Not only did this not make the other party calm down, but it actually made it even more serious.

"By the way, how about we go shopping tomorrow?"Mei was very satisfied with Sven's performance today.

Normally, this guy is a complete idiot. Although he still speaks very funny, she never takes the initiative to praise herself.

Every time she changes her clothes, or I have a new hairstyle, nails, perfume or shampoo, etc., and I have to remind him before he makes any move, but the way he looks at me is that of a gentleman to the extreme, who just quits when he gets it..Although this makes his character more upright and upright, it actually makes him a little afraid to approach the other person.

Because the eyes that seem to treat all living beings equally are not as if they are, but are completely saints! They always make people not to approach them at will. , the feeling of not being able to be contacted casually.

Therefore, he may like it more when he takes the initiative to praise himself and takes the initiative.

He may not know that when he was attracted to the servant before, his eyes were straight, otherwise I wouldn’t Will I go change my clothes?.......

Although Swain's previous behavior was misunderstood, fortunately it was harmless

"Okay, go ahead if you want to."Sven smiled lightly and agreed directly.

Seeing that Sven had really made a change, Mei was really happy.

After all, in the past, in addition to being a noble and upright person, he was also the incarnation of rules. This is obviously because If you do things like being lazy and skipping class due to your own selfish desires, he will definitely refuse to accept it!

Although it cannot be said to be harsh, he will still calm down and talk to you very patiently, saying that this is not okay, if everything If everyone in the world is like this, the world will not progress or anything like that........

"Great~" Mei looked at her watch

"How about I come see you tomorrow morning? I'll go home first tonight"

"No, I'd better go find someone to pick you up. I'll feel relieved."

"Um."Seeing Siwen like this, Mei also smiled and agreed.......

"Remember, send Mei to the door of your house, watch her go in and then come back."Sven stood at the door of the mansion and ordered the driver.

"OK sir."

Waving to Mei who was sitting in the car, Swain watched the car lights disappearing and left the door of his house.

Putting down his hand, Swain took a long breath, as if the matter he had been worried about was finally solved.

Behind him The head maid looked at Sven's back, she smiled at first, then stepped forward very considerately, and asked slightly worriedly:"Sir, you look very tired?"

"Are you okay?"

"Need a massage to relax tonight?"

Sven turned his head and glanced at the head maid beside him. He didn't even notice when she came over. He originally wanted to see her face, but suddenly it seemed as if he couldn't control his sight, and it was covered by snowy white. Blinded......

It is slightly thick but not pungent or annoying. Instead, there is a perfume-like smell that makes people want to get addicted to it.

This smell again, this dizzying feeling again! no!

It really doesn’t work now!

My intuition kept calling the police, and I felt like I was being watched closely by enemies from all directions!

You have to get away from the crowd!

The head maid had long silvery-white hair that looked like silk, and her mellow red pupils were full of worry, which reflected Sven's own slightly panicked expression. She slowly leaned closer to him, causing the surrounding fragrance to change. The smell became stronger and stronger.

Before, he could only smell the smell of the other person, but now Swain even felt that the whole room was filled with this dangerous smell!

"Sir, are you really okay?"

"Or if you have any worries, please feel free to talk to me. Don’t worry, I will prepare snacks and tea and discuss with you all night until dawn tonight."

The words on the other side seemed to be full of magic. Sven just felt that his head was dizzy and his consciousness began to become unclear. The scene in front of him began to become blurry. In his field of vision, only the slightly opened lips of the opposite side became clearer and clearer. Every move They could all be seen clearly.

Sven slowly opened his mouth, as if he was out of control, or as if his reason was constantly fighting against his own nature or the nature of creatures.


"oh~?"Seeing Swain like this from the other side, the corners of his mouth slowly raised, and he got closer to Swain.

As long as this guy relaxes his mind a little, I can easily invade through the crack, and through slow erosion, I can completely and easily obtain this body with great fighting potential!

"What did you say?"

"Can it be louder?"

And the rest of the people around him slowly came closer. They held hands, as if they were slowly turning into a big black net, completely surrounding Sven in the middle.



Seeing that Sven was about to agree, Sven's expression changed, and his dazed eyes became clear again, but on the contrary, his expression began to become ferocious, as if he was struggling in pain! The head maid frowned, He looked at Swain in disbelief, as if he didn't expect that this guy could get out of the way by relying on his own willpower after being hinted at by him?

How is it possible!

He spent a whole day using perfume as a medium to hide from the other side. She unconsciously gave him a thorough suggestion or hypnosis!

To be honest, she used poison and charm at the same time!

What kind of willpower is this!

But what she didn't know was that Swain was very poisonous. Resistance, and the almost absolute charm resistance obtained through the God of Love!

Otherwise, ordinary people may not be able to hold on for even half a day and surrender.


Swain forcefully raised his numb arm, and pinched his leg without any trace, with the kind of force that could choke blood!

This time my head finally became a little clearer.

"No, no need!"

"let....I......Just be alone!"

Sven squeezed out these words from his mouth, turned around suddenly and looked at the maids around him who looked troubled, waved his hands and shouted to everyone around him:

"Just stay here tonight. Everyone can go wash up and rest."

"Forehead.......Okay, okay?"

The rest of the people seemed very surprised, but they still agreed with a confused look.

Without stopping too much, Swain walked through the crowd and returned to the house and quickly walked up the stairs, preparing to find a place where no one was around to stay.

".......Tsk tsk."

The head maid looked at Sven who slipped away again, and looked at her hands in disbelief.

"Eh......Really, this trick should be very useful to deal with such a pure-hearted little guy."

"Is it really the wrong choice?"

"I didn’t expect that it would be affected in turn by the other side."

The head maid touched her head. She had many opportunities to take action in the afternoon to get even more angry!

But for some reason, he actually started playing with her when she was with the other party?

She also seemed to think that she really I took on the role of Mei so much that I had a lot of fun all afternoon, but in the end I almost forgot my true purpose?

Was it me giving the hint to the opponent or the other person giving me the hint?

"Well, this little girl named Mei is not familiar to him, so maybe she has some immunity."

"This incarnation should be no longer useful."

She lowered her head and looked at her left hand and rubbed it. After all, holding Sven's hand for an afternoon was equivalent to dating for an afternoon. It did feel a little strange.

Putting down her hand, the maid took a deep breath. He looked at the location upstairs with a solemn expression.

"No......If even if that's true, something's still wrong"

"my magic.......Moreover, in the package of this density of magic, no matter what kind of saints, sages, or heroes they are, they will be completely reversed and polluted, their thinking circuits will be forcibly changed, their thinking abilities will be reversed, and their views on good and evil will be reversed. , completely transformed into........But why wouldn't he?"

"And this guy was severely polluted at the beginning, but as the pollution deepened, he became adaptable?"


".....Forget it, no matter what, I have to get this body!"

"Let's change the approach slightly. Since I can't force it, then I will slowly wear down your strength and spirit!"

"Anyway, I have plenty of time!"

"This time we must not be affected by the opponent!!"

The head maid waved her hand, re-selected a character based on Swain's memory, and covered all her character intelligence information on her body again. The silver-white hair began to grow longer, and the color turned into a little pink, His age has also changed to similar to Swain's.

"........Haha, what about this face?"

The head maid was very satisfied with her new appearance, and she also believed that this face was lethal enough to Sven!

Although this was the first time she used the ability of incarnation to deal with others, it was still interesting.

But she I don’t know how serious side effects it will have if she completely covers all the information about other people on her body like this!........

At this time, Swain didn't dare to stop for a moment and ran upstairs, but.......

"Ah, good evening, sir"

"Sir, thank you."

Although Swain said that in the hall just now, there should be hundreds of various servants in this house, and it takes a certain amount of time to convey orders, so he can still see them all wearing black and white maid uniforms, their facial expressions With a smile, she greeted herself in a soft voice with a very youthful and beautiful voice.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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