"Aha?"Sven looked at Grandpa in confusion.


"This trial is for you......No, it is not difficult for you now. You are too far away from the world."

Whether it was the human world or the spiritual peak, Sven grew up in a place where there was absolutely no malice and no temptation. This kind of mentality is not afraid of this kind of challenge.

"What's the meaning?"Sven scratched his head.

"You are still too young. Come back after seeing the world. Your name of Hassan is not complete. If you cannot overcome this trial, you will always be immature."

Grandpa said and turned around and left.

"The trials of body, form, and skills can all be easily overcome through acquired training, but this last and most critical trial of the heart is something that others can never help you with."

"Go for it!"

"Go and see it!"

"Go find out!"

"When you are familiar with everything and can still make the same decision after understanding everything, that will be the moment when you completely inherit my mantle!"

"Forehead.......Can't understand."

Sven sounded confused at that time, but now, he probably understands it somewhat.

"........Hum, I want to see what tricks you are going to use to sway me!"

Sven recalled the last words, and now he probably understands them.

What he lacks is not martial arts, body skills, or training, but his own heart.

The inner demon is his last test.!

Should you stick to yourself in this world full of temptations, or should you indulge wantonly, abandon your beliefs and follow the crowd? Now is the time to witness the decision!

Sven lowered his head, turned around and looked at the empty place. Corridor, eyes full of perseverance

"No matter what kind of difficulties and obstacles, I will break through them for you!"

Everyone is always so high-spirited before doing something, but how many people can maintain this high-spirited momentum after really getting into it?

Swain stepped forward, intending to see what this house was about. situation, and this time he was 120% prepared, as if this place was not a mansion, but a trap cage full of dangerous mechanisms! He looked left and right, and then inadvertently glanced at his own Watch, the time has already reached ten o'clock.

As we walked from floor to floor, all the maids we saw during the day had gone to rest, but there were still some scattered ones who were on night duty still active.

"Good evening, sir. What do you want at this time?"

Soon, Swain met a maid on the fourth floor. When she saw this, she immediately stepped forward to salute and say hello.

"No, I just couldn't sleep and went out for a walk."

Sven had a smile on his face, but he still moved his nose slightly to smell it. The scent had disappeared.

But he didn't believe that the other party had given up. He even felt that the other party was preparing to use a more powerful and proactive method.

"is that so?"

"Do you want me to prepare some calming tea for you and send it to your room?"

"You can also take this opportunity to relax in the bathhouse."The maid suggested with a smile.

"Well, that's what I'm planning to do."

Sven smiled and nodded, and then asked the maid to step back.

Swain glanced at her and started walking around the house.

He visited many places in the afternoon. In addition to those rooms, there were also many experiments. There are rooms for biological research and mechanical research. In addition, there is a complete set of forging rooms and training grounds. On one side, there are also emergency facilities such as a medical room and an operating room. It is really everything. Whether you are born, old, sick or dead, as long as you can endure it, you will never have to leave your house for a single step in your life.

Apart from these facilities and the remaining empty rooms, the most common ones are the various servants' rooms.

Swain stayed around until around one in the morning I just walked around the entire mansion, but I got nothing.

Of course, if I ignore the room in front of me with the sign"Head Maid".

Swain was about to knock on the door, but after thinking about it, he put down his hand. , the person in the room, Swain, just felt that the suspicion was greater than that of the others. Swain did not want to take action directly before deciding on the evidence.

And if the other party wanted to play with him, then he should play with it!

Turning around, he actually went to the bathhouse and took another shower. Without taking a bath, he changed into a bathrobe and came out to go back to his room on the fifth floor.

Wearing slippers, Swain walked back to the fifth floor with the hanging bag still hanging around his neck. Wearing a towel, his hair was not completely dry and looked damp.

Just when he was reaching out to open the door and enter, Swain suddenly noticed something was wrong, and he stopped slightly with his extended right hand.


But soon he turned away the handle and entered the room as if nothing was wrong.

The light in the room was turned on with a snap.

The mattress in the room had been rearranged a long time ago, and there was a teapot still steaming slightly on the table on one side, and two small teacups on the other side.

Swain looked around the room. The floor-to-ceiling windows on the balcony that had been open before were closed and the gauzy white curtains were drawn. He walked to the closet and changed into shorts and shorts as pajamas.

Glancing at the hair dryer on the side, Swain subconsciously didn't want to use it. He wiped his hair casually with a towel, poured two more cups of herbal tea, drank it, and looked at the wall-mounted TV facing the bed. , the remote control is on the TV cabinet below the TV, and there are a bunch of movie discs on the side.

Swain walked forward, picked up a CD, and muttered a few words in a low voice.


"Speaking of which, the movie I watched today was quite interesting. I’m not uninterested in these........"

"Forget it, let’s watch it later."

Then he threw the disc back on the table, turned around and threw himself on the soft bed.

"I have to go out with Mei tomorrow, so I'd better go to bed early."

Unlike people today who lie in bed and play with their mobile phones for a while while sleeping, Swain just turned off the lights and fell asleep.

The quality of sleep is enviable!

Tick-tock~tick- except for the sound of Swain's breathing in the room The only sound outside is the clock




And time moved forward slowly amidst Sven's slow breathing and the ticking of the clock. When he came to his senses, the hands of the clock were already pointing to three-fifteen.

This is the sleepiest time of the day, and Sven has been lying in bed for about two hours, so he should have fallen asleep by now.


At this time, the breathing of a second person gradually appeared in the silent room, and it was slowly getting stronger, just like a hibernating snake slowly waking up and awakening the vitality of the body.

Creaking - a very small, almost inaudible sound of opening the cabinet door.

The small cabinet door on the left side under the TV cabinet slowly opened, revealing a small crack at first. The black shadow in the cabinet squirmed slightly, as if

It was very careful after confirming the situation in the room. After maintaining this state for a few minutes, the person inside stretched out a hand wearing black leather gloves from the slit and gently held the cabinet door on one side carefully and silently. Open it little by little, and when it is successfully opened, reach out and slowly open the cabinet door on the other side.

The whole movement was unusually gentle, and it took almost a minute and a half to open the cabinet door, which shows how careful the people inside were!

The person inside slowly stretched out his right hand, spread his five fingers and gently pressed it on the soft carpet covering the entire room, and then slowly pulled his body out from the unusually small space.

Because the space in the TV cabinet is too small, the people inside used their body's softness to the maximum extent, so the whole body was completely curled up in an extremely strange posture.

After her body moved outward for a certain distance, she first took out her right leg, which had been curled up for a long time and was bent so much that it looked like it was about to be broken. She gently stepped on the ground as a support, which allowed her body to slowly move from Moved out of the cabinet.

There are no clouds in the sky tonight, and the moonlight outside the window is unusually bright, illuminating the room very brightly through the light curtains.

Swain did not cover himself with a quilt but directly spread out his limbs, looking very bold and lying on the extremely soft and comfortable big bed.

On the opposite side of the bed, there was a girl wearing a jet-black tights who looked like an assassin at first glance. Her clothes directly wrapped her entire body from the neck down, ensuring the absolute concealment of her movements at night.

He wore a full-covering mask on his face, and his long hair on the back of his head was tied up with a hairpin.

The tight-fitting black clothes highlight her perfect figure to the fullest. The black high-heeled shoes on her feet allow her to slightly suppress the opponent from top to bottom with a certain advantage during close combat.

There is only a small black bag on her lower back. There were four jet-black daggers attached to it, two of which she had already held gently with her two long and slender hands.

She slowly walked around the bed and came to Swain's side. She lowered her breath, then slowly pulled out two daggers, one aimed at Swain's neck and the other at his heart.

She didn't shout out to embolden herself before a sneak attack like those assassins in movies and TV shows. She moved closer very carefully. She didn't want to cause more trouble, so she chose the safest way to assassinate.

"........"The girl's breathing was very steady, and she didn't feel nervous at all. It looked like she had done this kind of thing many times.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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