Soon, a guard who was completely different from the guards outside in terms of appearance, sophisticated weapons, and behavior came out from inside the church and brought the three of them into the cathedral.

And Sven is no stranger to this type of people. They must all be noble children from big families who have mixed martial arts or mixed merits and experience.


"The decorations here are so awesome!"

The expressions of the three people are surprisingly consistent, showing the way country people squint at the colorful world after entering the city. They wish they had more heads and more pairs of eyes so that they could record everything inside the church. in mind

"It’s amazing, this place looks even more luxurious than our home!"Gan Yu grabbed Si Wen's sleeve and kept pulling it, with a look of excitement on his face.

".........hehe."The guard who was leading the way walked in front silently, saying every sentence in his mouth, but in his heart he couldn't help but look down upon Sven. As expected, he came from the countryside and had never seen much of the world. This They were so dazzled!

After entering the atrium from the periphery, the group saw that there was a larger building inside, and it was still far away. They needed to walk through a long corridor!

"Ooh~ It’s so big. Sure enough, it’s because there are many noble adults living here, right?"Sven asked seemingly casually.

However, these words made the guard a little alert. His brows furrowed slightly, and the hand holding the spear tightened.

"What do these do, you ask?"

"Haha, of course I want to know who lives here."Sven laughed, rubbed his head as if he didn't notice the suspicious eyes on the other side at all, and replied very straightforwardly.

"After all, he is a doctor, and which of those dignitaries is not very precious about his life?"

"Although money doesn't matter to me, reputation and status are still very important."

"If you please a few adults, won't you have nothing to worry about for the rest of your life?"

Sven said cheerfully, like a countryman without any city government, he preached his ideals to the people around him as soon as he entered the city.

"Huh, you still have some sense."The guard snorted, obviously agreeing with Swain's statement.

"But, this........"The guard hesitated for a while, rubbing the index finger and thumb of his left hand.

"Oh oh oh! Understand! I know!"

Sven was stunned for a moment, then he patted his head and said quickly as if he was annoyed.

"Is this what you're talking about?"

Sven handed a bulging money bag to the person in front of him.

And the person also showed a slightly surprised look. He didn't expect this poor doctor to be so rich?

Although his own family is not that bad, but now You don’t have to pay to stay at home here. With this, you can at least go out and have fun at night.......

But Swain was very sober. On the way here, he went out of his way to find some people who had a lot of money at home and were worried that they wouldn't be able to spend it all. He 'borrowed' some money to help them spend it, and even shared it with them because he was worried that he wouldn't be able to use it. We have saved a lot of civilians in need, otherwise it would be really difficult!

The man coughed twice, looked around, and found that no one was paying attention. So he took the money bag, opened the bag slightly, looked at the golden coins, and rummaged around a little to make sure that all the coins were in the bag. After it was a gold coin, he accepted it.

"Ahem, I'm not the kind of person with a big mouth. I just occasionally see adults walking around."

"That's natural."Sven nodded in agreement.、

"Ah, first of all, the cardinal lives here.........."

On the way to the center of the church, the guard seemed to be talking to himself and underestimating himself. Swain also exclaimed from time to time, which made the man's self-satisfaction continue to rise.

To put it simply, you are so praised that you no longer know who you are........

After walking through the maze-like church corridor and passing an outdoor corridor, Swain saw through the slightly opened window a large maze-like area in the distance, and in the center of the maze was a lonely man. It’s a four-bedroom building with a lot of guards guarding the door.

"There is probably a maze-like garden there, but why would an adult living in the middle of the garden live in a house like that?"Sven asked very puzzledly, his tone gradually revealed doubts and ignorance.

The guard glanced in the direction where Sven was looking, and immediately sneered.

"What kind of residence is that? It's the entrance to an underground prison, and the prisoners who have committed the most heinous crimes are all in there!"

"Hey~ That’s it."Sven nodded in sudden realization, but soon showed very low interest in it, as if he had no interest at all.

When the group came to a huge door, the guards leading the way faced the doorkeepers on both sides. After the guard explained, he saw the guard guarding the door making way.

"Then, I will send it here, and you can go in by yourselves for the rest."The guard had a good attitude and said to Swain,

"Yes, thank you for your hard work."

After Swain waved goodbye to the man, the guard in front of him opened the door.

The first thing that caught Swain's eyes was a magnificent hall shining with golden light!

Eight huge stone pillars stood on the left and right of the hall. On top of it, there are flags embroidered with the same family crest hanging on the stone pillars, and a red carpet embroidered with gold edges extends from the door to the Pope's throne on the platform in the distance.

On both sides of the red carpet, there are figures A burly man wearing a full-coverage silver armor, with a one-handed sword at his waist, a knight's lance and a large shield in his hand, and a bodyguard with a large sword on his back!

"Hey, hey, hey——!!"

Feeling the chilling atmosphere, Gan Yu couldn't help but shrink back, clutching Sven's clothes tightly and not daring to let go. Kiana seemed to be affected too, vividly showing her uneasiness.

But Swain looked at how these guys were dressed, and he just wanted to know, aren't you tired and hot standing here all day long?

It feels like it's very heavy.

Siwen pulled Gan Yu forward, but he still couldn't help but look around, as if he wanted to take note of the entire internal structure of the building.

"Hmm, so big~!"

"Ah, that one is so tall, and that mural is also quite beautiful."

Gan Yu looked at the surrounding scenery and kept sighing in his heart, but opposite Siwen,

"This place is nice......There is no firelight there, and the shadows can hide people"

"That beam is good. If you look at it from the front, you can easily get close to the sky above the archbishop in front."

The focus of the two people's observations are fundamentally different.......

"......But, father, please reconsider......."

As the two of Swain approached, the sound of the Archbishop confronting another blond man in front also became clearer.

"That's enough!"In the bishop's position, a man wearing a gorgeous bishop's uniform, wearing an unusually exaggerated size crown inlaid with dozens of large and small gems, and holding a golden scepter in his hand snapped at the man kneeling in front of him. The person scolded

"This matter is left to Parliament for the final decision!"

"It's useless no matter how much you say here!!"

The archbishop struck the scepter in his hand violently on the marble floor several times, and finally waved and scolded the man away.


The man clenched his fists, raised his head and bit his lip. A trace of blood continued to flow out, dripping onto the red carpet in front of him. With a dizzy expression, he looked like he might step forward to resist the Archbishop's decision at any time, but Unfortunately, the man didn't seem to have the courage. In the end, he could only choose to lower his face covered with shadows, turned around and left here quickly.

In the slightly silent hall, only the thump thump thump of men's leather boots on the red carpet was constantly being recalled, and the gloomy and angry atmosphere surrounding him frightened Gan Yu to the point where he did not dare to raise his head to confront him. See.

When— when the door behind him opened and closed again, only Swain and his party were left walking on the red carpet.

Well, we could finally see who the so-called Archbishop of Destiny was.

".......The next person to meet, come forward."

A cleric on the side closed his eyes slightly, with a speechless expression on his face. His tone was like a clock telling time, or it was calm and calm like a routine, without any emotion at all.

"Yes, it is our honor to be able to visit you this time."Swen stepped forward and bowed politely.

Originally, Gan Yu thought that this should be enough, and he should be able to start a formal conversation, but as a result, Siwen......

"Got summoned today........"

Red tape! An unusually complicated greeting!

Swain said eloquently that he could have a lot of baskets, but he felt that if he changed his mouth, it would be worse, or his tongue would spin easily, and his tongue would become swollen if it slipped away.

Is this, this long?

Uh-huh.......If it were my place, I would definitely bite my tongue.

Gan Yu was very happy. Now, like Kiana, as a follower, she only needs to salute behind Sven and be a transparent person. She doesn't need to worry about the rest.

".......I am Sven Synthesis Shun, and I am also a very strange traveling doctor that the Archbishop has heard of." True to form, Swain used this half-truth.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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