Walking to the roadside, Swain looked at the surrounding residential buildings. Most of them were old buildings, generally four or five stories high. Only a few of them were higher, but they were only six or seven stories high.

The house type is very old, and there is still some moss growing on the surrounding ground. The iron gates at the entrance of the community are rusty, and some are even only half of them left.

In the distance, Swain could see a group of guys with colorfully dyed hair and riding various motorcycles. They looked like bosozokus or gangsters, hiding in the shadows of the buildings and smoking. From time to time, they even threw shots at him. Curious eyes.

Apparently they didn't mind asking Swain for some pocket money if they got the chance.’

"Where do you live?"

Sven frowned. The surrounding houses were old, but they still had a place to live. Those gangsters who looked domineering couldn't defeat Sakura, but what about Rin?

Swain didn't think that little girl had any fight. Ability!

At this time, Sakura also got out of the car. She raised her head slightly, but found that the uncles and aunties she was familiar with before suddenly looked surprised when they saw her getting out of the car, and then began to discuss in a low voice.

Most people may not be able to hear it. Yes, but what about Sakura and Sven?

"Hey, that's not the one who lives in the little house at the back......."

"Uh-huh, she is......"

"Is this her boyfriend?"

"Good guy, it looks like it’s about to fly up a branch and turn into a phoenix. Sakura, who was already thin-skinned, turned red after being discussed a little bit. She desperately wanted to put on her fox mask and hide her face, but unfortunately, Swain didn't return the mask to her at all. Instead, he said that he would treat it as a private collection and keep it himself.......

"My home is at......Well, come with me." Sakura blinked her eyes, but she didn't dare to look at Sven. She turned her back to him in a panic and walked towards the dirt road ahead as if running away.

"Just wait for me here."

Sven ordered the driver, and then followed.

Walking through the old neighborhood, Swain thought that Sakura's residence might be behind the building, which shouldn't be too bad, but it turned out that it was still far away..

It rained lightly in the morning, but I didn’t feel anything on the asphalt road. After all, it does not absorb water, and there is a sewer on one side, so it will be fine even if it rains.

But if you walk on the dirt road......

The ground is uneven, with water and mud everywhere, and you will slip if you are not careful.

Just now it could be said that we were in the urban area, but the houses around here all looked like......Urban-rural fringe?

It feels like an old city within an old city in a modern city. At noon, there are no high-rise buildings at all. They are all one-story self-built bungalows.

Originally, Sakura was already familiar with this road, but unfortunately, the injury on her leg made her a little unable to do her job. She almost slipped several times. After all, walking on flat ground was quite difficult.

"......I'll carry you on my back."

Sven didn't know how many times he helped Sakura who was about to slip, so he squatted down directly in front of her.

"No, no, no, this is too much......."

Sakura waved her hands and looked around. Although there was no one around, this behavior was really not good in public.

"Why not?"

"Okay, no more memorizing it."Sven stood up without saying a word.

Sakura was relieved when she saw this.

Sven spread her hands and said in a tone that seemed to let Sakura choose between:"Then change it to a hug."



"is it here?"Sven slightly bumped Sakura, who had some drops on her back. She stood at the entrance of an alley, looking at the alley that could only be walked by one person. If two people walked side by side, one of them would have to be a child.

The ground was completely It was so muddy that I could only step on the areas against the walls on both sides. At least it was still high ground and there were no traces of puddles.

"Um.....After passing through this alley, the innermost room is my home."

Ying almost hid her face at this time. They say it's easy to be familiar with, but Ying would rather be unfamiliar with it!

It's so embarrassing!

"Well, hurry up."Sven nodded, and then walked in without saying a word.

Judging from what happened during dinner this morning, Swain should be the kind of person who talks a lot, but since he came to this area, he has rarely spoken He spoke.

And Sakura could faintly feel that although his expression did not change much now, the anger in his heart had almost reached its peak.

He.......It seems like he really cares about himself. this feeling.......It seems......not bad.

Walking through the alley, which is a complete maze, it is filled with various waste products placed by the households on both sides. It is obvious that this place is close to the back door of their house, so it is used as a dumping place for garbage.

After walking for a while, Swain reached the end.

It was a small independent house with only one window. The door was a rusty safety door, but it didn't feel safe at all. As long as you had some strength, you could smash it with a few hits of a hammer.

Looking at this structure, Swain can understand that this is definitely not housing. To be precise, the predecessor of this place should be a warehouse.

"you.......Just live?"


".......I think it's necessary for you to move now"

"No need, this place is actually pretty good, except for some......"

Before Sakura could finish speaking, she was hit by Sven's fierce eyes.

"Except what?"

"What do you think you can say now to change my mind? Make me forget what I'm seeing?"

"I think it should be possible.....but.....But this is my business, you are nothing to me now.......Didn’t you meet for the first time?"

"To me, the first acquaintance is equivalent to us knowing each other, and to you, it doesn't matter if we don't know each other at all."

"After all, I'm the kind of guy who takes money to help people I've never even met."

"Your first acquaintance is considered to be of a high level in my social circle. Even though I have met him several times and even had drinks with those who attended the reception, in the end I still didn’t know him at all. There are many people who don't even know their names."

Faced with Sven's answer from Versailles, Sakura was speechless. At the cocktail party Sven was talking about, so many people were trying to squeeze in. If they just met someone, they would be successful in their lives, but they were said to have known each other. I can't even get the invitation letter.

"You are just a special case......."

Sakura thought for a moment and moved her mouth, but it was obvious that she was no match for Swain, and her rebuttal seemed weak.

She lives in such a place, in addition to avoiding her former master's enemies and a few of her own enemies, the more important reason is that.......No Money!

Just as this idea came to Sakura's mind, her eyes unconsciously met the suspicious eyes of Sven, who was tilting his head.

"Shouldn't it......."Swain looked suspicious.


In response to this, Sakura's eyes began to dodge subconsciously, but now it became more obvious.

"Shouldn't it......You have no money?"

"Don’t have any money at all?"

Sven had guessed this possibility before, but the lack of money he understood seemed to be a few cents different from the lack of money Ying said.



The atmosphere between the two became strange. Swain turned around and looked at the ground. His high-end black leather shoes were stained with a lot of gray mud. After a long time, Swain slowly spoke.

"......Let's ask you first.....How much of your property is left now? I'm talking about before I received the commission to kill me."

"Well.......Nine......"Sakura grasped Sven's shoulders with her hands slightly, her teeth opened slightly, and then a number popped out.


"Ninety thousand yen?"Sven felt that this number was already astonishing. All the belongings on the opposite side should not be just this small......

"........"Sakura didn't answer, but continued to remain silent. It was obvious that this answer was wrong.

"Nine......thousand?"Sven's voice began to tremble. He was expecting Sakura to answer, but it was obviously wrong.

Swain continued to guess.

"Nine hundred?"


"No......It’s nine yen......."Sakura blushed and felt that rather than being guessed by the other party, it was better to tell her herself.


Swain's brain was a little down, and he couldn't react for a while.

A killer?

All the possessions in the body are only......Nine yen?

Don't talk about changing to a better place to live, just tell me, what are you going to have for breakfast today?

Hiss hiss.......

Nine yen?

You can even tell me that you have nine bitcoins.

Nine yen?

What can I buy?

Swain thought for a while, and the lowest job he took seemed to be three thousand gold coins........

Sakura looked at Sven and realized that something was wrong with his expression, so she explained a few more words.

"In fact, I still had some left over before, but I used it to buy things yesterday, and now the card for paying the deposit is under my pillow, and I also left a letter........."Sakura's voice became softer and softer as she spoke.

"All right......But I want to know, you.......What did you do with all the money before?"Sven remained calm, hoping that he had just guessed wrong.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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