The space inside the carriage is large, but there are not many decorations. It seems that it is not a custom-made product but just purchased somewhere for emergency use. However, the wooden floor inside is covered with thick quilts, and there are A small wooden basin with blood-stained bandages inside.

Only four people, Grandpa Arthur, Gan Yu, Swen and Kallen, entered the car. The rest of the men in black robes remained outside, surrounding the carriage like escorts.

Gan Yu and Grandpa Arthur were at the door of the carriage. Sitting on both sides, Gan Yu hugged Xiaobai and huddled in a corner, not daring to look at Grandpa Arthur who was wearing a beak mask. His face was full of restraint and cowardice. If Swain hadn't been busy, Gan Yu would have At this time, they had already rushed forward and buried their faces, shouting about strange birds and monsters, and then shivering with tears.

Sesame and Nuomi were cleaning their bodies on the snowdrift outside. The purple blood seemed to have no effect on them. What impact does it have, but it’s better to clean it up as soon as possible.

After Grandpa Arthur entered the carriage, he kept staring at Swain. Although he couldn't see clearly, his head kept following Swain. He was obviously monitoring him.

From a certain point of view, Swain appeared. The timing was too coincidental, so Grandpa Arthur felt that he had to pay more attention to these two people!

Kallen has only experienced something like that before. No one knows what Sven is thinking in his heart. If he suddenly does something to Kallen, he must immediately step forward to subdue her......No, just get rid of him directly when necessary!

Swain didn't care at all about the unconcealed, or even sharp, gaze behind him, and he was still preparing to do what he should do.

Kallen walked to the mattress inside, looking a little restrained. At this time, she even felt that compared with her own injury, she should confess to the other party first and then communicate with her.

But I believe that at that time, let alone saving myself, it would be very possible for the other side to pick up the scalpel in the medical box and apply it to my neck or heart. It can even be said that it is a minor injury. Yes.

But if that's the case, I will feel relaxed, because that is the retribution I deserve, and I can be considered responsible for my friends.

".........First lie down and lift up the hem of your clothes to expose the wound on your stomach."Sven said bluntly with a slightly commanding tone, and at the same time put down everything on his waist and back.

"That Swain.........Actually I have something to tell you.........confess......"Kallen pinched the corner of her clothes, looking a little nervous and restrained, completely opposite to the bold and generous feeling when she first jumped out to save her! no!

I must make everything clear first!

Such behavior of deceiving others is absolutely unacceptable to members of the Kaslana family!

But Sven didn't give her a chance at all. He reached out to her forehead without even looking, flicked her forehead before Kallen could react, and then opened his right hand to hold down her forehead. The forehead pressed her head directly onto the pillow. bang——

"It hurts so much~!"

Kallen lay down and touched her forehead. Sven sat on his knees and put the Royal Baicao syrup aside first. Without looking at Kallen's tangled expression at this moment, he grabbed her and pinched the corner of her clothes. Lifting up the hem of her clothes with her hand, she looked at the long and narrow stab wound on her smooth waist and abdomen that looked a bit ferocious.

"that, me, me.........."Kallen was very uncomfortable with Sven's quick movements. Her face turned red and she struggled slightly. She even wanted to sit up and push Sven aside, but as a result, the wound that had finally stopped bleeding began to bleed slightly. split

"Don't move."Sven was not polite at all. He pressed her head and pushed her back onto the pillow. He even quickly took out a syringe without a needle from the medicine box on the side. Everyone present, including Arthur behind him, Before Grandpa could react, he tapped Kallen's slightly exposed collarbone.

Bitter-- the sound of some kind of spray medicine came out, and then Kallen felt that her previously tight body was a little uncontrollable. Relaxed

"Eh......W-what did you do?"Karen asked anxiously, because she felt that the control of her body was slipping away, and her eyes were looking towards Grandpa Arthur, but she found that there was still no movement on the other side at this time, and there was no movement at all. He planned to interfere with Swain's thoughts.

Because his eyes had already seen the words"muscle relaxant" written on the painless syringe in Swain's hand.

"Nothing, just something to calm the patient down so that I can concentrate on the treatment."Sven's technique is very skilled. After all, this thing is either used to deal with restless patients like Kallen so that he can treat her with peace of mind, or it can be used to deal with restless enemies so that he can be killed quietly.

"You should not avoid medical treatment when you are sick. I am a doctor now. You can say whatever you want about the disease. But other than that, whatever you want to say, you can say it after I have completed the treatment. This is my most basic professional ethics."

"this........"Looking at the incomprehensible look, Kallen obviously gave up. She couldn't move anyway, so she could only accept it with peace of mind.


In a place like this, it's really unimaginable. Seriously, you don't listen to others at all.

When Sven saw that Kallen had calmed down, he ignored her.

Since he had taken over this patient, he had to fulfill his duty as a doctor. Don't think about other things. He only focused on treating the person in front of him. important!


Swain carefully and carefully examined Kallen's wound, and the treatment was pretty good, but it was only a first-aid method on the battlefield. In the future, the doctor would still need to carefully treat Kallen's wound again and re-sew the wound.

"This is a stab wound of yours, and it was injured more than ten days ago, but the current healing situation is not easy. Logically speaking, scabs should have started to form a long time ago, but look at it, it is no different from the injury just a few days ago.!"

"And it’s getting more serious. If you don’t do well in a few days, you will develop pus! Your body temperature is not normal either. I touched your head just now and it was at least over 38 degrees. It’s a shame that you still went to save us like this."

"Well........"Karen looked very embarrassed when she heard this. She didn't know for a moment whether Sven was praising her for her good actions in saving people, or criticizing her for not caring about her own safety.

"This could have been a fatal injury!"

"If you don't take a good rest, are you preparing to die?"

Sven frowned. This kind of injury has not yet suppurated or become infected. It should be thanks to Kallen's overly strong body. Otherwise, she would have died countless times!

Kallen's lower abdomen It was very smooth, delicate to the touch, and had well-defined mermaid lines and slight abdominal muscles, which seemed to have been obtained through rigorous training. Some tiny calluses were even found on her hands, and they were concentrated in The tiger's mouth and around the index finger joint, it seems that the weapon she used is not only the big cross

"You should have jumped out to save people like you did before every time when your injuries were not healed, right?"Sven looked at the wound, combined with Kallen's previous performances, and said casually as if he had witnessed the development of everything with his own eyes.

"Uh-huh."Karen smiled bitterly and nodded slightly, but she was also a little surprised. If she hadn't noticed Sven along the way, she would have even doubted whether Sven had followed them quietly. Otherwise, how could he have spoken so carefully? ?

"The wound is now a bit serious. Although the suturing was good at the beginning, compared to this situation, this treatment seems a bit inadequate. After all, because of your random activities, the threads have become loose and the effect has been reduced a lot.."Sven had a serious expression on his face, and he looked very serious.

".........sorry."And Kallen also knew that she was reckless every time and did things without thinking, causing some trouble to the people around her every time. Although Grandpa Arthur who followed her didn't say anything, Kallen also knew it. , how many troubles have you filled in that shouldn’t have happened!

"Don't just apologize. Every time you say the word"sorry", its value will decrease. Rather than a verbal apology, use your actual actions to explain everything."

Sven was preaching, while taking out a lot of strange herbs and reagents from the bag on one side, and started tinkering there. The others looked confused.

But Kallen seemed to have seen something similar. It seems that he is not very surprised, but rather curious.

"you.........Will you use these things?"Her voice was very calm, but Sven could tell that there was a slight hint of disappointment in her tone.

"It’s okay, it’s quite easy once you get used to it."Sven said seemingly casually.

"Is it.........I have a friend who also studies this stuff. His health is not good, so he spends all day working on similar things at home. As a result, he seems a little gloomy for no reason. Like you.......completely different. Kallen recalled the person in her memory, and at the same time kept introducing her former friend to Swain.


But Swain obviously had no intention of listening to Kallen telling a story about a person he didn't know at all. He gave her another dose of anesthetic, and Swain began to help Kallen remove the stitches on the wounds on her waist and abdomen with one hand and then clean them again. After disinfection, sewing began.

It didn't take long to complete the process. Even Grandpa Arthur on the side was a little surprised by the level of medical skills of the young man in front of him.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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