Sven stretched out his hand to take a piece of snowflake. Although he couldn't become invisible, he could still do similar things~

Whoosh whoosh-- a cold wind swept through, and soon heavy snow began to fall, but it was still too much to affect the vision. It was too much, but the person standing near the foreign-style building was not affected at all. He just pulled up his hood, but still stayed in place.

But even this was enough for Sven. With the beak mask and hood on, his vision was already severely blocked.

He found the top of a tree trunk that was relatively close to the central building, changed into a pure white cloak, and then looked at the snow piles that had almost piled up on the ground, and felt that this amount should be enough.

"It shouldn't matter if you use a little magic."

Written the wind rune on the transparent gem in his hand, and then threw it out directly. It fell on the broken snow and spread around without making any sound, and along with the snowflakes in the sky, little by little They were all inconspicuous.

Then he saw the opportunity, and when the patrol turned around, only the men in black robes at fixed positions were present. He suddenly jumped from the tree crown and activated all the gems at the same time.

Buzz -!!

There was no explosion, but at the same time, a wave of waves was formed, sweeping up the snowflakes on the ground and sweeping towards the faces of the black-robed people on the opposite side.


If it were normal, they would definitely pay attention. It seemed like the snow was blowing on their faces as if they had eyes, but with limited vision and only a limited angle of view in front of them, no one noticed anything unusual.

"What is this!"

A man in black robes cursed while wiping off the snowflakes on his goggles, and at the same time couldn't help but shudder.

"Damn it, this gust of wind is too strong!"

"Huhu, it's quite cold, wuwu, it's really cold."

The people around kept complaining, but no one noticed that someone just ran past them quietly.

"Hello! What's wrong!"

The patrol team in the distance noticed something strange here and just ran over.

"No, nothing."A foreman in black robes looked at the surrounding ground and was very sure that there were no other footprints except their own, so he replied:"It's just that the wind was a little strong just now, and the rolled up snow blocked the view."

"Is it.....That's good"

"Damn it, this damn weather, it's snowing when it says it's going to snow, even though it was sunny just now"

"Who says it's not?........"

While the people outside were complaining, Swain had already taken advantage of the commotion to pass through their defenses and enter the foreign-style building through the chimney.

Arriving on the first floor, Swain carefully explored before getting out of the chimney.

Judging from the decoration here, this should beThe Archbishop's residence has been visited. Just looking at the wood piled up on the side of the fireplace and other traces indicate that no one has been here for a long time. It seems that even the people who clean the house are restricted from entering.

Wandering around, Swain easily found the study room on the first floor without any traps, which saved Swain a lot of effort.

Then as soon as he entered, Swain saw a very eye-catching huge world map hanging on one wall of the study. It also had very detailed annotations. The distribution of forces and the terrain were very detailed, so it occupied an entire wall. wall

"Ouch~Have you explored the world like this?"

Sven came closer and looked at the incomplete version of the world map that he had become accustomed to.


The European part looks normal, but the further east you go, the worse it gets.

"What's this?"

But soon Swain was attracted by a straight dividing line extending from north to south on the Pacific Ocean in the middle of the map.

The dividing line was unusually straight from north to south, and its span was astonishing, just like in the Pacific Ocean The west coast of the United States is cut into a piece, but there are a few places in the middle that seem to be damaged, which makes the dividing line a lot separated. This dividing line is man-made at first glance, because it is obviously not naturally formed, but it is said that it is not naturally formed. Yes, who can do this?

Further to the east, there is nothing on another continent, yes, nothing.

Terrain, geography, all the information is empty, and some only represent the color. The ground was a large area of ​​fiery red, just like the fiery red of the blazing flames.

It was full of an atmosphere of destruction and rage.

"It seems that this era is not a normal historical development.......No, who knows where this is? Maybe the history here is like this?"

Sven shook his head, but still started to explore the study with doubts.

Originally, this information should be difficult to find, but unexpectedly he found the record very easily, with only a few sentences.

"The eternal city wall at the end of the world and the eternally burning red lotus land?"

"City wall? The land of red lotus? Who named this?"

"Let’s not talk about the red lotus land. Who would build a city wall on the Pacific Ocean?"

"And who can build this thing?"

"I remember it should be the medieval period of 1477 AD! millennium? Built in BC? impossible!"

"The history of the world has never written anything about this, right?"

Is it a product of the Age of Gods?

"Well......If I had known, Matthew would have listened a little when I was explaining history to him."Sven scratched his head in distress.

It couldn't be another special point.......

Sven Cancan thought, but he noticed the place name marked on the map to the west of the city wall - Shinano

"......Really, that girl can't even lie."Sven glanced at the place name, and then turned his attention to the city wall and the red earth.

"......Immortal walls and flaming earth........."

Sven's eyes narrowed slightly, and everything in front of him began to become unreal.


".......Wait, calm down, I have always been on the side of mankind, everything I have done is for........"Seeing a researcher in a white coat holding a pistol in his hand, Swain stretched out his right hand to try to calm him down and stop shooting.


Lowering his head slightly, Swain looked at his body with his peripheral vision. His left hand was tightly covering his abdomen, but the dark red blood still couldn't stop flowing out from between his fingers. It followed his white coat that had been dyed red and finally fell down. On the metal floor.

Apparently he had been shot!

Swain's eyes were a little dizzy, he took two steps back, and then leaned against the wall of a mechanical corridor that looked like a three-way intersection.

"Shut up!!"

"If you're really on our side, why don't you take that stuff out?"The researcher was very excited, and the hands holding the pistol were trembling uncontrollably, and it might go off at any time. At the same time, some people came closer in the three surrounding corridors, but they were not researchers in white coats. Instead, they were combatants wearing uniform exoskeleton armor and carrying various weapons.

They walked behind the researcher and did not do anything to him. Instead, they trapped Swain in the middle.

One Everyone wears VR-like tactical helmets on their faces, and their mouths also carry portable oxygen. The protection is very tight, and almost no part of their bodies is exposed.

"They're all in the same group........"

Sven wanted to get up, but this body was no longer weak against the wind. It was the kind that could easily fall down without being blown by the wind!

"......It's a pity that we thought you were a good man and a genius who could save us all."

A combatant came out as a representative, lifted up his tactical helmet, and came to Swain.

He had a typical European face, and he looked very young, maybe only in his twenties. , but his eyes were lifeless, like an old man who has seen through life, dying and lifeless.

Sven gritted his teeth, protruded a mouthful of bloody saliva, and said with difficulty:"I am a good person, I It's always been the case, and I've always been ready to save you.......Well!!"

However, before Swain could finish his words, he waved his mechanical arm and punched him in the chest with an angry look on his face.


Sven was leaning against the wall and could still stand, but this time he curled up on the ground in pain and couldn't move at all. Beads of sweat could not stop falling from his forehead.

"Shut up!"

"You traitor to humanity!!"

"You obviously, you obviously have so many advanced and effective powerful weapons that you can use, so why don't you officially distribute them!"

"In this case.....In this case, we will have stronger power to fiancée.....She, she is........Woo woo woo.......Uh-huh! It's all because of you!"

Halfway through the words, the person in front of him had his eyes red and started to cry continuously, but soon the sad feelings were transformed into anger and vented on Sven.

Buzz -

He controlled the mechanical arm. Grasping towards Swain, the huge mechanical palm easily pinched Swain's head, and then lifted it up little by little, relying only on his neck to support the weight of his whole body. This was obvious to Swain, who was just an ordinary scientist. It's a huge burden, not to mention he's still injured!

"If, if you hadn't been unwilling to disclose all your research for your own benefit, we might not have had to make this big sacrifice, and we might have won the victory long ago!!"

"it's all your fault——!!"

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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