Oh I see! No wonder everyone seems to have become irritable and crazy after being infected with this thing!

Calm down, concentrate your mind, sink your heart, enter meditation, throw away all the voices in your heart, and guard your mind not to be affected!

Sven immediately sat down cross-legged, not caring where he was.

If he didn't stick to his true feelings, he might become the next 'Mosgid'!

But the patience training of one's own will has been started since a very young age. In addition, before being harassed by the three uneasy goddess sisters every day, the abnormal state that can affect one's spirit now unless it is a very powerful one, otherwise few are effective

"but......There seems to be something wrong with this........"

"Not only the spirit, but also the body is changing little by little........."

Sven's body was trembling, his brows were furrowed, and sweat could not stop flowing down, even forming a small puddle in the potholes on the ground, which even made people worry that he might be dehydrated.

"What's going on! ?"The gentle female voice expressed concern.

"Were you injured when you landed just now?"

"No, look like this......Maybe the infection has deepened again?"The calm young man replied in a low tone.

But there were more questions in his mind. As a doctor, Swain has treated countless black patients along the way, but what is the reason for the lack of autonomy in medicine? ?

".......Swain, you again........"Merlin was used to Sven being like this. After all, he had been like this for a while, but this time it was a bit serious.

"Long-winded! Shut your mouth!!!"Sven squeezed out these vicious words through his teeth.

Although Meilin was a little surprised by his attitude towards her, she thought that every time he did this, she would advise him to spread the virus earlier, so why bother? She was struggling to support herself, so she shut her mouth obediently.

But this time she thought wrong. Swain didn't say these words to her, but to the voice in her head, or those words. The voice.

It's not the same person's voice. Although the purpose is different, both of them are asking Sven to kill, destroy, and burn something!

Now the group and Meilin can only wait for Sven to be there alone, which is very painful. I'm resisting, but I can't do anything, so I can only pray and cheer for it silently in my heart.

Tick tock -

This is a dark underground cave. The concept of time is so blurred in this place where the sun is not visible, so that the past has passed. I don’t know how long it took.

But what I know is that Sven woke up again, and nothing happened around him on the way again.

"Swain, are you okay?"Meilin asked worriedly.

"Um......Sorry for making you worry."Sven smiled back, but everyone could see that the smile was very forced.

Swain's lips had turned white, and his whole person was no longer as energetic as before. It was obvious that the person who was meditating just now Over time, Sven was drained of a considerable amount of vitality, and in order to fight against cognitive distortions, he also consumed a lot of mental energy.

"Really, this is what happens if you take it a little more seriously."Sven couldn't help laughing at himself. At the same time, the discomfort and pain that spread throughout his body made him unable to stand up.

"He wanted to replenish some water, but he coughed it all up as soon as he took a sip from his blue crystal cup.

He found that he couldn't drink. He even said that since the energy in his body flowed to unknown places, the frequency and amount of food he ate had decreased a lot, as if he didn't feel hungry.

Will she really end up like Tiamat, who doesn't need to eat or drink all day long?

It always feels like there is a lot less fun in being a human being.

".....hateful."Sven is not angry now, he is used to it anyway.

"Sri Lanka........Um?"Meilin was about to say something, but she felt something different.

Sven here also raised his head, and there seemed to be a slight vibration on the ground.

"earthquake?"Meilin guessed

"Not quite like......The vibration frequency is a little strange......The location seems to be right below!"

Sven stood up, shook the black box on his back, and hurriedly ran deeper into the distance.

Knowing that they were okay now made Sven's face look better, but now it was still a race against time!


In an unusually hot underground rock tunnel, Kallen and her group were trying their best to escape.

Kallen was currently running forward with a person in one hand, Xiaoxue in her left hand, and a little girl with a tattered body and weak breath on her right hand.

Gan Yu hugged the injured Zhizhi and followed behind, while Nuomi was leading the way on the complicated road to determine where to run. As for Xiaobai, he hooked an unmarked metal can with his paw and kept spraying some gas behind everyone..

Blah blah blah!

Deep in the cave behind, a large black shadow was chasing everyone from the ground. The gas sprayed by Xiaobai could only block it for a while, but the black shadow behind quickly caught up again!

Xiaobai took a look and didn't continue spraying. After all, there wasn't much of it. If it was all used up here, it would be really over!

"Aha....Aha......"Kallen was okay, but Gan Yu was panting and out of breath behind her, just like the last few hundred meters of the 800-meter test, with a mask of pain on her face.

"Add more oil!"

"Miss Gan Yu, you must not stop!"

"The ants are catching up behind me! Kallen turned her head and encouraged Gan Yu while looking at the black shadows on the ground behind her with lingering fear.

Those were clearly tiny black ants, and if they could chase them with the posture of paving the ground, the number would be more than a hundred billion!

Even more terrifying. The strange thing is that although these ants are very weak, they all carry the aura of Honkai energy. These are all Honkai beasts!

"hateful.....How to deal with these guys!"

Karen grimaced, unable to think of a solution at all. Such small pistols are useless at all. Gan Yu's ice can freeze a large area at a time, but the continuous fire speed is not fast, and the opponent's movement speed and quantity are too high. It’s amazing, after just a few arrows, you’ll get close!

"Sorry, I'm delaying......"Xiaoxue looked at Karen guiltily.

She originally wanted to run on her own legs, but she didn't expect that even Gan Yu, who seemed to have the weakest physical strength, could run much faster and more durable than her!

So in order not to be caught up, Kallen had to carry her and run!

The words baggage, encumbrance, and hindrance lingered in her mind.

She found that her previous bold guesses had wrongly underestimated the dangers of this era and her abilities.

Perhaps in the eyes of modern people, those athletes who are strong in this era are just stronger than ordinary people, and their overall physical fitness cannot be compared with those of people in this era!

Nuomi, who was running ahead, moved his nose and smelled the faint smell of blood floating in the air, which was so weak that it seemed as if it were illusory, and his eyes immediately lit up.

With a single turn, he turned from the large passage where everyone was running to a side path. This path is a bit narrow. At most, one can pass it sideways, which can still be a bit comfortable.

"this......."Kallen hesitated for a moment. It was risky to abandon the spacious road and turn into a rocky path with an unknown path. If there was a dead end ahead, she and her group would not have anywhere to hide!

"We turn a corner ahead and enter the trail. Miss Ganyu has blocked the road!"

"Ah, yes!"

The group turned into the path, so Kallen had to put down the two people in her hands and walk in. Gan Yu walked in first and put down the sesame seeds, and Kallen came behind. Kallen raised the fairy bow in her hand and pointed it at the people on both sides. The rock wall opened fire, bang bang bang!

A large piece of gravel collapsed, blocking the passage slightly, and then it was completely blocked by Gan Yu's ice arrows.


The ant army outside came to the entrance of this gap. , click, click, click. The bursts of gnawing sounds that sent chills down Lin Ren's spine kept echoing in everyone's ears.

"This won't last long, so hurry up."Karen calmed down her breathing and urged quickly.


Tick-tock-tock - there is slight water seepage around the gap. The ground under your feet is not the rocky ground just now, but is covered with mud and even some deep pits. After your feet sink in, you have to work hard to pull them out, so the speed of travel is not fast and you need to move frequently. They set up obstacles on the road behind them like they did before.

The high temperature environment and strenuous exercise made the people around them slightly dehydrated, but even so, they would not pick up the water flowing out of the surrounding rock crevices.......Because it's salty

"I'm afraid this is sea water, and we should have moved below the ocean floor by now."Xiaoxue wiped the sweat from her forehead. She has now taken off her coat and tied it around her waist. The rest of the people are also dressed in the same way.


"Then why is it so hot?"Gan Yu grimaced, not understanding where the heat here came from. Judging from the knowledge Swain said, shouldn't the seabed be in an extremely low temperature state? Why is it getting hotter as we go?

"Who knows, there is a heat source around or some other reason, it could be possible."Karen looked at the injured Sesame in her hand, wondering how she wanted to explain it to Swain.

"From which direction did the big sisters come in?"The little girl who had been walking in the middle of the team and only joined the group halfway suddenly raised her head and asked

"As long as we know the direction, wouldn't it be fine if we ran out from the direction you came from?"

"that.....Not long after we entered here, we were completely confused about the direction, so we had no idea at all."Gan Yu explained.

Her mind is very simple. In addition to her own personality, it is also due to her lack of social experience. She has seen too few people and has been exposed to too few things.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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