Mei Lin pretended to be very calm and hurried to the other side of the bed to start packing up the photo album. It couldn't be hidden under the bed or pillow, so what about under the mattress?

Open the sheets and mattress.......Well, what comes into view is a large collection of photo albums that have replaced the bed boards.......

"It doesn’t work here either!!"

Meilin shouted in her heart, while remaking the bed, her eyes began to scan the room quickly, and then she opened the dresser, wardrobe, closet, behind the curtains, and even prepared to pry open the floor!


"Why are they all filled up?——!!"

Meilin held the photo album in her hand and held her head in pain.

Why do you think it is full?

".......Merlin, are you listening?"Sven saw that Meilin didn't respond even after he had been talking for a long time, so he asked curiously.

"Well, I, I'm listening......"

Meilin was sweating coldly as she opened the photo album in her hand. She was now making a decision!

If you can’t hide one book, then select some of Swain’s photos and throw them away, and then hide the rest scatteredly!

"This is Sven's nap when he was a child........."

"This is what he went down to the river to catch fish......"

"This is for hunting......."

"hateful! They all want to stay!"

"Is it.......Well, even though I have said so many of your shortcomings, you also have some advantages. You will still help me at critical moments. When we were in Chaldea, when we fought against the berserkers, and with Perseus, and now."

"Whenever I am alone, fortunately, there is always someone who can listen to my complaints and come out to give me some opinions and ideas in a timely manner. Although sometimes what you do makes people really angry and speechless, but that's enough"

"Mei Lin……"Swain smiled slightly, his expression seemed a little enlightened, as if he had seen through it all.

"Um?"Meilin replied absentmindedly, with an anxious look on her face. She looked at the photos of Sven on her right hand as a child and the photos of Sven as an adult on her left hand. Her expression was very stern! Apparently she has a serious difficulty in making choices!

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have chosen to fill the room with Swain’s photos!

"Meilin, in my life, being able to meet you is the luckiest thing in my life."

Sven's true expression made Mei Lin, who only heard the last sentence, froze beside her bed.

"Um; eh... this, you……"

Mei Lin's face began to turn crazily red, and the tips of her ears were as red as Chaotian Pepper.

As an old pervert who only dares to talk nonsense, although she dares to flirt with Si Wen, Si Wen is made to act indifferent every time. If she is stronger, her heartbeat will speed up a little!

Any girl who faces such a guy will have a fire in her heart that refuses to admit defeat!

I'm so good-looking, why aren't you attracted to me?

So here it is - Merlin, who attacked with all her strength because she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to provoke her, was hit right in the heart by Sven's occasional knowing blow.

Outstanding effect!

"………"Meilin hesitated for a long time, and unconsciously loosened the photo she was holding in her hand.


"Well………It's a foul for you to do this………"Mei Lin muttered softly.

"foul? What's the violation?"Sven was very confused.

"What I said was true. Is there anything wrong?"

"Woohoo! Saying what you mean is a foul!"

Meilin covered her hot ears with her fists, and then rolled back and forth on the carpet while also twisting.


"It's all your fault for saying strange things!"

"Withdraw it! withdraw!"When Mei Lin heard this, she also heard something was wrong in Sven's tone. It seemed that he knew his deadline and was afraid that she would not have time to say it by then, so she finished everything she wanted to say first?

But indeed, Rather than dying suddenly and facing it calmly even though he knew his death was coming, it would be better to say that Sven can still be so open-minded with a smile on his face, and his character has surpassed that of most people.

"Haha, I'm sorry, but for your unclear reasons, I won't withdraw these words!"

"Woo woo woo~~"

"You're an asshole! idiot!"For some reason, there was a spluttering sound from Mei Lin's side. It seemed that it had rolled too fast on the ground and hit the bed, causing the photos placed beside the bed to scatter all over the floor.

"You, you——!"

"Although I know that you are aware of your mortality at this moment, what you said is too frivolous!"Meilin tried to change the previous topic, and at the same time, she took the time to collect the photos on the ground.

Buzzing - at this time, Swain raised his head. Although he could not see the road ahead, the small snowflakes around him were always on Swain's side. There was a warning chirping in his ears.

Sven sneered and raised the corners of his mouth. There was not much change in emotion on his face, but he was just a little relieved.

"Huh, I'm not frivolous, I'm serious!"

"OK~! I’ve said everything I need to say to you!"

"Come on, we're going!"

"Want to go?"

"Where to go?"

Meilin held a pile of photos and an album in her hand, and turned to look in front of Swain.

There was a sharp turn in front of the river, but Swain's motorcycle did not turn. Instead, it accelerated and rushed out of the bottom of the river. Then what came into view were hordes of Honkai Beasts

"Eh?"Mei Lin was stunned for a moment. Then she realized what she was doing and shouted at the top of her lungs:"Isn't this the center of the enemy camp?——!!"

—————— buzz buzz——!!

"Roar oh oh——!!"


The Honkai beasts on the road looked at Sven who was charging towards him and wanted to step forward to stop him and kill him.

They grabbed any objects at hand that could be thrown or attacked and smashed them towards Sven indiscriminately, but this kind of single The attack is very predictable.

Sven lowered his body slightly and used a drifting trajectory to scurry back and forth around the feet of these giant Honkai beasts, leaving a large swath of car marks with extremely weird angles while dodging all the attacks.

It even made people wonder whether Swain really couldn't see now. After all, it felt like some people couldn't do this operation with their eyes open. So one can imagine how high Swain's riding skills are!

During this period, Swain did not make any counterattacks, and there was no point in dealing with these guys here. Saving strength to kill the final target was the best solution!


Merlin kept making a fuss as she looked at the bodies of the many Honkai beasts that were turning back and forth around her, trying to find Sven at her feet.



A large snow wolf Honkai beast directly blocked Sven's path. It may have been thrown here by its companions without even reacting.

It stood up and looked at Sven who was approaching. Wen immediately got up again and rushed towards Swain.

"Ahhhh! Watch out for its claws! It's coming! Come over here! Turn quickly!!"

Meilin roared, but Sven remained unmoved. It looked like he was about to collide with the other side. Then he suddenly turned around and changed his route.


And when the Honkai Beast saw this, he also wanted to He wanted to stop immediately, but it was impossible for such a large volume to suddenly change directions on the ice, so he fell heavily on the ice and collided with the other Honkaimon chasing Sven.

Merlin Looking back, he looked at the obvious traces of S-shaped curves left on the ground. Some places even turned into exaggerated sharp angles. Wasn't he afraid that he would make a mistake, slip his tires and be flattened by the opposite side? ?

Mei Lin swallowed dryly, and looked at the truth in front of her again with a livid face. For Sven, who looked calm, the nameless fire in her heart grew stronger and stronger.

"Ahhhhh——! Are you stupid? How fast do you go in the curve?!"

"When you were learning to drive, didn’t the instructor teach you how to apply the brakes to slow down? ?"

"Brake!!"Meilin turned her eyes and looked at Sven's hand. It looked normal before, but now when she looked at it, her heart that just fell back into her chest jumped into her throat again.

"its not right! You bastard! Where are your brakes? Why only the accelerator! ?"Meilin's whole body was now livid, as if she had been directly illuminated by Anna's magic eye and was turned to stone.

"Um? What are you talking about in your sleep? Didn't I install the brakes from the beginning?"

Buzz buzz——


"Let me down!"

"You are a black car——!!!"

Using rampage and flexible movement, Swain easily broke through the defensive positions formed by these guys and got closer to the target.

After crossing the slightly undulating mountains, the number of surrounding trees decreased a lot. The ice and snow ground turned into moss-covered permafrost. The pursuers from behind were no longer visible. And after approaching here, the previous ones seemed to have intruded. The tide of beasts in the center of the Honkai Beast gathering place seemed to have disappeared all of a sudden. On the vast frozen soil, there was only one trace of Sven.

Why does it seem to have become quiet all of a sudden?"

"It's strange. Looking at the appearance of those guys before, the closer they get to the destination, the more obstacles they will encounter, right?"

"Going the wrong way?"

Everyone in the gem had some guesses, and it just so happened that Mei Lin also asked on behalf of these people.

"Swain, are you going the wrong way?"

Meilin could see the flying snow lingering around Sven and still drifting forward, but she still couldn't help but suspect that these restless little guys had led Sven astray.

Sven raised his head and couldn't see the road clearly, but he could I felt that the small snowflakes around me had begun to slow down and were concentrated somewhere in front. Moreover, there was a trace of wet and salty smell in the air, which was the smell of sea water that Sven was very familiar with. (To be completed.) Continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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