"that......What do you mean sir?"The head maid looked a little embarrassed. She could probably figure out what Swain would do.

"Of course, a little girl like this needs thorough education and guidance from the beginning!"Sven looked full of ambition, like a newly-minted people's teacher who had just graduated from a normal school, inspiring all students to go on the right path.

But this gave the maid behind him a headache and looked stupid at the same time. Mei Lin stood aside

"Now that you have met me, be prepared to wake up. I will correct all your bad habits one by one, so that you can become a sunny, positive and healthy young woman today!"

".......Haaah! ?!"Meilin looked at Swain dumbfounded. At this time, she had not realized that her labor reform was about to begin!


"Happy birthday~~!"

Bang bang bang——!

Accompanied by bursts of congratulations and the explosion of small salutes, Brownie, wearing a silver-white evening dress, celebrated her 23rd birthday.

"These are gifts from us."Sakura and Ling took a few gifts wrapped in exquisite gift boxes and handed them to Brownie. Judging from the looks of the two people, they should contain clothes and the like.

"Mine is this one."The box Mei handed over was a bit smaller than others. It contained a set of smart devices, which was convenient for Brownie to use in his daily work.

"Ahaha, it looks like mine is a bit heavy. Ji smiled and looked at the several boxes of red wine placed aside. Well, it was very heavy, and it was probably not just for Brownie, she wanted to drink it herself!

"Thank you very much....Um.......Thanks."

Brownie's hands were already full, but he still couldn't take it off. He had no choice but to ask the servants around him to help him put it aside first.

Swain calmly sat on the sofa aside and drank red wine. Looking at the girl in her dress in the distance giving gifts to Brownie.

Today is not only Brownie’s birthday party, but also a family dinner. All the guests are acquaintances, without any business partners, and they are all people from the house. Swain allowed them to alternate shifts and play together today, so the banquet seemed very lively.

Meilin sat on the sofa beside Swain, looking at the pink dress she was forced to put on, and she was forced to take off her clothes before. She put on makeup and was dragged here in a daze. On the second day of her stay here, nothing happened yesterday. Swain had been busy preparing for today's banquet, and the head maid would avoid it from time to time. Sven looked at her with such a vicious look that Meilin didn't dare to take a step away from Sven, for fear that the game would end if she didn't pay attention.

"You really don't remember me?"Meilin put down the red wine glass in her hand. It's too late to say anything now. She was 'forced' to eat the food here yesterday, and it obviously doesn't matter if she drinks more red wine now.

Well, it smells so good!

"Little girl, don’t think about lying to others now, and start reforming from tomorrow."Swen shook the red wine glass and looked at everyone present through the glass with a smile.

But the red wine liquid left little red marks when it passed through the glass, making everyone look red. of


"It's Yi, my name is Yi, don't call me by the wrong name again"

"......Well, Wings, do you think your life is good now?"Meilin thought for a while, and there are about four ways to break the illusion.

The first is to defeat the caster directly. This is the most direct method, but judging from the current combat strength, Meilin can't defeat it on her own, and Sven You can't fight for yourself, so this one is useless. The second method is to break the cornerstone or medium that forms the illusion. If the opponent uses eyes as the medium to create the illusion, then just knock out the opponent's eyes, which is similar to the first method. , and for Meilin, the medium she uses is her own scepter, that is, just break her scepter.

The third method is to use brute force to break the illusion, but for the same reason as the first one, this All methods are not feasible.

The fourth method, which is what Mei Lin wants to try, is to find out the irregularities in the fantasy, that is, the differences with reality. For example, when the dreamer realizes that he is dreaming, that People will wake up immediately!

"Of course, life is comfortable every day, you don’t have to worry about too many things, and you can spend all day with your family. Is there anything wrong with that?"Sven looked very happy and very satisfied with the life here.

"......."Merlin felt that Sven's reaction was correct.

The fundamental reason why illusions can trap people is because everything shown here is what they long for deep in their hearts.

"Then do you feel that there is something wrong there, for example, whose character is different from what you imagined?......."Before Mei Lin finished speaking, Brownie, who was the protagonist of the party, suddenly sat next to Swain, standing between the two of them, blocking Mei Lin's view.

"Drinking alone here?"Brownie looked at Swain funny, and naturally ignored Meilin.

"Oh, why did the birthday girl leave the dance center and come here? Swain joked.

"Humph, of course it's because a certain uncle hasn't given me a gift yet. Brownie squinted his eyes, smiled evilly, stretched out his hand to Swain, took his hand, and pulled him towards him, almost holding him in his arms.

"That big red cloth over there and covered under it must be a gift for me, right?"Brownie came closer and completely attracted Sven's eyes to him, preventing him from seeing Mei Lin.

"Haha, you are so eager for gifts, but you are completely different from yesterday when you forgot your birthday. Why do you look so anxious like Ling?"Sven pinched her little cheek, but Brownie was not in much mood to laugh at this.

Well, I was a little anxious, and my personalities were accidentally confused!

"I usually see you as quite steady, but I didn’t expect you to be so unstable underneath." Swain scratched her nose

"Huh, I'm just a little excited after drinking some wine. I see you making such a fuss. Brownie smiled and changed the topic.

Meilin saw the interaction between the two.

She found that this guy not only seemed to have created an illusion, but there were also some people in it who were not fabricated by her from memory, but directly Transformed into it?

Maybe you can use it.......

"But also, well, go check out your birthday present."

Sven took Brownie's hand and walked to the gift mountain on one side. Meilin, who had originally planned to continue sitting and waiting, saw that as Sven left, everyone looked at her no longer the same way they did before. It contained a smile, but each one became fierce without concealing it. They were all evil!

She was so frightened that she trotted to follow her with a pale face.

On Sven's side, he tore off the hair in front of her eyes. After the red cloth, the gift that appeared was a sports car! It has a silver-white body, a streamlined design, and a chassis that can almost touch the ground. The car logo is the logo of the Star Wing Company. The model is a completely independent model, and it should be designed and produced by Swain..

Although there are only two seats, the seats are also filled with gift boxes containing countless gifts.

"Oh oh oh~!"Brownie blinked, looking very surprised.

"Well, I don’t know what to give you. After all, you have grown up and can buy everything by yourself. I heard yesterday that you still take a taxi when you go out. It happens that you also have a driver’s license, so I will give you this car."

"Very good~!"

"Uncle, I love you to death~!"Brownie got high inexplicably, jumped up, hugged Swain's neck and started spinning around.

"I told you that you are too happy, please be a little more reserved."

Sven hugged her, and although he said so, he let him go.

During the dinner, everyone seemed peaceful, talking and laughing everywhere. Mei sat aside and tasted wine quietly, and Ling She also wanted to drink the red wine collected by Si Wen, but as expected, she was caught by Sakura again and preached.

But luckily, today was such an occasion, and she was liberated after a few words, otherwise Ling would probably I have to go to Swain again to find a shield.

As for Ji.....She is typically the first one to drink at the beginning of the party and the last one to finish it at the end.

Maybe it was broken in the middle, and I just relied on my own habits to mechanically pour wine into my mouth.

Brownie was in a very high mood today, and he was more proactive than before. He would usually talk about you, uncle, bastard, uncle, etc., as if there was a certain distance. But today, he was inexplicably close to Sven, as if he was worried about something.

The banquet lasted until after one o'clock in the evening, but Ling was taken back to the room to sleep by Sakura halfway through.

"All said.....You drank too much."Sven put Ji's shoulder on one side and lifted her into the room.

The other side was supported by Mei, but her strength seemed a bit weak, so the head maid also helped support her there.

"Well......My head starts to hurt again......"Ji muttered softly, leaning her head against Sven's shoulder.

"Wait a minute, Sakura has already gone to make sober soup."Mei said with a wry smile. Obviously it was not the first time she helped Ji back to the room.

"This is not all because uncle, you spoil her too much."Following Ji, Brownie, who was even weaker, rolled his eyes at Swain. She obviously couldn't be of much help, so in order not to cause any trouble, she could only follow behind.

"Ah haha, sorry."Sven is obviously the kind of person who actively admits his mistakes but never corrects them. His verbal apologies are generally very sincere. After all,

Swain is an activist. He feels that it is better to use time than to use his sweet words to gain the other party's temporary trust. and your own actions to prove everything.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Seeking collectionor"ask for monthly ticket"

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