"Oops, it seems that destiny can’t hold on........"

In the room, Sven looked distressedly at the falling life points in front of him and the continuation of the cooling-down battle.

"From what I've seen, you're dead."Meilin said with a smile on her face.

"Oh? So based on my observations, I think you will die before me. What do you mean?"

"Well......Forget it if possible"

"But not bad.......The difference in the middle should not be big. If you enter a complete meditative state and slightly slow down the falling rate of destiny, you should be able to survive it."

"Oh ~ do you want to meditate?"

"Do you need help from your sister?"Meilin blinked, with a slightly mischievous expression in her eyes.

"If you dare to mess around in my dreams again, I will make all the dreams you create come true."Sven threatened in a calm tone.

"Well, okay, I......I will change it......."

"I've heard this a dozen times this month"

"No~~"Meilin stuck out her tongue and knocked on her head, trying to pass the test by being cute.

"Okay, there is no other way now, just don't make trouble."

Sven put away the equipment and research materials in the room, and then sat cross-legged on the bed. He slowed down his ecological signs through constant deep breathing. The blood flow rate was constantly slowing down, and the heart beating rate was also slowing down, to the extreme. It can maintain a heartbeat of once a minute and there is basically no activity in the lungs.

Even to outsiders, this state is not much different from death. It can be called a perfect suspended animation!

But the shortcomings are also very obvious. For the surrounding people Perception will be reduced to the extreme, and you may not even be able to predict danger in advance. If you use meditation in a dangerous place, it is no different from seeking death.


"Uh-huh.......They died again, and many died this time."

Sven seemed to be standing in the clouds, watching human beings on the ground one after another dying in various ways but in extremely painful ways. He was very curious about what was going on.

"how so?"

"what happened?"He scratched his head, looking very confused.

But even if he was extremely anxious, he couldn't help these people if he didn't know the situation clearly!

"this is sick"

"It is a special state of living species, whether it is a plant or a living thing, it will become sick."A person following Swain knelt down and slowly explained.

"Get ill?"

"what is that?"Sven looked back at her, but he couldn't see her face clearly at all.

"Please forgive me for this specific situation........Unfortunately I don't know either."The man lowered his head with regret.

"Hmm.......So pitiful, why are you sick?"Sven folded his hands and looked at these people with a look of curiosity, pity and lamentation.

"That's because they are not as powerful as you, my lord."The man said sincerely, and at the same time, other people around him also echoed.

"powerful?"Tilting his head, Sven seemed to be unconscious.

"I.......Is it strong?"

"Yes, of course."Everyone is convinced of this fact.

"But why don’t I feel that way at all?"

"After all this time, I have never defeated any of you........"

"This is because you are still young, my lord. Once you have fully mastered all your abilities, there will be no one in this world who can rival you, my lord."

"Is that so?"Sven looked at his hands, and there seemed to be no words to describe them other than tenderness and tenderness.

"Of course, as long as you continue to work hard, reaching that height is inevitable"

"That's it, then if that's the case, let me help them a little bit!"Sven clapped his hands and moved his hands, as if he was ready to fight.

"grown ups......Are you ready?"

"Because you will die if you get sick, it is because you are too weak, so just make everyone stronger!"


"how? Do you object?"

"......No, your decision is our decision, and we will absolutely abide by it."

"but......The starting point of these races is not high, so even if they can grow, the upper limit of growth is still not very impressive."

"So, what if external forces are used to strengthen them?"

"this......You can give it a try"

"good! So......How can we make them stronger?"Sven looked very distressed.

If you want to solve a problem, you must first know where the problem is. But the problem now is that Swain doesn't understand what the problem is at all.

Just like a person can't understand a tree every day. What do you feel like standing there?

"hiss......perhaps......Maybe I can try to figure out what illness is. As long as I understand it, won’t it be easy to solve?"

"Um, sir, what do you mean?"The people following behind looked at each other a few times, and they all had some kind of bad premonition in their hearts.

"Since these guys can get sick, I'll try to be them!"

"After all, it seems to be much more interesting than staying in this place with nothing and flying around doing nothing all day long!"


"......Well, Miss Karen, I'm here to take your place."

Gan Yu rubbed his eyes sleepily, moving his head bit by bit, and walking unsteadily, he came to Kallen.

"Are you okay? How about you go and take a nap again? Kallen looked at Gan Yu amusedly and said with a somewhat distressed smile.

"No, I will definitely do what Swain ordered......call....."

Gan Yu looked as if he had woken up but his soul had not yet awakened.

Hiss, hiss - but soon there was a whistling sound all around, and the three little beasts who were taking a nap by the fire also got up instantly.

Kallen instantly became vigilant, but Gan Yu quickly came to his senses and looked up at the sky above, only to find that it was cloudy tonight and there was no light at all!

Rustling -

Turning to look at the forest to one side, the purple eyes were exposed first, followed by the graying body and the alluring stripes.

"quantity.......Yes, there are quite a few......."Gan Yu hurriedly picked up the mechanical longbow on his back

"The large Honkaimon is about.....ten....No, twenty.....Or is it above that?.......Are there any other dead soldiers?......a large amount"

"Looks like tonight is going to be a sleepless night........"

Kallen approached the wooden house on one side and took out two fairy bows at the same time, standing back to back with Gan Yu.

"It's about to happen!"Karen flew out and rushed out preemptively.

"yes!"The arrows covered by Gan Yu followed closely behind........

Bang - bang bang - the successive gunshots woke up Xiaoxue in the house. She opened her eyes hazily at first. She originally thought it was a nightmare caused by the excitement of everything that happened today, but when she heard the gunshots that became clearer and clearer, Everything seems to be true!

"This gunshot belongs to that little girl."The magnetic male voice immediately judged the surrounding situation and the source of the gunshot.


Then the room shook slightly, and the crunching sound kept ringing. The source of the sound was from the first floor.

Xiaoxue hurriedly sat down She got up and looked around. She was much more alert than before.

Swain gave her the two guns she used before for self-defense, so she got up and got out of bed and took out a pistol from the drawer on the side to load it. Loaded

"Calm down. Although there are some differences in appearance, the operation method should still be the same. Calmly load the magazine, then open the safety, pull the bolt, hold the handle of the gun tightly with both hands, and do not place your index finger directly on the trigger."Under the guidance of the magnetic male voice, Xiaoxue has finally armed herself. After walking out of the room and looking down at the window at the corner of the stairs, she can see huge white mice in the corner eating the surrounding walls. The sharp fangs and sharp claws continued to attack, but the surrounding walls were glowing with light color, forming a set of protective walls. Even the fragile glass windows could not be broken, and the strong light curtain made them unable to break. Make progress!

Xiaoxue hurriedly ran to the first floor when she saw this, but looking at the ferocious monsters through the glass window, her legs were shaking a little, but she still held her hands tightly and carefully leaned to the window and closed the curtain. , now I feel better

"By the way, where is he!"

Xiaoxue turned around and rushed towards Swain's room, patting his door anxiously.

"Hey, Si.......Are you in yourself?"

"There are a lot of white rat-shaped monsters out there!

"........."There was no echo in the room.

Bang bang——

"Are you listening?"


"Something doesn't look right."Everyone felt a sense of disharmony.

"........I'm opening the door!"

Xiaoxue opened the door with a click, and then she saw Sven with his head lowered, sitting cross-legged on the bed, as motionless as if he was sleeping sitting up, or like an old monk in trance.

On the other side, outside the window Honkaimon is still charging at this seemingly weak wooden structure house, and it seems that it will not give up until it achieves its goal.


Meilin was still looking at Sven who was in a meditative state with a crazy look on her face. She had even taken out her camera to take several pictures. However, Xiaoxue barged in and Meilin had to stop and pay attention. The power was transferred to this ordinary human who suddenly joined the group halfway. As for those existences such as Honkai Beasts, she had no interest in them just like humans from the beginning.

(To be completed)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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