"It's all rubbish! The other guy is just a blind man and you can't handle him?"

Seeing that Sven was about to escape from the cracks in the wall around the testing ground, Mosgid couldn't stay any longer.

She lowered her height slightly. If the passage on one side hadn't been made very wide for transporting large machinery, she would have I already want to block the door with rubble!


She vibrated her wings, and two black wind blades flew towards Sven on the ground!


Sven sensed the danger, one sided away and the other was still ready to block it with a dead soldier, but he felt something in his heart. He had no idea, so he turned around, gave up resisting, and chose to dodge! He stepped back to one side, using the black box slung behind him as a shield to protect his back, and at the same time praying that there were no obstacles on the way to dodge!


But Swain This time, my luck was a bit unlucky. I didn't retreat much before I bumped into a pile of mechanical debris. Fortunately, the black box was much stronger than Swain thought. His back was not scratched by the debris, but in this case, two gusts of wind fell from the sky. It was a bit difficult to avoid the blade.


The wind blade passed by Sven's eyes. Even if he pressed his body tightly against the machine behind him, he could feel a fierce wind blade passing by in front of him. Two cuts were made on his cheek by the powerful wind pressure!

A slight stinging sensation came from his face, and the wounds turned black. As expected, the wind blade also contained the Black Death virus!

Mosjid above laughed ferociously. As expected, she still had to rely on herself!

She continued to vibrate her wings and released more wind blades.


Swain turned around, groped for the pile of machinery behind him, and circled it to avoid the opponent's attack.

Bang bang bang!

The wind blade hit the mechanical pile and drew smooth traces, but her strength was only that, and she did not penetrate the mechanical pile.

Forty percent of her ability is poison, and the remaining 60% is wind blade and flying. Close combat is not her specialty, but it is the most direct and condescending strong stance that allows her to defeat others. Watch the enemy's struggling and wailing fighting style up close!

Therefore, as long as the enemy is weakened to a certain extent or there is an obvious flaw, she does not mind seizing the opportunity and going into battle herself.

Mosjid knew that such an attack was useless, so after releasing a large number of wind blades, she slightly folded her wings and made a rapid dive, blending herself in the wind blades and pounced towards Sven.

Bang bang bang!

When the surrounding wind blades hit the pile of machinery, she turned around and passed directly to Swain's side.

Because of the whistling sound of the wind blade, Sven could not distinguish the sound of Mosjid's movement.

"left!"Meilin hurriedly reminded.

Sven immediately fired back, but unfortunately the shot was a little late and was dodged by the opponent.

"Got it! Mosgid smiled ferociously, and

Sven reloaded his gun, but it was too late, the opponent was already in front of him.

He did not panic, and kicked his left foot into the air with a roundhouse kick in the center of the circle.


Mosgid He blocked it with the claws of his right hand, and then stabbed Swain's neck with the needle spear in his left hand.


Swain leaned back, gave up loading, and directly raised the shotgun to block it with the body of the gun.

Zila la!

Spear and shotgun The friction between their bodies caused large sparks to fly.

Without any stalemate or pause, Mosgied raised his right paw again to pursue Swain.

Swain raised his left foot high and hit the opponent's wrist, and took the opportunity to pull away and continue backwards. He flipped back and retreated.

Seeing that Sven was scared, Mosgied continued to pursue the victory. His legs were like soft rapiers, dancing back and forth. The sky was filled with sword flowers.

Sven raised the shotgun in his hand to resist the blockage, and did not dare to attack at all. He maneuvered to avoid the unfamiliar terrain, because he might not have been able to avoid the attack, but would have ruined his own rhythm. Therefore, in the blink of an eye, the gun body was covered with white sword marks.

"Now you're done!"

Seeing that Sven could no longer hold on any longer, Mosgied turned around and used his right paw to violently grab Sven's shotgun.


In the blink of an eye, the front half of the shotgun was cut off and turned into a It fell to the ground in several small pieces.

The location of the fracture also turned red due to the high temperature of friction over a period of time.


Sven seemed to have stepped on some mechanical parts or debris, and he staggered back two steps before stopping.

Seeing that Sven's weapon was gone, the enemy stopped their pursuit.

Only then was Swain able to breathe, and raised the shotgun in his hand that seemed to be useless.

Even though he couldn't see it, Swain knew that the gun was completely useless based on the little weight left in his hand.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Where did the momentum go?"

"Are you out of options now?"Mosjid looked at Sven with pride, who seemed to have no ability to resist.

"........."Swain's face is expressionless now, and no one can understand his psychological changes.

"what to do......Snowy night now......."The lively female voice said worriedly

"Sure enough, we shouldn’t have come here in the first place."

"Now, as long as we find a way to escape into the back passage, there should be a way to escape.......No, it's somewhat difficult."The calm young man began to think about a way out, but considering that the opponent could fly, it would be very difficult to escape!

These people were too confused. Some were worried, some regretted, and some chose to face it, but they didn't know what to do.

"Swain.....Do you have any other guns?"Meilin suddenly spoke at this time, not worried about exposing anything.

If Sven still has a gun, then the problem is not bad. According to his ability and mind, it is not a problem to kill the opponent or run away directly.

But if there is no gun. If so, then.......The mosquito in front of me is 100% dead!

And it is definitely not the kind of death that can be relieved with one shot!

"......You know, I will only keep the latest model of the trial-type items, and the rest are.......But those two were used by Xiaoxue to defend herself."Sven still held the remains of the shotgun and sighed slightly melancholy.

"There are still many areas that can be improved, but the original design intention has been initially realized. It can help me deal with some wheel battles and man-sea battles to a certain extent. After that, I need to consider other types of weapons."

"For now, the performance of this gun along the way is satisfactory enough for me."

For Swain, just being able to fight the same number of enemies without using magic power, although the fighting time will be prolonged, the result of the battle is already very satisfying to him!

Swain raised his head and said Throwing the remains of the shotgun aside, he staggered his steps slightly, turned his right toes left and right on the ground slightly, and finally raised his fist at his side.


"The ugly struggle of beating to death?"

Mosgid didn't even think that the weak human beings could do anything without their weapons.

His wings vibrated, preparing to release the wind blade again. Sven pricked up his ears, figured out the direction, and rushed over. As long as he followed the wind blade Rush directly in the direction, and there will be no obstacles on the road!

The footsteps are silent and the action is quick.


Mosjid moves very quickly, and in the blink of an eye, he releases two or two wind blades, a total of four wind blades.

Sven dodges quickly, The footsteps did not stop, and they were about to arrive in front of Mosjid!

Seeing this, Mosjid did not continue to pursue, but opened his wings, the pores on his body absorbed the air, and the jet port behind his back quickly compressed again Air, prepare for another rapid ascent!

Although she said she looked down on Sven, a human being, from her actions it was inevitable that she was still a little scared subconsciously!

"I won’t suffer the same trick twice!"

Sven waved his hand and threw a large number of daggers into the sky, temporarily forming an air defense net!


Mosjid didn't expect that Sven would make such a move. He hesitated for a moment, but still didn't dare to step forward and take the hit. After all, with Zouba's lesson, who knows if these are poisonous? He looked at Sven with his compound eyes. At this position, at this distance, you still have enough time to dodge even if you don't use jet acceleration!

You can raise a little height first to avoid his attack range!

Release a black tornado to clear the air above you.

Clang, clank!

The weapon is in The harsh sound of rolling and colliding in the tornado provided Swain with his position.

At the moment when the tornado stopped slightly and was about to disappear.

"over there!"

Sven quickly took out a safety rope for climbing with his right hand, grabbed one end and tied it to his waist, then quickly danced the other end and then swept it into the air in front of him.



Mosgied above didn't notice the rope at first, but when she found it, it was already wrapped around her right arm!

She turned around and saw that Sven was holding on to the other section of the rope tightly, her feet steady. stand on the ground

At this moment, I am like a kite being swept across from me

"Huh, this kind of thing!"Mosgid raised the needle spear in his left hand to cut off the rope.

Sven below grabbed another section of the rope and swung it back and forth.

In the meantime, a section of the rope began to twist forward, and finally whipped Another piece of Mosjid's body.


Mosjid stopped attacking in pain, and the force of this attack actually shattered the dress on her arm!

Swain spun around and wrapped the rope around his own. The waist was fixed with a lock, and the rope was pulled down, as if to pull Mosji to the ground.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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