
Swain nodded and stepped forward, passing by cell doors one after another in the corridor. Then he discovered that the rooms these bastards stayed in were all airtight, and the small rooms where these people were imprisoned all had gaps to let out air. That kind!

Looking at the little girls huddled in the corner and shivering, not daring to look at her, I felt heartbroken.

But after walking to the innermost cell, Swain saw a somewhat different person.

She hugged her legs and sat in the middle of the cell. She lowered her head and couldn't see her face clearly. Moreover, she also had a long, straight black head that was hard to see in this place. It was like a waterfall and as bright as stars. Hair?

"She's not from here, right?........"

Swain walked into the cell with doubts, and then saw the little girls surrounding him hurriedly dodging around as if they had seen a ferocious beast.

Deslid, who was following Sven from behind, looked at the person Sven was approaching, his expression suddenly changed, his whole body tensed up, and he immediately wanted to remind him:"S-Sir, she, she is a demon............"

But unfortunately, Swain had already arrived in front of the man, squatted down, and said softly:"Lift your head and show me"

"........"But Xiaoxue still lowered her head and said nothing

"Didn't you hear that?........Ahem, I said........"Sven thought the girl didn't hear what he said clearly, so he was about to say it again.

"That's enough!"

"You bastards!!"

But Swain didn't expect that the girl opposite would suddenly raise her head as if she had burst out of emotion, staring at him fiercely with a tearful and angry face. She also waved her hands and hit him in the face. Come here!

Seeing the right hook thrown by the opponent, Swain immediately wanted to block it, but as if he was afraid of hurting the girl, he stopped midway.


The opponent punched Swain On the face, the glasses on the bridge of the nose were knocked to the side on the spot, but it was not over yet. As if it was just the beginning, the other side punched Swain's eyes with another left punch, and it was still solid. It hit Sven in the eye socket!

Sven stumbled back a few steps seemingly involuntarily, and then covered his right eye that had just been hit.

And this scene was not only seen by the people around him, but also by those who were secretly hiding above. Kallen and the gem can also be seen clearly.

"Uh-oh......This is really the first time I've seen her look so angry........"

"Great, this guy who looks like a villain should be given a good beating!"

"But wouldn't her situation become more dangerous?"

"No........That person should protect her, right?"


Among the arguments that were unknown to outsiders, only Kallen looked at Sven's embarrassed look with interest and muttered in a low voice:"………This guy is really into the drama, he doesn’t even try to hide from it."


Karen's words made everyone feel that something was wrong.

After all, her tone didn't sound like she was venting her anger. Instead, she had the attitude of a bad friend who watched her friend being bullied?

"grown ups! ?!"After watching this scene, Desilid was terrified in every sense of the word.

Don't let anything happen!

This year's performance is all here!

Xiaoxue, on the other hand, seemed to be still holding back his anger. He clenched his fists and looked like He was preparing to give Swain a few more blows.

Swain loosened his grip on his right eye and suddenly lost his glasses as a barrier. For a moment, Swain failed to control the changes in his eyes at all, turning the light pink and purple color. The cross-marked eyes appeared!

Looking with a piercing look, with Tiamat-like god-level power, Xiaoxue suddenly felt like a frog being stared at by a poisonous snake, like Falling into an ice cellar in the dog days of summer, I couldn't move my body at all. I even felt that my heartbeat and breathing were forcibly stopped.

The fist I just raised was also stiff and abnormally stopped in the air.

"My lord, my lord!"

"Um, are you okay?"Derslid carefully stepped forward and helped Sven up."

"fine........"Sven closed his eyes, and then Deslid hurriedly picked up the glasses from the ground and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that there was no damage on them.

Swain took the glasses, and instead of getting angry as everyone thought, he touched the place where he had just been hit. The anger on the other side was well transmitted from the fist.

"Sorry, sorry, this, this was an accident........"

"It doesn't matter, Baron De Slider, that's how I like it!"

"Including this one, I bought everyone here!"Sven turned his back to him and looked very satisfied.

".......Aha?"Deslid didn't react at once, but everything was sold across the street?

There are a hundred or two hundred people here?


"Really, really buy them all?"

"Um.......but you.......Is there really no one else?"

"If yes, feel free to tell me, you can set the price as you like, I will never counter-offer!"

Hearing this, Deslid's unsatisfied heart skipped a beat. He even wanted to blurt out that he still had one, but he really didn't have anyone left.......

"Sir, I'm sorry.......That's all......"

"Is it........"

After walking out of the cell, Swain seemed to have suddenly thought of something. He pointed at the little girls in the distance and said,"Come here and help me. I fell just now and it hurts so much."......."


When they heard this, the little girls were all frightened. No one dared to move. The surrounding robbers who were inspired by Deslid's eyes were very reluctant to look at them like murderers. Weeping and leaning towards Sven.

Suddenly Sven stood in front of these children like a ridge of water, and opposite the bandits headed by Deslid.


Sven gently stroked the short hair of the ash-blond girl in front of him, but she didn't react at all.

"Now, Baron de Slade, what do you think of my onyx cane?"

"I can give it to you if you like."Sven, who had his back turned to them, suddenly spoke without warning.

"Can, can it?"Derslid never expected that there would be unexpected gains.

"Of course, the cane opens up and fits your hand perfectly, and I've always said that........."

Sven turned sideways, grasped the red onyx, and straightened the cane as if he was about to hand it to Deslid.

Completely unprepared, Deslid, who was staring directly at the cane, stepped forward numbly without any sense of crisis, and stretched out his hands to take the cane.


But Swain turned his wrist and slapped the cane on the back of his fat hand, making a very clear sound.

"It hurts so much——!"

Because of the pain, Deslid took back his right hand, took a few steps back, and kept shaking his hand, as if it could relieve his pain.

"Boss! ?"

The surrounding robbers were also startled by Sven's sudden behavior. They were fine just now, so why did they start fighting now? So they didn't react immediately.

"Good kids, go hide in the next room, close your eyes and cover your ears. You can't see what happens next."

Sven softly comforted the group of little guys behind him. He didn't want them to see what happened behind him, but few people seemed to hear it. Turning his right hand over, Sven held the red agate cane and directly pulled it. It was thrown like a javelin!

Deslid raised his head in disbelief, and then saw the red and gold spear coming straight at him, stabbing his shoulder blade before he could react, and then The power was not diminished and he continued to rush backwards, but the agate at the end of the cane became an obstacle. Therefore, the cane did not pass through his shoulder blades, but instead knocked him away, and then nailed him to the door behind. superior!

"Uh ah ah ah——!!"

Deslide's pain-filled, heart-rending shouts came from the wall. Only the tip of his right toe could touch the ground slightly, and the rest of his body weight was completely shared by the cane nailed to the wooden door.


The little girls around were frightened one by one and hid in the cells at the back in the chaos, but some still stood there blankly without any reaction, as if everything happening around them had nothing to do with them.


"It hurts!"

"It hurts so much——!"

"Who will let me down?——!!"

Deslid's painful shouts awoke the minds of the people around him, but at the same time, all the robbers outside the cell heard his shouts, so they stood up one by one, picked up their weapons and prepared for battle.

As for the remaining robbers in the cell, Swain did not choose to use weapons. Instead, he walked directly into the crowd and grabbed a robber's neck. He twisted it with one hand and made a banging sound. He crushed his neck, turned around and kicked the other robber's neck.......

Except for Desslid, who was still nailed to the wall, no one had time to scream, and there was no scene of blood and flesh flying around. Swain also chose him who was the gentlest and seemed to have the least impact. The method can kill everyone in front of you in the blink of an eye.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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