
Mei Lin was playing the piano in the piano room with a look of despair on her face, making adjustments again and again to the music score in front of her, because if she didn't do the best, the piano teacher behind her who was ready to avenge her would definitely find trouble with her again.!

But she didn't know that the piano teacher standing behind her, or that there were only three people left in this house or even this world, was her, Sven and the head maid.

Ding ding......Boom!!

There was another discordant bass sound. Mei Lin subconsciously shrank her neck and looked at her little finger that pressed the wrong key with a grimace.


I'm going to be lectured again.......Damn it.

He had just finished dancing in high heels and accidentally twisted his foot. This guy is really inhumane!

Mei Lin tilted her head in disgust, but after waiting for a while, she found that there was no basic and accustomed coughing sound, nor the arrogant teaching voice.

"Um?"She turned her head suspiciously, only to find that she was the only one left in the room before she knew it?

"Where are people? Mei Lin looked around, put her hands in front of her mouth like a trumpet, and shouted in a slightly lowered voice:"Hey~~ Is there anyone there?""

"Hey~~The shady maid~~"

"The maid with a small belly and chicken intestines~"

"The timid maid who refuses to admit it~"

"Hmm.....It looked like there was no one left."

Meilin breathed a sigh of relief, then got up from the piano chair, turned around and walked to the sofa on the side.

"Uh-huh......Well."Meilin lay down on the sofa as if she was powerless, her whole body seemed to be sunk in, and she didn't care that the pink and white dress on her body would become wrinkled.

Although she didn't know what happened, it might be under the control of the head maid. Something went wrong, so there was no one around, but it doesn't matter. As long as no one is looking at me, I can fish easily and quickly.

Two small and delicate feet stepped on each other, inlaid with The silver high-heeled shoes with sparkling diamonds were thrown aside, and the feet wrapped in see-through white stockings were placed on the armrest of the sofa in a very uncultured way, and the skirt was slightly lifted, revealing a large area.

But Mei Lin She is used to this. After all, when she is at home, that is, in the tower, she looks like this. She must maintain etiquette outside, but at home......Who am I pretending to show?

It's better to just lie down like this. At least it will be cooler if you lift up your skirt.......


Meilin felt relaxed and comfortable for the first time in a long time. She stretched lazily and was thankful for the moment of peace she got at this moment.

"Ah, in the past few months, whenever I am lazy, she keeps making noises in my ears. Really, has she also been infected by Swain and become a talkative person?"

Meilin lay there for a while, not wanting to move at all. Now she just wanted to lie down and be lazy, but time passed quickly. When she was about to fall asleep, she heard the heavy bells from the clock tower on one side.

That seems to be Swain's habit. He has been accustomed to hearing the village bells since he was a child, so the Swain family also uses the bell to tell time. Except at night, this bell will only ring at specific times.

And now this time , because it should be noon time

"ah......It's time to eat."

Meilin stood up slovenly and touched her belly. Although she was petite, she had eaten a lot. Her stockings with white skin exposed directly stepped on the soft carpet. Meilin reluctantly She put on her high heels again and straightened her dress.

When she opened the door, Meilin immediately noticed something strange in the house.

"Um? Why is there no one?"

Normally, she would see a pair of maids busy as soon as she went out, but today it was unusually quiet. After passing through the outer corridor, Meilin came to the vicinity of the hall corridor and looked down at the living room on the first floor, where Not only was there no one, but even the tables in the restaurant on one side were empty?

"Ah? Where's lunch?"

Meilin blinked in confusion, walked downstairs and walked around. It's very good. Not to mention the dining table, even the refrigerator is empty!


"What's going on? Seven or eight large multi-layer refrigerators that are as tall as two me are all empty?"

"Is this an escape?"

Meilin touched her belly. She not only played the piano but also had yoga and dance classes in the morning, which were all very exhausting. In addition, after jogging in the early morning, a certain maid said,"You can't eat too much for breakfast." ' principle, so she didn't have enough to eat in the morning.

So she had to find something to eat by herself

"I can’t believe that such a big house has no food!"

Meilin was a little unwilling to admit defeat and began to search from room to room in the house.

But she really underestimated the number. There were dozens of rooms on the first floor alone!

When Meilin came out of the last room, she I'm already exhausted.

This is only the first floor......

Since this guy got married, each house he lives in is getting bigger than the last!

"Damn it, there really is nothing........"

"Isn't that guy too awesome?"

"Uh-huh.....Could it be that he changed his tactics and wanted to starve me to death?"

"Ah, what a terrible tactic."Meilin guessed that this was the head maid's plan to make a foodie go without food! What a horrific punishment!

"Ahhhh~! Why did you choose such a cruel way to kill me?~?"

Meilin cried and climbed up the stairs to the second floor with great difficulty. The first thing she saw in the corridor was Swain's study at the end.

"At this time, Swain should be in the study, right?"

Meilin was going to ask Sven to act coquettishly and ask for food. He must have it!

But when Meilin walked to the door, preparing to have feelings, and took out eye drops and thought about putting two drops into her eyes, she She heard the sound behind the door.

Confused, she leaned closer and pressed her ear against the door, trying to eavesdrop on what was going on inside.

But the next moment she heard her own voice from inside the door........

But in the blink of an eye, her face suddenly turned rosy, and her eyes became moist even without eye drops.

She stood up suddenly, pursed her pale pink lips, and the pink on Meilin's pointed ears turned into bright red.

Then he walked quickly towards his room with his head lowered as if he was running away.

"This fool......."

"this bastard......Uh-huh, what should I do now?"

"If I make fun of him again in the future, I will really suffer a loss this time!"

"hateful.....Even if I have to suffer a loss, I can't suffer a loss because of a joke!"

"At least the atmosphere.....A better place would be better with starry sky and flower fields......."

Meilin thought, feeling her nose was a little warm, and even after touching it a little, she even got a nosebleed.

But that day, Mei Lin returned to the room and did not come out or show up all day. After blocking her nose with two tissues, she wrapped herself in the quilt until Swain came to find her in the evening. Have a meal..............

At night, Mei Lin's face was still rosy. The heat on her face did not dissipate with the passage of time, but continued to accumulate.

She originally planned to stay in the room for one more night, but she was really hungry. Not to mention, Sven also came to call her several times. If she continued to stay in bed, her rating in his heart might be lowered.

Although it didn’t have a few points to begin with, it couldn’t drop much.......

Meilin walked down and saw that the restaurant, which was supposed to be very lively at this moment, was now very quiet. Looking up, except for Sven who was still sitting at his head seat, there was only the head maid sitting at the second seat. superior?

The third open position is the guest seat to Swain's left.

This is......Which play to play?

Why does it look similar to Hongmen Banquet?

"......"Meilin walked forward silently, but her steps were unusually cautious, especially when she was testing the ground in front of her with her toes, which made Sven laugh out loud.

"Are you worried that there will be a ground trap here?"

"Do you dare to say that you are not pretending?"Meilin immediately asked angrily.

"Haha, how can you install it at home?"

"At most, there are a few placed at the door and under the windows, and there are only a few non-quenched steel needles inside."Sven rested his hands on his chin and stared at Mei Lin with a smile.

The head maid sitting next to him never took her eyes away from Sven.

Good guy, you really let go! ?

Mei Lin shuddered and was speechless. At the same time, she was glad that she did not escape. After all, she really planned to jump out of the window and escape from here. Now she is a little scared when she thinks about it. This accident will become a sieve.

Wait until Meilin sat down, and Swain glanced at her butt, which had moved forward more than a quarter, and only about a quarter of it was seated, and shook his head slightly.

She was ready to get up and run away at any time, but if you don't feel tired, sit like this also

"so......What do you want to say?"Meilin glanced at the two people in front of her, and then asked.

But when she looked at the head maid, her eyes became sharp.

This woman actually turned into her before!

It's simply unforgivable!

( To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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