but that’s about it.

"Well.......I'm hungry and want to eat"

"Ah, it’s me, I look really exquisite.~"

"I'm walking sideways here, who can control me!"

"Ah~ I’m so tired. Let’s lie down......."

"so annoying! Everyone present will die!"

Sven covered his face and couldn't bear to look at the surrounding deep-sea creatures.

I don't know why, but he can now hear the voices of these creatures. Before, Sven thought it was quite good, but now.........Isn't there a normal fish?

Regaining his mood, Swain shouted to the fish around him. Although he didn't know if they could understand it, it would be enough if they could somehow understand what he was saying.

"I'm sorry, but can you stay a little farther away from here?"

"It might become a little bit more dangerous here next.........."Sven's voice lacked fluctuations, but to the surrounding creatures, it sounded like an alarm.


"That guy is here again!"

"This place is going to become hell again!"


"I don’t want to become a grilled fish"

"I won't run...........I swim——!"

Before Sven finished shouting, all the surrounding deep-sea creatures disappeared in the blink of an eye. Even the starfish that had chosen to lie flat on the ground began to crawl away desperately.........

"Um, cough cough."Although Swain was very surprised by the mobility of these guys, this was exactly what he wanted.

"Okay, let’s do it again, this time we must try to master this ability!"

With the lessons learned from his left arm, Sven felt that it was still necessary to continue to become stronger.

Although the training he received was not carried out according to ordinary people, such as Skadi's course, which allowed simple humans to use the original runes. Planting something, although the effect is amazing, the consumption is also amazing.

So generally speaking, Sven's combat ability is very high, but it is limited by factors such as the human body, and the opponents he faces are all out-of-standard opponents. Being able to hold back at all, the consumption of various items is several times that of ordinary people.

Even if the physical strength and magic power are outstanding among peers or people who have experienced more years of training, if it is done at a speed that is twice that of ordinary people, If it is consumed, it will be completely unbearable!

So if the output is maintained at a high level, the fighting time is not very long! It is even said that Sven's fighting time may not even be comparable to that of Edith or Alice.

Consumption We can't afford to fight at all, so we can only maintain the current style of quick-attack assassination. After a set of combo skills with the highest output, if the opponent is not dead, then he will definitely be the one who is in trouble.

Then he will definitely be the one. You give me a way~~

On the other hand, it is even more difficult to defeat Sven within this limited time!

Therefore, if you want to continue to become stronger, there are two ways now.

One is to continue to strengthen yourself. , or rely on the power of the demonic core in the abdomen that is stable and motionless at the moment to see if it can break through the shackles of the body, but the method is unclear, so we put it aside for the time being. The second is to use the strongest combat power that can be unleashed in the limited time again Go up a level!

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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