"........"At this time, Ji felt a little uncomfortable. She blushed, turned her head and looked at the road ahead without saying anything.

Because no matter how eloquent she was, it was just talk on paper and a habit of talking. As a woman with normal concepts, she still knew that saying these words was very embarrassing, whether she said it or heard it.

How could a guy like Swain be out of the norm? He could say anything without blushing and his heart wouldn't beat. While his attack power and attack speed were ridiculously high, his defense power was also amazing.......No, it should be a special defense against tsundere. After all, as long as everything is revealed, he will probably understand.

This boy, it seems that the saint who had no joy or sorrow before and treated all people equally has really changed.

And my mouth is sweet. Is this because you have finally realized my charm?

But that mouth of his... eh, I don't know how many little girls he will deceive, so it's better to be careful and strike first.

It was the right thing not to let the same few close friends of mine come with me, and I would like to leave my words here for the time being, letting him continue to expand his career first, and on the other hand, I can keep an eye on him and save him from going around lying to others.

When the family business becomes so big that no one can ignore it, then the time is right, and then let him propose marriage!

I believe none of the old guys in the family can object!

Swain was done fiddling with it, so he casually asked Ji:"What's the name?"........"

"name?"Ji Yi was stunned. Didn't you expect this guy to be so radical?

Did you think too far?

No, it's possible that I thought wrong.

This guy just woke up, so I must take this opportunity to work harder!

This is just right, I am Deliberately let him think about other places!

Let you see what it means to cover the sky and the sun and invade all things with flames!

"name........."Ji smiled happily

"You can just name it"

"Me?"Swen was stunned for a moment and looked at Ji in annoyance.

"Do you think this is naming your child?"

"I'm talking about the names of the people you're dating."

"Ah, what name did you say? What a pity~" Ji shook her head gently, looking very disappointed.

"But why do I remember those people’s names? long forgotten"

"I thought you were asking what you want to name your child in the future?"Ji said with a bad smile.

But at the same time, he took out his mobile phone, and after some operations, he pulled out a bunch of information and handed it to Swain. He took it and looked at the information. It was obvious that they were all the details of each blind date. information.

Swain also connected the phone to the car screen and continued to control it.

"My child? It's still early, but Sister Ji, you should think about what to name your child!"Sven looked indifferent, but he replied without any signs of weakness.

"Oh, I forgot, you don’t even have a partner now, this topic was earlier for you!"

Normally, if Swin said this, it would be like directly poking the opponent's sore spot. Basically, he would either receive an iron fist from the opponent or be choked. If he was in the car, he might even be choked!

"Hey, I think about it too. If I find someone who can treat me as a lady and I can see eye to eye, I will definitely marry him without saying a word.~"

"But, there's just no one suitable~" But Ji was very unusual today. Not only was he not angry, but he was smiling.

"Obviously my conditions are good, why is this?"

"Every time I go out on a blind date, it starts off well, but every time I get halfway drunk and the other person is drunk, and when I wake up on the third day, I will definitely say that I am not suitable for him."

"Could it be that the wine is not to your liking? Or is my drinking posture not ladylike enough?"

"How about a better wine next time? No need for a red wine glass, just blow into the bottle like you do at home?"


Swain was speechless. I believe that anyone on a blind date would start drinking before even saying a few words, and he would drink a whole cup every time. Who could withstand this!

Sven seems to have heard that so far there are only a few people who can survive until the hot food is served.........

And when Ji said half drunk, she meant she was half drunk, but even so, the people who drank with her basically didn't wake up until the third day. Some of those who could drink might wake up earlier, but there were still a few who could hold on. Eventually he was admitted to the hospital on the same day due to alcohol poisoning.………

Is this how much alcohol you drink?

Anyone who dares to go on a blind date with her now is a brave man!

And Ji’s hobbies………They’re all quite extraordinary!

Extreme diving, skydiving, formula racing, free rock climbing, fighting, wilderness adventure, rooftop parkour and other extreme sports………

Not to mention the wide range of interests, the achievements in each item are still prohibitive to most people.

What's more important is...these hobbies are quite nameless.………

If you don't pay attention, your life will pass.

Which of the rich people nowadays are willing to sacrifice their lives?

In order to find a big family to back you, there is no need to tie your head to your belt all day long!

Therefore, the titles Ji gets are usually eldest sister, strong woman, lady?

Apart from the word"female", this word has nothing to do with Ji!

"Sister Ji………"

"Don't you have any other hobbies besides drinking and adventurous sports?"

"Find some other hobbies and maybe there will be people who share the same hobbies with you? When you have a hobby, you have a topic, and maybe there will be someone you can talk to about it?"

"As a lady, there are other interesting things besides these things, right?"

"You may not like playing music, chess, calligraphy, painting, singing and dancing. Wouldn’t playing video games, karaoke, surfing and skiing, which are relatively less dangerous sports, be good too?"Sven seemed to be sincere, and she was really worried that if she continued, she would become a female leftover fighter!

"You mean... let me give up what I have now and make changes?"Ji looked at the rearview mirror, turned on the turn signal, turned from the main road to a side road, and turned towards the forest.

And because Swain lowered his head, he didn't see the sign on the side and didn't know. Where is this map going?

"No, I am not asking you to change, but I am keeping your current hobbies and developing other hobbies."

"Changing yourself to suit others is completely killing yourself. I don’t like you like that."

"As free and unrestrained as you are now, as passionate as fire, as if a bright flame is burning fiercely, you are the most dazzling."

"I like you that no one can restrain you, you are free and easy"

"………"Ji's face was calm, looking straight at the road ahead.

"To be honest, you extinguished your own flames for a man I don't even know.………I can't do this."

Sven seemed to have done something. A progress bar was displayed on the car screen, and Swain also stopped what he was doing and looked up at her.

If we want to rank it in Swain's heart, then the first The first thing that matters most is his family, then his friends, and then others.

Swain glanced at the screen, then leaned against the car window and looked at the scenery in the woods with the back of his left hand. Walking along the alley, it feels like even the air is so fresh, and only the scent of roses is so touching.

"If you really like the person opposite and he has to make you change………"

"What if it changes?"Ji was very curious what Swain would do.

"………I wouldn't mind letting him try what it feels like to be burned by real fire"

"Forcing a lady to make changes is not what a gentleman does!"

Sven's face was calm, but his words were loud and clear. He was obviously very serious. The former Yi may have been a perfect good person, but Sven was also a competent villain!

Squeak! As soon as Sven finished speaking, Ji suddenly He stepped on the brakes.

The red flames that were flying through the lush forest just stopped in an instant.

"Sister Ji?"Sven looked at Ji in confusion. There was no village in front of it or a store in the back. Why did you stop here?

Ji lowered his head slightly and was silent for a moment, then turned to face Sven and laughed again.

"a ha ha ha~~"

"Ha ha ha ha~~~"

"Lady, lady?"Obviously it was Ji who mentioned the word, but she seemed to dislike it very much. She took off her sunglasses and wiped the corners of her eyes, and she seemed to burst into tears from laughter.


"Little enemy, do you know? Everyone in our social circle knows my personality and what kind of person I am."

"Of course I know, it was you who brought me back in the first place. Just as you know me, I also know you very well."

"makes sense."

Ji and Sven looked nostalgic at the same time. Ji really missed the past, but Sven was surprised by himself in this world.

He was also picked up by Ji and her father who also loved adventure in a deserted environment. He went back.

It's just that unlike Alice's way of guiding education in a casual relationship, Ji's mother isShe is a true lady, and she comes from a famous family. She is a well-disciplined lady.

Tsubasa's character is definitely influenced by Ji's mother.

Strict discipline, clear rewards and punishments, uprightness, not allowing any evil to exist in the eyes, not being able to rub a grain of sand into it, is absolute justice. In all things in the world, justice is absolute!

No matter who you are, as long as you do something wrong, you must be punished accordingly. If you don't know how to adapt, and justice comes first in everything, no matter who intercedes, it won't work!

Ji said he was a saint, which was still a compliment to him. After all, Yi's heart seemed to be a piece of hard iron, he was indifferent to emotions and was selfless in everything he did!

It's just a stupid idea!

But precisely because of this, many people were saved.

Sven looked at Wing, comparing it with himself.

The two of them are similar in that they both have justice in their hearts, but they just have different ways of solving problems.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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