".......What is he going to do."The lively voice in the gem seemed to be very lackluster at the moment.

After all, after experiencing last night's disaster-like, horror-movie-like night, no one would be better off. Besides, Xiaoxue was still scattered in front of their eyes, and even There is no extra time to come back to look for them.

Xiaoxue's sister has been silent since yesterday, and she doesn't know how she is doing.

".......In the face of absolute power, wisdom......Are you really that powerless?......."

Several people who had remained calm and performed reliably before were now mired in deep self-doubt, and were obviously hit hard.

Before, they were planning to rely on their own wisdom and use the surrounding terrain to deal with the opponent, but in the blink of an eye, everything was destroyed........

They were so powerless and helpless that they declared bankruptcy before the plan even started.

The rest of the people looked at these shocked people, and even if they wanted to comfort them, they didn't know what to say.

"that.......No, don't be too sad, maybe, she, maybe......."The gentle female voice tried her best to calm down, but seeing her friends encounter difficulties and being helpless, she wanted to cry loudly to vent her powerlessness.

"........."The cold female voice had always maintained a bystander attitude, but until she saw clearly that Sven was gradually cleaning off his disguise, her face that had been lacking in expressions suddenly began to fluctuate violently.



"You, you see"

"he.....his appearance.......No, it's not........"

Everyone was attracted by her unusual words and focused their attention on Sven at this time........

Wow - getting up from the bathtub, all the disguises covering his body, whether it was makeup mud or the makeup he put on, were all wiped away by Swain.

The remaining cosmetics were mixed with the special makeup remover and fell down from the hair and temples. The skin color, disguised as European and American, began to turn a little yellow, and eventually turned into a healthy wheat color, but most of it turned into a stain. It is gray and white with purple lines, and there are many faint scars in it.

The wrinkles on his face and body are also fake. After they fade away, he reveals the smooth skin that Sven should have at his age, and his body has sharp-cut muscles.

In modern society, it is only possible to get similar results by going to the gym every day. The figure, but most of it was obtained from protein powder, was completely different from Swain's physical fitness obtained from fighting.

When Swain took the shower head on one side, rinsed off all the stained makeup on his body, and wiped it off his face, everyone present was stunned and speechless.

"he.....he.....Isn't he......."The lively female voice covered her mouth as if she was afraid of screaming.

"That's the case. No wonder he gained Xiaoxue's trust........"

Even Sister Xiaoxue came to her senses and looked at Sven blankly:".......snow, snow....Snowy night?"

"Why? He has also come to this era?"

"No, no, no, didn’t we know from the very beginning that he was from this era?"

"Could it be that they are just similar? Isn’t it true that there will always be three people on earth who look exactly like you? ?"

"Calm down, there's no point in saying anything now! Anyway, calm down first!"

In everyone's eyes, although Sven's image at this time is slightly different from the character they know well, it is only a difference in hair color, eye color, etc., so everyone is in a mess at this moment. Wipe your body Fuck, Sven was naked from the waist up. His previous perception ability was restricted by this disguise, but now his skin is directly exposed, and Sven, with his full perception ability, can move 'freely' to a certain extent. Returning to the dilapidated room, Picking up the long cloth bag on one side, Swain tied it behind his back and walked out of the cabin.

"Hmm, the footprints around here......Uh-huh......Sorry, it's not human, and it's too messy for me to understand........"

Mei Lin looked like she was analyzing the traces around her, but she was not a hunter or any other profession. She was just an old pervert who stayed at home and was a host. She couldn't help at all.

"Don't worry......I have a solution."Sven is not very worried, and he looks very calm at this time, and he is not ready to explode.

"Hmm.......I thought you would be so anxious to find a solution that you would make a fuss."

"Big sister, I am even prepared to be angered by you."Meilin felt that it was much better to let Sven vent loudly than to do it quietly now.

Because the longer he suppressed the anger, the more violent it would be.

"It is immature to vent your anger on innocent people around you for no reason because of yourself, and in essence, that behavior cannot change anything, it can only prove your immaturity, and it will also make people around you artificial. You worry."Sven said with a somewhat mature tone.

"You, sometimes you are too reliable, it’s okay to vent a little bit with big sister~" Mei Lin said sincerely

"if it is possible......talk later."

However, Sven was just about to move his body. From this distance, he seemed to be able to sense some awareness of the source of the Black Death.

"I’m waiting for you"

"If you can, take these guys back alive from my hands........"

"I'll be here waiting for you."

The target on the opposite side seems to be me, but it doesn't look like it?

Just looking at it, the three people are still fine now, which makes Swain relax a little and calm down a lot.

He moved his body and was ready to go.

"call........"Taking a deep breath, the magic circuit that had been intentionally blocked in Sven's body began to reactivate, but at the same time, it also activated the Black Death virus in his body. Originally, it would take one to six days for symptoms to show after infection, but now, as time goes by, As magic becomes active, they will begin to activate at an alarming rate, shortening the time from infection to death.

In other words, the more Sven uses magic to engage in fierce battles, the faster his physical condition will deteriorate.!

The long lavender hair behind him began to float, but he did not intend to use magic to find traces of the attacker. He wanted to save his magic power at the end for use in battle, so he would save it if he could.

So he is now going to use Skadi's power as the God of Ice and Snow to ask for directions!

Little bits of light began to spread from Sven's hair to the surroundings, and then disappeared into the surrounding snow.

"I really need to use magic......."

Mei Lin's tone was full of pity and sadness. Before yesterday, Sven was not willing to use even a little bit of power and could not survive the four-day resurrection cooling period without incident. In the end, he needed to meditate for more than ten hours. It was hard to get through it, but now once magic is used, this time is shortened again, this time......He has the consciousness that he will die!

"Well, for you, the result is the same now whether you use magic power or not, and maybe you have a better chance of surviving."Sven didn't listen to Mei Lin's whisper, because he was asking for directions at the moment.

".....Um? Who are you?"

"Can you hear us?"

"strange guy.....Is he human?"

"No, that shouldn't be the case, right? How can people hear what we say?"

"Look carefully, this guy......Seems very similar to us"




"what are you up to?"

Sven's ears heard the doubts and speculations of a group of people, and they all sounded very young, as lively as children.

"Sorry, I don't mean any harm, I just wanted to ask for directions."Sven suddenly spoke, but no one, including Mei Lin, could hear who he was talking to.

Because the sounds just now were the sounds of the snowflakes on the ground.

"Ask for directions?"

"Okay~ Big brother, what do you want to ask?"

"Thank you, I want to know the traces of the three people here, two wolves and a white falcon. Do you know?"

"three people?"



"The same people and animals that were with me before."

Sven described the characteristics of the group of people in detail. It was just a person standing alone in the wilderness asking questions. If others saw it, they would be worried about his mental state. In fact, the same is true for the people in the gem. Although they didn't know where Mei Lin's voice came from, at least they could hear it, and now Sven was talking to himself alone, which was very scary!

"he.....What is he doing?"

"Could it be that it was a big blow because Xiaoxue was gone?"

"Shh! Don't disturb him!"At the critical moment, Sister Xiaoxue interrupted everyone with a loud shout, which prevented everyone from getting into chaos again.

At this moment, she had put all her hopes on Sven, and she believed that Sven was capable of responding to her expectations.. Otherwise, she would have fallen into a state of hysteria now!

"No.....He can't hear anything we say........"I don’t know who replied weakly, but it was sadly ignored by everyone.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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