Glancing at Sven, Gan Yu slowly turned around

"Myself........Do you want to eat meals for three people now?........."

Gan Yu looked stiffly at the lunch that was nominally prepared for her and Miss Kiana on the side table.

But in fact, apart from Gan Yu's own share, she had only moved half of Qiana's share, and it would be too much for her to eat any more.

But just now she learned the news that made her even more panicked. Sven's share might also have to be eliminated by her.

Looking at it this way, it was enough for three people, but.........Sven only has enough food for three people, you bastard!!

"This amount......How can I eat it?!"Gan Yu sat at the table, crying loudly and stuffing food into his mouth. It looked like he had eaten three big bowls with tears in his eyes..........

Okay, let’s talk about what Swain asked us to do later, let’s do the food first!

Maybe you just remembered it after eating?

And shouldn't the first thing you should worry about at this time be how you can disguise yourself as three people?

Why start worrying about not being able to eat in the first place?

Aren't there two and a half fresh troops next to him?

Are you afraid of a ghost?


"......Attend class"

"Yes, stand up.....salute......Take a seat"

"Well, open page 72 of the textbook, okay, kids, our teaching progress is already about 20% slower than other classes, we have to speed up the teaching progress a little!"........

".......Do you understand?"

"As long as you plug in the formula like this, you can easily draw the conclusion"

"Next time you take the exam, be careful not to use the wrong formula here!"

In a bright classroom, a middle-aged math teacher with a Mediterranean hairstyle wearing a plaid shirt was explaining a simple set of equations on the podium. He pushed up his glasses, glanced at the textbook in his hand, and then started writing on the blackboard. Write and draw

"Remember, this place is 萠葚, and this place is danzhente. 萠葑 is equal to 萠葚谚真特. This is the basic formula of trigonometric functions........."

If you hadn't looked at the symbols like tan, sin, and cos written on the blackboard, who would have heard what the teacher said? And what kind of thing is that? Zhente has absolutely no idea what it is........

Where did this mess of teachers come from?

This accent, believe it or not, we went up to cut him off?

Swain is sitting in the last row of this classroom, his eyes are dull, and his soul is obviously in a state of wandering around the world. If he is a good student, the teacher will usually remind him a little and cough twice. If he is an average student, he will usually be called up to answer. question.

As for the last row where Swain is, generally speaking, the students who can be in this position are probably the ones who have been given up. Didn't you notice that the teacher's attention and eyes were concentrated on the front and middle rows in class?

So the question of whether to wander or not is no longer a big deal. Anyway, looking at the teacher above, he no longer has any interest in Swain. He is just in a free-range state. As long as you don't interfere with the order of the class, I will do whatever you want!

The seat to the left of Swain is by the window. The cool spring breeze in spring, accompanied by the fragrance of flowers and the voice of the teacher lecturing above, make people feel drowsy, so Siwen Wen listened to the boring lesson in front of him with dull eyes from beginning to end, feeling that he might climb down at any time and sleep until school was over.

A gust of spring breeze blew outside the window, and the white gauze curtains fluttered slightly, bringing in a few pink cherry blossom petals. The birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant outside the window

, and it was a scene full of spring. The curtains passed in front of the eyes, temporarily blocking the line of sight, and when it resumed When he fell, the previous middle-aged Mediterranean mathematics teacher suddenly transformed into a middle-aged female teacher with disheveled hair who was pointing at the hand-drawn map on the blackboard in front of her and began to explain the climate of the world.

"This place is followed by a subtropical monsoon climate. We can know it by looking at its annual precipitation table and temperature chart........"

"Why do we need to focus on describing the rainy weather here? Because it can highlight the sad atmosphere and render colors to make it more vivid........"

"The flow path of current is very simple. We go wherever there is a connection. Let's look at this set of circuit diagrams. The resistance here is........."

"The Anglo-French War was also called the Hundred Years' War, but they did not fight continuously for a hundred years. There were periodic truces. At that time, the people of the two countries even conducted business activities.........."

"Remember, this phenomenon is the oxidation reaction of metal. Let’s take a look at the valence of this part and then balance it........"

The teachers standing on the podium changed one after another, and the courses of Chinese, Mathematics, English, History, Geology, Biology, Physics and Chemistry changed one after another. The scenery outside the window also changed from the dim and bright morning class at the beginning to the sunny lunch time at noon. , and the last moment after school when the sun sets.

The teachers here are of very high standard and the courses they teach are easy to understand. It seems like this is a key high school.

But if possible, Swain still wants to meet the physical education teacher who has been on sick leave except for the opening ceremony. Curious about which university he came from and who has been on sick leave all year round, but the principal hasn't fired him yet?

I think this person either has a very high degree of education, a very good relationship, or a very strong fist..........

Swain had been sitting in his seat dully listening to the lectures. He didn't even know whether he had eaten lunch or not, and he sat like this from morning until the end of school.

Ding dong——

"Okay, that’s it for today. Be careful when you go back. Don’t stay out too late and be asked to talk to the life guidance teacher."

As the bell rang for the end of class, the class teacher on the podium sorted out the roster in his hand and ended the day's class. He casually gave a few instructions and then carefully left the classroom.

As the teacher left, The students who had already been unable to restrain themselves from going out to have fun after school during the class meeting suddenly became noisy.

"good! School is finally over!"

"Walk! Let's go to the game arcade, I will update the highest record today!"

"Hey, where are we going to play today?"

"Sorry, I have a club today and the competition time is coming soon"

"Ah, how about we go to karaoke? I heard that a new store opened in front of the station, and their cakes are delicious!"

"Ah~ I’ve heard about that place too, and I’ve wanted to go there for a long time!"

"Well......Today I am a daily duty student"

"Hum hum, what a coincidence, me too........"

Small groups of twos and threes began to appear in the class and began to discuss where to go after school today. Everyone's face was filled with a very happy and relaxed smile, except for the daily students.........

What was surprising during this period was that not many people came to talk to Swain. At most, the people sitting around glanced at him and made some eye contact, or glances that couldn't even be called communication.

Do you always feel like you are disliked by most people in the class?

When Swain came to his senses, he found that there was no one in the dim classroom. Both the students who were discussing where to go and the daily students who stayed behind had disappeared.

The classroom was so quiet that one could only hear the shouts and shouts of people from the sports club who were still carrying out activities on the playground outside the window.


"Ah? Where is this place?"

Sven suddenly came back to his senses and blinked in confusion. He was very confused when he saw the scene in front of him that could not be said to be strange but definitely unfamiliar.

He looked down at the manuscript paper in front of him and the writing in his right hand. Pen, am I studying?

And both hands are there.


The left hand is back?

But the thumb on the right hand is gone?

There are a lot of physical formulas densely written on the desktop manuscript paper, as well as some sketches of charts and a strange equipment. The draft diagram is obviously not the class notes for today’s class!

After looking at the textbook on the next side, I found that it was not a high school textbook at all, but a book about solar energy applications.

Even the book is not a textbook!!

By the way! Why didn’t I even open my schoolbag today?

I don’t know what these things are written by myself. They don’t look like things that ordinary high school students should know. As for why I know that I am a high school student, then It's entirely because I'm wearing a small suit, a white shirt, a black jacket, and a tie, and there's something embroidered on the chest that says

"Qianyu Academy......Department of Higher Education?"

Sven tugged on his clothes and twisted his neck to see clearly what was written on his chest.

While Swain was pulling on his clothes, the manuscript paper in front of him was already covered by a white and tender hand stretched out from the side. She took it with her delicate hands

"What are you looking at? Have you made any progress today?"The voice of the owner of that delicate hand was gentle, as gentle as the soft cherry blossom petals outside the window that would fall at any time.

"Didn’t you say that you should rely on solar energy to extend the use time of the device? How feasible is the plan? After realizing it ,

Swain turned his head to look at the side by the window, only to find a man with black round-rimmed glasses, long hair hanging down like a violet waterfall, a pretty face, and fair and smooth skin, like a cyan purple gem. The girl’s eyes are full of seriousness,

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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