The two people sometimes talked about their own opinions and completed each other's research at the same time. At the same time, the pen in their hands hardly stopped. What was originally a brand-new manuscript paper turned into a new one in just a few hours. Densely packed research information.

But in the end, they all ended up in the trash can............

"Hey, today is another day full of abandoned cases........."The girl lay on the table looking very frustrated.

Swain was in a similar state, but he still patted her head and comforted her:"Well, this is what researchers do. We sum up experience from countless failures and mistakes, and then arrive at the only correct solution. Isn't that what we do? A job?"

"You are so kind, you are always so optimistic. I don’t think you have ever been pessimistic since I met you until now."

"Um? How not? Yes!"Sven was not happy when he heard this.

"when? Why haven't I seen it?"The girl was stunned.

"Of course, when I go to check out with the meal bill, I feel very pessimistic every time I see this sky-high bill!"Sven laughed, took the bill on one side and stood up directly.

"You guy!"The girl was not happy when she heard this and wanted to kick Swain under the table, but he dodged it in advance.

"Haha, didn’t kick it~~"Sven stuck out her tongue.

"I'm going to check out first. You pack your things. It's time to send you back."

"Well, I get it......."The girl relaxed and felt weak for a while, but she was helpless towards Sven.

Swain paid the money, came back to pack his things, and left with the girl.

At this point, today’s social activities are over. in front of the station

"Are you okay? How about I take you back to the door and talk about it?"Sven looked at the time. It was nine o'clock in the evening. It was a bit subtle, so he asked the girl uneasily.

"It's okay, I've sent text messages to my father, and he will drive and wait for me at the station exit."The girl shook her head and said not to worry.

"Um? Has your family finally bought a car?"Sven was stunned.

"Hey, isn’t this all thanks to someone’s meddling?"

"My father and mother have been talking about you all day long, and I'm almost tired of hearing it."The girl felt powerless for a while

"Huh? Is this my fault! ?"Sven pointed at himself in astonishment.

"What else?"The girl raised her eyebrows and looked very unhappy.

"My mother told me before that she wanted you to sit at home more often."

"Didn’t I just go there last week?"Sven said with a bitter smile.

"Then I'll go there again this weekend?"

"No need, I showed them your company's advertisement and said you were busy and they let you go~" The girl stuck out her tongue.

"It seems like your advertising campaign has some use, at least as an excuse."

"No, I think the original purpose of advertising should not be here........"

"But as long as everything is fine at home, remember to say hello to my uncle and aunt for me."Sven nodded.

"Okay, then see you tomorrow~" The girl pushed her round eyes on the straight bridge of her nose, folded her hands in front of her, and left with a very thoughtful etiquette.

"Well, see you tomorrow."Sven also smiled and nodded, and then watched the girl enter the tram station, and then he turned and left.



"Where is this place?"

After he became a person again, Swain looked around confusedly. Although he knew what everything around him was, the tall buildings and the busy traffic were all in Chaldea's information. He had seen similar records in his life.

But he had no impression of such a lively town.

"Speaking of which, am I dreaming now?"

"But is this too real?"

"Or is this a daydream, or something like a lucid dream?"

Amidst the strange looks cast by passers-by around him, Swain pinched his face very hard on the roadside.

There were even a few people who were worried that the child was too stressed and were preparing to call the police or a mental hospital..............Well, I didn’t wake up, and it hurt so much!

With a half-red face, Swain walked to the door of the patrol box on one side. There was a map of the area and a tram route map covering a wide area. Even the next city was marked, so that he could at least be sure where he was. Where.

After declining the help of the enthusiastic policeman, Swain began to memorize the nearby map, but found that he didn't seem to need it. He just looked at it and he completely remembered it, or in other words, he remembered it.

"Hmm, although I don’t know the name of the place, I remember this place seems to be......."

Swain looked at an area on the map and thought it looked familiar.

Putting aside his doubts, Swain turned back to the road and hailed a taxi. After telling the driver his destination, he set off.

The destination is not very far, but it took almost half an hour to take a taxi because most of the time was stuck on the road...... no! Did all these people get home from get off work at this hour?

Along the way, Swain looked at the increasingly familiar streets and had some thoughts in his mind.

After arriving at a bustling commercial street and paying the driver an absurdly high taxi fare of several hundred yuan, Swain arrived at a place he was truly familiar with.

This is near the junction of the commercial street and the residential street. There are many people in the commercial street at this point. Not everyone goes home directly after work.

Many people choose to gather together in the izakaya before going home. Order some side dishes and some draft beer, take a rest for a while, then go out and turn right to another restaurant........

The surroundings seemed very noisy, and you could see a lot of customers in any store. The aroma of various foods filled the air, and Swain even felt that he could continue to eat more.

Sure enough, those things in star-rated hotels are all deceiving foreigners, and the real delicacies are all in such small alleys?

After getting rid of the temptation of these ubiquitous aromas, Sven swallowed dryly. The target was obviously not here, and he struggled to squeeze into the crowd of people who were drinking and smelling of alcohol.


However, this feeling of crowding caused many people who drank too much to go straight to the underground sewers in alleys on the roadside and vomited because their stomachs could not bear the squeeze.

"Uh-huh........Since you can't drink that much, why should you suffer this?"

Sven is not against drinking, but you should at least understand yourself! It's too unrestrained to drink like this.

Among the crowd, Swain's current high school student's body shape is still different from that of these adults. There was a gap, so he could only put his feet up and try to stand tall and look forward to make sure that he was not going in the wrong direction.

Bang - but suddenly Swain felt that he had hit something. When he looked down, he found that it was a little girl with gray hair. , the leather schoolbag he was carrying seemed to hit her head, making her look like she was about to fall.

If she fell in this crowded crowd, there would inevitably be a stampede, so Swain hurriedly reached out and caught her. The hands of this shaky little girl


But Swain felt something was wrong as soon as he took action.

When the little girl opposite found that she was suddenly caught, her first reaction was to break away quickly, and Swain noticed that there was a faint panic in her eyes. Originally, The little hands that were still warm began to quickly become stiff and cold.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault that I didn't look at the road well and I seemed to have bumped into you."

When the girl opened her mouth slightly to say something, Swain asked with concern first.


"ah......No, it's okay."

The girl relaxed a little after hearing this, and slowly stood up straight, but she lowered her head unconsciously, and pulled the hood of the slightly larger coat she was wearing to cover her face. The rest of the people could see clearly.

Swain took this opportunity to quickly observe the little girl in front of him.

She was wearing a large black coat. Her expression could not be clearly seen and only half of her mouth could be seen. She was wearing a pair of jeans that looked like tatters..

Although Swain knows that some people like to wear this style of clothes, it is obvious that the piece on her body is not artificially processed, but is worn naturally over a long period of time. The clothes should belong to others, why are the pants like this? Why don't you buy her a new one?

"If there's nothing else, I'll leave."

The girl obviously didn't want to have any further interaction with Swain. After whispering something, she bowed down and got into the crowd without caring about Swain's reaction. She disappeared completely in the blink of an eye.


"Running very fast"

"Even if something really happens to me, I can't stop you."

"Although it's not impossible to let you go like this, but at least leave me the money to take the car back, right?"Sven pursed his lips, shook his head and chuckled.

He squeezed into the crowd slowly and walked towards a certain direction............


The girl who escaped from Sven's sight passed through the crowd and went directly into a very hidden alley on the side. As if she was worried that someone would catch up behind her, she ran for a few more minutes until she completely left the store. In the area of ​​​​the street, she finally stopped and took a few breaths when she reached the residential area.

Leaning on the wall outside a certain house, the girl opened her hood, revealing her long gray hair, covering her chest and breathing It was very violent. I don’t know whether it was because she was running too fast or because she was holding a wallet that did not belong to her, which caused her heartbeat to speed up inexplicably.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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