"Hmm, I've never heard of that."Gan Yu scratched his head and replied uncertainly.

"......."Xiaoxue lowered her head, feeling worried in her heart.

It seems like we can no longer rely on Swain for rescue.

"Sorry, if I hadn't been caught, you wouldn't have come to this place to rescue me."Xiaoxue lowered her head and apologized deeply.

The reason why things developed like this is because she was caught by those large Honkai beasts after she hid Sven. She could have been willing to fight and retreat. Yu and Kallen had no choice but to be hoisted and led under this unknown underground building.

As it turned out, there was no problem when they came in. It was just an ordinary pursuit. In the end, they fell into a trap and fell deep into the ground. The escape route was blocked, and they still had to climb. Can't go up.

At the same time, circles of ambushes appeared around them, which made the group of people tired of running underground and had no choice but to find another way out.

Like a mouse in distress, with no way out!

"Don't say that. When your friend is in trouble, of course you have to help her. Kallen smiled. She thought she became a knight just to save people.

"Yeah, yeah, and if Sven knew that we were unwilling to save you, he would be angry."Gan Yu also agreed.

It was obvious that the current situation was very bad, but they did not resent Xiaoxue for this.

"......Thanks."Without too many words, Xiaoxue bowed her head again and thanked

"However, leaving aside the environment here, Sven's own situation is not very good. It seems that we need to rely entirely on our own strength to escape from here. Kallen wiped the sweat from her head and took out a somewhat messy and scrawled sketch from her arms.

Several people leaned their heads together and looked at the sketch.

This is Kallen's drawing of herself based on her memory. The route map for the group’s arrival

"This tunnel was the one we took when we came here, but it had collapsed before, and we also walked through a long slope in the middle. This should be a few hundred meters or deeper underground. What we need now is to find There are other ways out."Karen pointed to the current position of everyone.

There were many thick and large giant pipelines around everyone, similar to the pipelines that transport natural gas or other material resources. Most of them have long since decayed. Looking through the holes , and I can’t tell that there is transportation or anything inside.

"It feels so complicated."As an archer, Gan Yu was already confused after entering the underground. If it weren't for Kallen's sketch, she would have no idea which direction she came in from.

"I think we can follow this pipeline."Xiaoxue pondered for a moment and put forward his own opinion.

"Why?"Karen asked

"First of all, no matter what kind of transportation it is, such a large pipeline must have a storage place, so that place must have corresponding safety measures just in case."

"Oh~! What you mean is that if the measures in that place are complete, then there will definitely be a safe passage for people to evacuate under abnormal circumstances!"Halfway through Xiaoxue's words, Gan Yu understood.

"That's right."Xiaoxue nodded, but then said with a sad face:"But there is a problem. The sign on it is blurred. We don't know which is the conveying direction and which is the output direction."

"really......."Gan Yu frowned, but couldn't think of a way to tell the difference.

"At times like this, you have to rely on me!"

Karen patted her chest confidently, indicating that this is all a trivial matter!

"oh? Do you have any idea?"The remaining two people, two wolves and one falcon, turned to look at the same time.

As a result, Karen picked up a gun, turned off the safety, placed the handle on the ground, pointed the muzzle upward, put an index finger on the muzzle of the gun, and then released it. Let it fall freely in one direction.

Snap - the pistol fell sideways, and the muzzle pointed in one direction of the pipe. That was exactly the opposite direction from which the group of people fled, an unknown direction.

"good! Let's go in this direction!"Karen put away her fairy bow and pointed confidently at the road ahead, as if that represented the exit.

"okay, I get it."Gan Yu nodded and said it was okay.

The two little wolves and Xiao Bai were also ready to get up.

"........."Xiaoxue fell silent watching their actions.

At that moment, I really hated myself for believing that they had seriously thought about the solution!

Although they are all good people, I really can’t keep up with this way of thinking!

But now it seems that there is nothing worse than moving on. After all, in this situation, you can only choose the path by guessing.

So Xiaoxue sighed helplessly and followed her.


Boom boom boom——!!


Sven held one of the black snake's fangs tightly with his right hand, stepped on its lower jaw with his legs, and tried to stand up straight so that he would not be swallowed by this guy. The black snake had swallowed Swain in one bite. Eat it, but Sven reacted instantly and grabbed one of its fangs tightly!

At this moment, the black snake was swimming among the intricate passages that it had spent a long time digging out, and because its mouth was closed tightly So Sven had no idea where he was being taken, but he could probably feel that he was going down through gravity. The warm and smelly mucus filled the black snake's entire mouth, and the black hole-like throat on the opposite side was deep. There were waves of suction coming from everywhere. It was the snake breathing. At this moment, Swain was so lucky that snakes couldn't swallow!

Swain held its fangs tightly in his right hand and refused to let go. For the black snake, To put it simply, it feels like there is an extremely difficult fish bone stuck between its teeth and gums!

And just like humans, when there is something caught between the teeth, its first reaction is to lick it with its tongue!

The purple forked tongue was wrapped around Sven's waist, and wrapped with him was the long box that Xiaoxue had been carrying.

But because Sven held its teeth too tightly, the big black snake It's impossible to pull Swain away just by the strength of his tongue.

"This doesn't work, we must find a way to get out of here."

Meilin's tone sounded very anxious. The bracelet emitted a faint fluorescent light, illuminating the mouth of the black snake. Although Sven couldn't see it, Meilin could help her look! Obviously she didn't know about snakes. The tongue is not very powerful, and it is far from the tongues of frogs or lizards that have evolved for prey.

As for those in the gems, this scene was a bit too exciting, so many people fainted. , but I woke up many times in the middle, and then passed out again not long after......

After all, not everyone has the courage to play such a first-person horror game.

But after such a long time, some people have basically adapted to this dark environment and situation. If you are swallowed, you will be swallowed. Why are you stuck?

Therefore, these people are in a state of trance, and they feel like they are all numb. boom--!

The black snake from the outside rushed out of its exclusive passage and came to a larger space. The walls here were all made of alloy and were extremely strong.

There are many scrapped fighter jets and transport planes on the ground, as well as the remains of some large machinery, a pile of parts scattered from some damaged large containers, and the large maintenance machines in the distance. This seems to be a maintenance station or a maintenance yard, which is the Gnaku.

But now it has been transformed into the lair of this big black snake.

The surrounding walls and the ground are full of huge black holes, which extend in all directions and don't know where they can lead. The ground is also covered with layers of white giant snake sloughs. It seems that it evolved from a small snake here. It looks like this now!

Compared with the swarms of snakes outside, this place is relatively quiet. There is no trace of any small snakes. It seems that they do not dare to provoke the majesty of this big black snake at will!

"The guy climbed out of the tunnel."At this moment, Swain started talking and said with unusual certainty.

Mei Lin was still looking for an opportunity to go out, but when she heard Swain say this, she turned to look at him:"Eh? How did you decide?"

"Because just now I could still use my feet to feel the undulating and collision feeling when this guy's body slid across the uneven ground, but now it's gone."

"That......that is?"Meilin asked uncertainly.

"We need to get off the bus."Sven moved his somewhat stiff right hand slightly. Although he had not squeezed through the subway, but from the descriptions of Olga Marie and others, it should feel similar to what it is now, right?

"I thought you were too calm before, and you were treating it like a taxi!!"Meilin roared, but she had no idea how Swain planned to get out of the car.’

"But how are we going to get out like this?"

"......I don’t know if you’ve ever heard a sentence."Sven was expressionless, but he slightly let go of the hand holding the fang, and in a blink of an eye, he took out a giant steel needle with shining silver light. No, it should be said to be a steel nail.

"Which sentence?"Meilin swallowed dryly. Looking at Sven's evil smile, she roughly figured out what he was going to do.

"Toothache is not a disease......"With a sneer, Swain raised his head and thrust the steel needle in his hand into the gums at the base of the black snake's fangs.


"Hiss, hiss!——!!"

As the steel needle sank into its gums, the black snake's face twitched twice in a very humane manner, twisted its body and began to riot, its head kept hitting the surrounding walls, accompanied by abnormal A shrill scream.

In the black snake's mouth, Sven felt the surrounding vibrations and the hurricane-like breathing extending from its throat and was very satisfied.

He immediately took out several identical giant steel nails and continued attacking the gums surrounding the fang.

"It hurts......"


"Really terrible!!"

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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