Released Gulu and those little guys from the wrench

"Oh~" As soon as Gulu came out, he looked around curiously. For a Gulu who grew up on an isolated island surrounded by sea, and whose information sources were only Sven's books and pictures, everything here seemed very novel!

And Gulu He also plays ice, and is obviously not afraid of the cold. He is still only wearing Sven's shirt and trousers, and he also wears open-toed sandals on his feet. His ten little toes that are as round as white jade look very cute.

"Sven, is this the human world?"

"Hmm....It seems right?"

Sven scratched his head, not sure. After all, although there were traces of people fishing here, and there were fishing nets drying on one side, the fishing net frame had long ago collapsed, and the nets were tangled together and became a mess..

Everything around seemed to have been abandoned.

A group of people marched from the beach to the land. Nuomi was the first to rush towards a small wooden house on the side that seemed to have not been used for a long time.——


But when it knocked open the ajar door, the large amount of dust raised still caused Nuomi to sneeze one after another.

There seems to be no other valuable traces here except the dust and the messy cobwebs.

"It looked like no one had lived there for a long time."Gulu was lying at the door. Although he was very curious about everything in the room, he still didn't dare to go too far away from Swain.

"Let's walk around a little and take a look. There should be people living here before, but it was just abandoned. There should be traces of people when you get to the main road."Sven took a brief look and then turned and left. He crossed the beach and walked onto a path covered with snow and grass toward the main road.

Gulu nodded obediently and followed him at a trot from behind.

Sven led the team. Gulu was not worried about other issues at all. He looked at the surrounding scenery with curious eyes along the way, with a curious and excited expression on his face. He asked about this and that again, just like a curious baby.

I'm very curious——!

Although Sven answered and explained patiently to her, his expression was a little strange. After all, it was surrounded by large plains, which had been reclaimed into farmland. There were rivers here and it was close to the sea. It was very ideal. Swain could not think of any reason for the people here to abandon this place and move their residence.

The large number of objects left in the countless abandoned houses around and the unfinished harvest of crops in the abandoned farmland seemed to indicate that they did not abandon this place. What you wish for


Soon, Nuomi, who was extremely active, returned from exploring the front. Judging from its tail swaying back and forth, it must have discovered something. It came to Swain as if asking for credit, while Sesame remained quietly at Swain's side. On hand, as if protecting him.

Looking up at the direction indicated by Nuomi, Swain saw Xiaobai hovering nearby. It wasn't too far away, at most it was just over a few hills.

Before Sven could say anything, Gulu impatiently took his arm and walked forward.

"Swain Swain! Let’s go check it out!"

"Well, it just so happened that the wind and snow started to get heavier, so I wanted to see if I could find a place to rest for a while."Sven said dotingly.

"Uh-huh, let's go, go, go!"Gulu seemed very excited, just like a primary school student on the eve of a spring outing, he seemed to be impatient!

"Okay, but don't run so fast. What if you fall again?"Sven looked at her helplessly and reminded.

"Really! I can no longer fall down!"Gulu protested to Sven with a chubby face.

"Yes, yes, our Gulu has grown up, and he can no longer fall on the ground or roll down the hillside~" Swain couldn't help but joked as he looked at her.

"Uh-huh, please stop teasing me."Gulu blushed and touched the corner of her head. The things that happened when she was a child seemed to have become her eternal black history, and now she was tightly grasped by Swain!

In a physical sense, there are still many things in Swain's tablet. There are few photos and videos about the black history of Gulu.

In addition, there are photos and videos of many people, people in Chaldea, people in the human world, and photos and videos of the three sisters and their mother who just separated. Swindu It is well preserved and backed up.

As for whether the information is legitimate or not, only the parties involved know.

As they spoke, they crossed the hills and walked to a small road, and in front of the road was a small village!

Look at that faint There is still a lot of smoke from cooking stoves, but there are still many populated villages!

"Housing is mostly made of wood.....A few have used stones....."

Swain walked on the winding path in the village, looking around at things around him.

But now Gulu has changed from his previous lively and active look. He huddled behind Sven, holding Sven's hand tightly with both hands, looking back and forth, feeling like he was about to burst into tears.

Woo woo woo.....

This is a human village! what to do! what to do!

There won't be any strange monsters appearing!

It seems that being scared to tears by those pirates when he was a child has also become a psychological shadow for Gulu. When it comes to contact with other people, his timid personality is directly revealed.

Typically high-spirited before going on the field, wanting to grab everyone and hurry up now, but when he actually comes on the field, he is also the first to take a break........


Suddenly, Swain stopped and shouted slightly in surprise.

At this time, Gulu, who was already in a state of panic, had a reaction and hugged Sven from behind with both hands, and immediately buried his face in his back. bang——!!

"What? What? Did something appear?!"Gulu was so frightened that he didn't dare to raise his head. He could be a timid person, but Sven had a bitter look on her face at this time, and her body seemed very stiff, because Gulu almost used the horn on her head to kill him just now. His waist was broken.......

How high is the attack power of your horn!

If something shows up next time, I'll just throw you away!

Give the opponent a super headbutt——!

I think the damage is much higher than if I slashed with a sword!

"Gulu."Sven's voice was very soft.


Sven called several more times, but Gollum still didn't dare to let go. He had no choice but to use the Noble Phantasm against Gollum!

Slowly turned around and touched the horns on her head. Sven knew that if she did this, she would soon be comforted.

And sure enough, Gulu soon came to her senses and was not as scared as before, holding both hands Let go, and take two steps back awkwardly

"I'm sorry, I just....."

"It's okay, I'm just a little scared."

Sven said it was all a trivial matter, but he still stroked Gulu's corners to relax him, but his eyes were looking at a building that looked very out of place in the village.

It was a building made entirely of stone bricks. The exquisite building is taller than any other building in the village!

And there are even carvings and other exquisite-looking decorations on it. The remaining window is not an empty iron window or wooden window, but a side-by-side Colored glass!

The most obvious sign of its name is the cross hanging above it! This is obviously a church!

In contrast, the best buildings in the village are just stones made of some stones. Most of the bungalows are just small houses made of wood, and there are still drafts in many places. If you don’t make a fire in this day and age, ordinary people will definitely not survive this winter! Let’s judge! I guess for the people here, it is necessary It took several years or more of frugality to build this thing, right?

But why do you have to reach this point?

Sven held Gulu's hand tightly this time, interlacing their fingers and holding her hand tightly with Gulu. Walking towards the church in front of her.

Gulu looked at the clasped fingers of the two people and was obviously stunned for a moment, but he still followed with a very reassuring smile and a slight blush, and snuggled up to Sven's side. In this way, she It seemed particularly safe.

After pushing open the heavy wooden door, Sesame and Nuomi were the first to enter and after wandering around, they found no trace of anyone.

There were only rows of benches and a huge cross sculpture inside. There is nothing else, not even a clergyman, and there is no air leakage inside. Even if there is no fire, it is very warm. It is a completely different world from the temperature outside!

But those who live outside Why didn't the people in the dilapidated wooden house come in to escape the cold?

After walking around, except for a strange imprint similar to a family crest printed on the bishop's podium in front of him, Swain found nothing and was ready to ask people nearby.

Sven found a house at random. Although she wanted to knock on the door, Gulu pursed her lips and shook her head reluctantly. She was not willing to let go at all. Instead, she held her hand tighter. She had no choice but to use her free hand. My hand went to knock on the door.

Dong Dong -

But as soon as I knocked on the door, the person inside seemed to be frightened.


A very obvious exclamation, even Gulu on one side was frightened, and immediately wanted to dodge, but after looking at Sven standing next to him, he finally endured and did not dodge, but just lowered his head slightly, Li Si Wen is closer again


A man's cautious voice came from the door.

"Sorry to bother you. We are travelers passing by. We lost our way because of the snow, so we want to ask you about things nearby."Sven asked in a very gentle and apologetic tone.

Then he heard a rustling sound inside, and there seemed to be a woman whispering to the man for a long time.

But Swain still heard their conversation. Careless, no matter what happens, you can't open the door. In short, you just want to drive away the stranger outside!

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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