"How did you get in?"

"Well, even if you ask that........"Swain scratched his head, looked back at the cell door that was still open, and pointed with his thumb.

"Well, walked in?"

"walked in.......Do you know where this place is?"Karen couldn't understand Swain for a while.

"I know, the cell of the Destiny Church Guards"

"Why are you so, so... eh?……"

Kallen had a bunch of words on her lips, wanting to tell him how dangerous this place was, that he shouldn't be here, and to leave quickly, but then she thought about it, no matter how much she said, it would be in vain, the person in front of her was a dead person. Brain, once you have made up your mind, it is almost impossible to change your mind.

"You and I………Do you know where this place is?"

Karen looked helpless. She really didn't know what to say about Sven, so she had to say it again, hoping that he could understand the meaning.

"Didn’t I answer you just now?"

"This is a prison cell, and I walked in!"But Sven's face was full of confusion, which obviously made Kallen not sure whether Sven really didn't understand or was pretending to be dumbfounded. Did he really walk in?

Did he bribe the jailer?

Yes, with him If you want money, there will be people rushing to send it to your home!

"You are more important than me!"

Sven's style changed. His smiling face just now suddenly became extremely serious, and his tone became much stiffer.

"What, what happened?"Kallen looked at Sven's uncharacteristic appearance and felt a little scared unconsciously.

"Did I ask you to take good care of yourself when we parted?"

"Did someone also ask you to pay attention to the condition of your wounds?"

"Well………Yes, but I………"Karen replied submissively, but it was obvious that this was not of her own free will!

"how? Because he is imprisoned here, he does not do it voluntarily, but he is powerless?"Sven sat cross-legged opposite Kallen, with a very serious expression on his face.

Kallen lowered his head, grabbed the hem of her skirt, and did not dare to raise his head, like a child waiting to be scolded after making a mistake.

"Isn’t it easy to get out?"

"You seem to have stolen something. Just give it back. Besides, stealing is wrong."

"That won't work! Absolutely not!"As soon as Sven finished speaking, Kallen grabbed his shoulders with an extremely excited expression and shouted urgently.


"Is it because you don’t want to return it and want to keep it as your own?"Sven looked indifferent, waiting for the other party's answer.

"It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that I can’t………"Kallen calmed down a little and sat back down.

"If I return that thing, many people will be hurt and more people will die, so I can't………And now everything is settled, no one can find the box now.…………"

"I see, so is this the reason why Kallen Kaslana, the most powerful Valkyrie in Destiny, betrayed Destiny?"

"And you're going to die here because of it?"

"………Well, the Kaslana family is the shield of the people, and I will not hesitate to die in order to protect the people!"Karen is still very tough even now, and she looks like she would rather die than surrender.

"You are really stubborn"

"But yes, if you weren't stubborn, you wouldn't still be here now."Sven smiled matter-of-factly.

"But unfortunately, I will not follow your temper!"

Stepping forward, under Kallen's puzzled gaze, Swain directly put his arms around her slender waist, preparing to support her and take her away.

If it weren't for the fact that one arm was missing, I believe Swain wouldn't have said anything after the conversation. , just hug the person and run away.

"Wait, what are you doing? ?"

Kallen suddenly turned red, her face turned red, and even the roots of her ears turned purple. Her expression looked extremely shaken. It was obvious that she was not mentally prepared for Sven's sudden attack, and her hands began to move Pushing, but not using much strength

"do what?"

"Of course I stole you away?"Sven had a smile on his face, as if he had no idea what he was talking about.

"What! ?"Karen felt a little dizzy, and her eyes started to spin a little.

As a former Phantom Thief, she had a lot of experience in stealing things, but this was the first time she had been stolen!

As I said, she had also done this before. They only stole gold and silver and distributed them to poor people. They never stole any living things, let alone any living people!

"You are not stealing at all, you are robbing openly!"

"I just grabbed it, so what?"Sven did not waver at all because of Karen's words, but became even more confident.

"I have saved so many people along the way, and I have also saved so many high-level people in Tianming. If I don’t even get any reward, wouldn’t I be at a big loss?"

"So before you leave here, at least get something valuable"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you regard me as a commodity of some value?"Even Karen can't help but get angry if she is described like this.

"No, your words must be considered priceless treasures."Sven, on the other hand, started to think about it very seriously, and finally gave an answer that he thought was correct.

"Uh-huh.......hateful........."Karen wanted to find the right words to face the current situation, but her head was so dizzy that she couldn't think normally, so it took her a long time to squeeze out such a weak word.

Kallen grew up almost like a wild girl. Even after she grew up, she still has the image of wielding swords and guns. In addition, she is a member of the Kaslana family. The eldest lady has such a high status that she has almost no friends. And the only one who can be called a friend is Alto. To put it bluntly, he is also a stupid idiot like a coward. He spends all day making inventions in the room, so He seems a bit dull, so much so that he has never said anything similar.

"How about it?"

"Do I feel different from what Sakura told me about me?"Looking at Kallen who seemed to be unable to think normally, Swain dropped another bombshell. Suddenly Kallen felt as if there was a deafening roar in her ears.

She lowered her head slightly and held on. Swain's hands on his collar and clothes relaxed tightly, his face a little tangled.

".......No, you're wrong. It's exactly the same. It's always particularly positive in unexpected places."

"What is that........"Swain has heard others describe him like this more than once.

"Yes, yes.......You are already convinced........When did it start?"Karen seemed to take a breath and relaxed a little abnormally.

"Haha, what you said is that the dried flowers you collected were all made by me for Sakura and Rin. There were only a few flowers in total. When did you think I knew about it?"Sven was unusually calm, and his expression didn't change at all.

"Isn’t that from the very beginning? ?"Callen suddenly felt that she was so stupid!

She thought that the other party didn't know, so she worked hard to hide it all the way, but it turned out that the other party was watching the show all the way! Well, he was another one who was tricked from the beginning. I feel that at this moment Karen, Merlin and Justeza share many common languages, such as mmp and so on........

"Now that you've discovered it, why don't you just come to me?"Karen's expression changed and she seemed a little lonely.

"At that time I will ask you, will you answer?"

"........Probably, not"

"Not probably, definitely not!"Sven was very sure that she was not in a good condition when she met Kallen, and she would definitely not answer his questions.

"What happened to you in Shinano?"

"With Sakura?"

"........Well, you're right"

"We have a lot going on."Karen nodded bluntly.

"She saved me from being injured and fell into the river, and then we.........."

"Okay, that’s it! Before Kallen could finish her words, she was stopped by Swain.

"I will listen to the rest of the story in detail later, and if I want to tell a story, I still prefer the courtyard with the aroma of snacks and tea to this dark cell."

Sven expressed that he wanted to leave here, but Kallen shook her head and refused reluctantly.

"No, if I leave, they will definitely search the whole city. If they find out then, you will too......."

"Oh, dear Miss Phantom Thief, you have to understand that I am not asking for your opinion, I am simply announcing the results."

"Is it possible that every time you go to steal gold and silver from nobles, you specifically ask if those gold coins want to go with you?"Sven looked at Kallen with interest.

"How could you ask that? But this situation cannot be generalized to that one at all, and I………"Karen's voice became softer and quieter, until later she could no longer hear her at all.

"And you don’t have to worry, I can guarantee you that even if you leave, there will still be Karen Kaslana here."

Sven smiled mysteriously and turned sideways. Then, an ice doll with exactly the same dress and face as Kallen appeared behind him.


"Where does this face seem to be?…………ah! Isn't this my face? ?"

That doll looks like Kiana's human form transformed into Kallen!

That's right, right now, it was for Kallen that Sven prepared a person named Kiana a long time ago. Oh, just to give Karen a false identity that is flawless, true and reasonable!

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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