The girl tried to recall the scene she had seen in the movie, where people grabbed their arms and seemed to be cured by gently pulling and pressing.

She also wanted to learn to do that, but it turned out that she was indeed If you move your arm even a little bit, you will feel a sharp pain.

"Movie or something....It's all rubbish and deceptive!"

"Looks like I need to go to the hospital.......whispering sound!"

In the past, whenever she was sick, someone would take her to the hospital, but now, if she had money, why would she steal Swain's wallet?

She walked through the residential area towards the bridge embankment. It was getting late. There were no more people to be seen around, and the vehicles on the road had changed from busy to sparse.

The city was about to enter sleep at night.

She looked left and right, and then swayed away from the bridge. He walked swaying, and then stopped near the mouth of a huge drainage pipe.

Crash - a large drainage pipe with a diameter of about two meters kept flowing out sewage that still carried a slight odor. It seemed that the sewage had only passed through The initial treatment was discharged into the river.

She stood at the drainage outlet, looked around and double-checked that there was no one else, then carefully climbed down the river embankment and entered the drainage pipe.

Tick- tock- —The water level here is not deep, but the deeper you go in, the more unbearable the smell becomes!

A little girl of her age will usually avoid such places 100% of the time, but she seems to be used to it.

Limp I turned away from the sewage and walked to the depths of the pipe. There was an uninhabited platform here, and on one side was the drainage channel. It didn't look like a suitable place to live.

But at the moment there were several erected It was suggested that there were tents and a few yellowed and black mattresses, which were now crowded with children younger than girls. There were about seven or eight people.

She stood at the corner and peeked out a little. Taking a look at the situation inside, most of the people were already asleep, but there were still two or three older children lighting candles. Their little heads were shaking and looked like they would fall asleep at any time. She knew that they were worried. Something happened to her, so she was waiting for her.

She retracted her head. The girl looked at her current appearance. It was completely different from her previous petty fights. This could never be hidden.

"What should I do........"

The girl leaned against the wall and slowly sat down. She felt that she couldn't hold it any longer. Whether it was taking care of these people who were smaller than herself or her own physical condition, she couldn't hold it any longer.

"That's right, why not go home?"Sven squatted next to the girl, holding his face and looking at her with boredom.

"ah! ?!"

The girl suddenly raised her head and met Sven's eyes. She wanted to get up immediately, but found that she was unable to move, so she turned around and wanted to wake up the others.

"Everyone, hurry up......Eh?"

However, she found that all those people were asleep at the moment, even though they were all awake just now!

She came back to her senses and turned to look at the high school boy in front of her.

"what have you done!"She pretended to be fierce and asked sternly.

"It's okay, it's already past nine o'clock in the evening, and the good boy should go back to the house and go to bed."

Sven said, putting down the schoolbag in his hand, and after rummaging around inside, he found a small tool bag, which is worthy of my name........

I take this thing with me to school.

There was a small flashlight inside. Sven picked it up and looked for something he could use. He was going to conduct an early inspection of the girl's injuries.

The girl looked at Sven's side face and wanted to get up quietly. She hid a knife in a tent on one side. It was originally for them to use for self-defense, but now they need to rely on themselves.


But now she not only felt pain all over her body, but also felt dizzy in her head, and her nose was itchy. She wiped it and then a bright red color appeared in her field of vision.

She was only slightly surprised, but it was just a nosebleed, not What a big deal.

But then the ringing in the ears, dizziness, and the feeling of nausea and vomiting kept coming.

Then she finally couldn't help it, and subconsciously covered her mouth with her left hand, but she still spit out a pool of slightly black blood


The girl looked at the blood on her hands and body, as if she was frightened.

She didn't feel anything just now, but now the fear of death was constantly eroding her heart.

She never thought that she was so close to death.

" don't want to die........Uh-huh....I, I don’t want to die yet........"

Her spirit began to become unstable, and she shook her head gently back and forth, as if she could not accept all this at all.

" the end.....did something wrong........"

She wanted to stand up, and her inner instinct led her to find a solution to her current problems. Hallucinations even began to appear in front of her eyes. Bits and pieces of her previous life were constantly emerging, which was a revolving door.

There is also a saying that the revolving door is a creature that subconsciously and quickly scans all the memories in this life in order to avoid the bad situation that is about to occur, just to find a solution.

"Don't move!"

Sven turned around, frowning, covering her eyes with his left hand to calm her down, and dialing the ambulance with his right hand. With the equipment in his hand, it was obvious that Sven could not save her!

"clam down!"

"It's okay, it's not a big problem, and you won't die here."

Although she can pretend to be an adult, she is still a child inside.

We must first try to comfort her.

"Don't worry, I am a doctor and I will do my best to save you. You will be fine!"

"As long as you can calm down, you will definitely be saved!"

Sven heard that the call had been connected, but she continued to comfort the girl in front of her.

Perhaps because her eyes were covered, all her attention was focused on the other senses. She heard Swain's words very clearly..So I calmed down.

"Really, really?......Can I still be saved?"

The girl gradually calmed down, and Swain was also whispering the address here on the phone.

"Well, no problem. As long as you cooperate with me safely, I will give you a checkup first........Hey, wake up, don't fall asleep!"

"Hello! Hello!! hateful........."


".....Location is......bridge.....Yes, just park there......."

".......There is congestion under the eyes,......Bleeding, side rib fracture........"

".......stretcher.......emergency room ready......."

The girl's consciousness gradually faded away, and she only heard these hazy conversations in the final stage.

Then there is the huge operating lamp hanging in front of you and a group of doctors wearing light green surgical suits surrounding it, as well as the unusually pungent smell of disinfectant and the ticking sound of an electrocardiogram............

In a pure white ward, Sven sat beside the bed, holding a book in his hand. He glanced at the little girl lying on the bed. Her whole body was covered with gauze and bandages, even her face. Not much was exposed

"......Five fractures all over the body, bleeding in the spleen and kidneys, bone fractures and dislocations.......It's a shame that you can still carry my wallet to the patrol box."

"Although a lot of it is due to being in a state of excitement or due to adrenaline."

Sven felt that it was a bit cheap to just ask those guys for an arm each last night.

Of course, if the little girl threw away Swain's wallet without saying a word last night, Swain might still save her, but I would never care about it after that, let alone still sitting here at noon the next day.

Looking at the wallet on the table aside, Swain opened it and took out the student ID card inside.

【Qianyu Academy Advanced Department-Second Grade Class A-Wing】

"........"After looking at the ID photo posted above, Swain felt that no photo could be uglier than the ID photo.

Ding dong——

The mobile phone beeped and the screen lit up.

"Are you going to have a rest today?"

"are you sick?"

"Are you still at home? Do you need me to visit?"

Sven picked up the phone and clicked on the profile picture of a purple cat. There were three messages at once.

Swain glanced at the note - Mei.

To be honest, if he only knew the name, he would have no idea who was on the other side. No account.

Clicked on her avatar, entered the personal interface, and found that her interface seemed to be visible to only some people.

But how did I see her backstage?

Swain asked with a puzzled look on his face. After a while, it turned out that the mobile phone she used seemed to be a special model made by herself.

After all, the first update in her personal space said,

【The old phone finally broke, but luckily Wing helped me make a new one. 】

There is another photo below, the date is still a year ago.

Swain flipped through it and soon discovered that the person named Mei was the one who went to the library and had dinner with him yesterday.

After all, every one of her posts has photos of herself and her, some are group photos, and very few are alone.

She even recorded the photos of last night's meal, saying they were photos of food, but it turned out that the food only took up 10% of the shot, and the rest was all about Swain.

Rolling his eyes, Swain continued to look down, and found that he seemed to spend a lot of time with her. At the beginning, she might post one or two posts a week, but then it became three or four times a week, and recently The ground is basically one per day.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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