
Sven fell from the sky, knocking back the surrounding Honkai Beasts a few steps, and then stood in front of Kallen.

After a pair of hands suddenly stretched out from the side to help him up, Kallen was surprised to find that the person helping him up was actually Is it the fake Karen?

"Not injured?"Sven looked at the undiminished beast herd in front of him and knew that this was not going to work. He needed to use skills, but within the attack range......There are still too many people!

There were still many people around the square. Although some people escaped on their own, there were still many people who were injured or struggling because they were trapped by the collapsed buildings around them.

Obviously there is no way to escape without help from others!

"It doesn't matter.......I can still move."Karen put her right arm on the fake Kallen's shoulder and stood up stubbornly.

The fighting spirit in her bright eyes did not decrease at all, but instead increased a lot of anger.

"But what exactly is going on? Why are there so many Honkaiju beasts running out?"

"Have those guys in the church neglected even the most basic supervision?"Karen doesn't quite understand. These guys should be locked up tightly in the dungeon of Tianming. Nothing has happened there before. Why did it happen today?"

"That’s right. If you say it’s not man-made, I won’t believe it!"Sven looked at the blood stains all over the floor, gritted his teeth and lifted a mouse at his feet aside.

"man-made? But who would do such a thing!"Karen was shocked and began to speculate in her mind.

If it was really man-made, then the other party's purpose was very clear, in order to disrupt this execution, and now it is really as the other party thought. , but relatively speaking, although Kallen survived, more people died because of it! The other party’s purpose was to survive, and he should have a considerable identity or status in the Church of Destiny, so the selection was very easy That's it for sure

"Could it be........."Kallen's face looked very strange, and a name in her mind became clearer and clearer. The more she thought about it, the more scared she felt. She didn't even dare to continue thinking about it.

"Ah, it must be him......."An image of a person also emerged in Swain's mind.

But he didn't expect that that guy would be so paranoid, even to the point of being abnormal!

"Oh, my dear Karen, let me tell you the exact answer!"

But then, the sound of confidence and joy coming from the alley behind the two people confirmed Sven and Kallen's guesses.

Sven did not turn around, but started talking to the Honkai Beast in front of him again. During the confrontation, Kallen stiffened her body and turned around, leaning on the fake Kallen. She raised her lips slightly and spoke the name of the person in front of her with a trembling voice:


"Yes, my dear Karen!"Otto looked like an actor who was devoting himself to performing a drama. The five fingers of his right hand were gently clasped on his face. He had an intoxicated and intoxicated look on his face. He closed his eyes slightly and raised his chin. He looked very arrogant and peaceful. arrogant

"Humph, that fellow father thought that all the members of the Kaslana family and the Valkyrie troops close to you would be transferred to distant places to perform missions, so no one would be able to save you. But it is a pity that as long as you are released and imprisoned below the church headquarters These Honkai Beasts, relying on the current defensive strength here, it is impossible to resist them!"

Otto hugged himself with both hands, not noticing that Kallen's expression became increasingly gloomy because of his words, and continued to publicize his brilliant achievements.’

"How about it?"

"Even if I can save you by myself, that old guy, father, really underestimates me. You are right, I can still do it if I want to!"

"Okay, Kallen, let’s get out of here now. The two of us can escape together........Um, Karen?"

Otto ignored the roars of the Honkai beasts around him and the wails of the others. He opened his eyes and looked at Kallen in front of him, but then his expression froze.

Because in front of him, in addition to the man in prison uniform, there were still people on his hands and feet. In addition to Kallen who had traces of handcuffs and chains, there was another girl with different hair color, but she was wearing a Kaitou suit, holding a fairy bow, and the look in her eyes was very similar to Kallen!、

"You, Ka, Kallen, how, how come there are two of you?"

Otto was suddenly a little unsure. Even he couldn't understand the developments on the field at all!

"Did you do all this?"Karen lowered her head slightly and said nothing, so the fake Kallen asked again on her behalf.

"Ah, well, but, Karen you........"Although Otto was very confused, he still answered honestly when someone asked him.

Otto had just finished his answer when he heard the head of a Honkai Beast in the distance being punched into the ground by Sven. The heart-rending roars made the people around him tremble in fear!

And just looking at Swain's trembling fists, you can tell how angry he is now!

But the priority of what should be done is still clear, and the guy behind can be solved at any time, so I still concentrate on being clear about these guys in front of me, and can't let the damage spread to the surrounding neighborhoods!

But the fake Karen behind was still able to move freely. She moved her right hand behind her and took the hidden dagger in her hand. She looked at Otto in front of her and was ready to throw it. She didn't have much strength, but the dagger was on The poison can definitely kill this guy!

But as soon as the fake Kallen raised her hand, Kallen rushed forward at a faster speed, and in a blink of an eye she was in front of Otto. Instead of saying another word, Kallen punched her face with anger. It hit Otto on the side of his face.


There was an unusually clear sound of hitting. Otto obviously couldn't withstand Kallen's fist and flew backwards. It hit the pile of wooden boxes on the side and even broke apart a lot. Apparently Kallen's punch hit Otto. Basically, I used my full strength to not die!


Otto covered his cheeks that were starting to become red and swollen, pulling at the broken wooden boards around him. He raised his head and looked at Kallen in the Phantom Thief uniform in front of him. Taking it from just now, he felt that the person in front of him was the real one. Karen!

"My Karen, this is all for me.........."

"Shut up Otto!"

"Do you know how many people will die if you do this? ?"Karen stepped forward angrily, grabbed Otto's collar and lifted it up, then turned sideways so that he could see Sven fighting in the square behind, as well as the dead and wounded on the ground.

"how many people?"

"hehe........."Otto was stunned for a moment, then chuckled disdainfully..

"Don't be ridiculous, what do the lives of these ants and untouchables have to compare with yours?"

"The lives of these guys combined are not as important as a hair on your head!"Otto was not angry at all because he was punched by Kallen just now. Instead, he was very happy because he recognized the real Kallen.

"you........."This is the first time Kallen has seen Otto like this. There is such a huge gap between him and the image of Otto she knows so well.

"Otto......You, you, you are crazy!"

"Well, my Karen, finally, finally nothing can stop us from being together."

"Let’s forget about the corrupt organization of Destiny and trivial things like Honkai and let’s travel together.~!"The look in Otto's eyes only reflected the Kallen in front of him, and he even proposed to travel.

Does he really understand the current situation?

Even with Sven's efforts, many Honkai Beasts still ran into the town, and now people are in danger of their lives all the time!

And this slightly unfamiliar person in front of me is still talking about travel?

"Otto!!!"Karen stopped talking to Otto and looked at him sternly and angrily.

"I never thought about it. You are such a person!"

"That's enough!"

"Everything you are doing now is another insult to me!"

"Kaslana is the shield and guardian of the people. I will not let these people go and escape regardless of their safety!!"

As soon as the words fell, Karen threw Otto to the ground, turned around, her face was full of gloom.

".......Otto, my friend, I know everything you do is for my own good"

" used the wrong method"

"No, wait, Karen, what are you talking about?......"Otto looked at Kallen in disbelief. Everyone could tell that Kallen's tone was very unkind and full of disappointment.

"You chose to hurt others and chose the most cruel and cruel method........."

"Give up, I won't follow you!"

Karen didn't listen to what Otto said. She was already disappointed with the person in front of her. He made the most unacceptable choice for her.........

".......Goodbye, Otto"


Kallen picked up the fairy bow on the ground again, raised her head, and the anger and disappointment on her face were now transformed into a strong will to fight. She had already decided in her heart that even if her body was broken, she would still serve as the guardian of the people. Fight until the end!

"No, no, no! Karen, you can't, can't leave——!!"Otto shook his head, seemingly unable to accept the reality in front of him.

Arriving next to the fake Kallen, Kallen gently pressed the short knife in the fake Kallen's hand. She believed that this clone was definitely capable of killing Otto right now, but she still couldn't bear it in her heart.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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