"No, you still trust him so much based on this degree of acquaintance! ?"Merlin sometimes feels that Sven is too caring.

"Okay, after all, there are no other options."

"You are too casual......."

"By the way, when did you meet him?"

"Sister, why didn’t I know?"Meilin thought she knew 100% about Sven's social circle, but she found that she still had blind spots when she was peeping all day long!?

How did you do it?

Peeping 24/7.......You can catch fish under surveillance! ? coach! I want to learn too!

"There are many things you don't know."Sven smiled and felt that if that guy was here, he should be able to solve everything without taking action.

Great, he is in poor health right now. Instead of reluctantly accepting the challenge, it would be better to let the guy return what he did last time. The favor was done.

Sven touched the black box. This was the first time he had really touched this thing. Xiaoxue had never let others touch it, so it seemed that except for Kallen who had seen it once, no one else had touched it at all. seen this thing

"Material......Is it made of stone? No......Somewhat unlike........Is it a synthetic product?"

Sven relied on his own feel and experience to judge the material of this thing, but found that he seemed to have never seen it before?

"like metal.....But it also feels warm and soft"

"Well, this thing seems to be quite valuable. It's full of gems.......Um?"Mei Lin also looked at this thing with interest.

"Huh? There seems to be something written in runes on the side."

"Rune?"Sven was stunned, and reached out to touch the side. Sure enough, there were a few lines of words engraved on it. Siwen began to identify each word, and his brows became more and more wrinkled.

"Um, what does it say?"Meilin asked curiously.

Sven raised his head and repeated it in runes, but obviously to people who didn't learn runes, it sounded like the whispers of the ancient gods and it was like a fast release challenge.

The result. Not only Meilin couldn't understand, but everyone else was also confused.

"Forehead......Well, I don’t understand it at all. You should just speak in human language."Mei Lin shook her head, looking like a scumbag who didn't understand the content of the class.

".......The big characters above mean spirit lock. People who don't know runes will never be able to open this box unless they have magic power that far exceeds the energy contained in this box or consume all the energy. They can only wait silently for the erosion of the years. Let it naturally drain out its energy and open it"

"Uh-huh. What about the fine print below?"


".......Swain?"Seeing that Sven didn't speak for a long time, Meilin continued to ask curiously.

"The small print is a message, it says........"Sven raised his head and looked up

"Stop picking the lock, run here to help!"


Did this guy have this tone when I saw him before? ?

Or is it just confusion in my memory? ?

"Aha?"Mei Lin was dumbfounded. What does this say?

Not to mention Mei Lin, even Sister Xiaoxue and the others were dumbfounded.

The lock they had used before was useless, and it took a lot of manpower to decipher it. As a result, the following small print translation This is what came out!?!

There is no point in deciphering this!

Who knew that this seemingly valuable, exquisitely crafted and exquisite box would actually have this written on it?

It’s strange that this could be deciphered!

And then Swain’s mind A picture flashed across the screen, a blue magic barrier, and Honkaimon that was constantly attacking the barrier.

The guy who told himself that there was no problem before is now passively defending!?

Still asking for help now?

You have the nerve!?

"Can you be reliable for once?"

Sven hurriedly picked up the black box and looked to the left and right anxiously.

Although his eyes could not see now, he found that there was still a little bit of breath on the surrounding roads, which was the guiding light in the darkness.

This is it!

Sven no longer needed Mei Lin to navigate, and hurriedly followed the traces upwards, and at the same time said viciously:"Damn it! When I see you this time, all my old and new grudges will be settled, and I will definitely give you two big dicks!"

It is not difficult to tell from this vicious tone that Swain is really angry...........

"Damn, we're surrounded."

The location near the top of the crater.

Kallen looked at the swarm of ants surrounding her group, and did not dare to fire at will with the fairy bow in her hand. After all, the other side was still surrounding them and did not attack directly. If she accidentally angered them......

Kallen still remembers the time before when these guys chewed up a group of people in a blink of an eye!

With this number, these little girls, with their thin arms and thin legs, would probably follow in the footsteps of those people in less than ten seconds!

"Uh-huh."Gan Yu swallowed dryly, pursed her lips, and looked like she wanted to cry but was holding back.

The three little beasts were on the outermost edge, and everyone was trapped near a mountain wall. Xiaoxue and the little girl were protected in the middle. , followed by Kallen and Gan Yu, two people holding weapons.

Xiaoxue looked around and there was no place to climb up or hide.

"Is this the only way we can go?"She looked gloomily and touched the back of her hand. This was her last chance.

"But we can't give up easily. It's hard to say anything now."Karen's legs moved, her toes stepped on the ground, her heartbeat continued to increase, and her breathing became slightly faster.

"That's right. I made a promise to my mother to take good care of Sven, and I have to work hard too!"Gan Yu's legs were a little shaky, but she still stood up. It made people feel that she had grown up a lot compared to the crying Gulu before!

The little girl looked around at these people and said nothing behind her.


At this time, the ant colony in front of them suddenly separated from the middle to both sides, leaving a spacious road.


There was a violent vibration on the ground, and the mountain wall in the distance collapsed.


A terrifying scream with the sound of metal friction came from the mountain wall. A pair of big horns roughly smashed the mountain wall on one side, and two scarlet eyes shone faintly in the darkness.


As the hole in the mountain wall was broken open bit by bit, the Honkai Beast hidden inside also revealed its form. It was a giant ant!

Contrary to the normal gray and white color of ordinary Honkaimon, this guy's body is all black and gold, and the whole body seems to be wrapped in a metal shell. The huge jaw has a pair of huge pliers with small jagged spines on it, and its mouthparts are Zhang Yihe seemed to be chewing something.

The distinct body joints are all covered with a thin film, which seems to be very tough.

On the back, you can also see the withered wings that have gradually degenerated and shrunk because they cannot support the huge body in flight. The huge abdomen at the rear is wrapped with layers of patterned carapace, which is airtight and protects its weaknesses. No flaws!

Click, click, click - the lower jaws interlocked like scissors, making a sound of metal collision, and the mouthparts squirmed and looked terrifying!

"Good, so big......."Xiaoxue felt that her breathing was suppressed. This guy was bigger than the Honkai beasts that caught her that day!

Only at this moment did she fully understand why the protagonists in those horror movies didn't just run away when they saw such a huge monster.

The fear in my heart overwhelmed the instructions from my brain. My body was very stiff and trembling slightly, but I couldn't move. It felt like a ghost was pressing down on the bed at night.

"Uh oh oh——!"

The giant ant roared and attacked everyone. Although its body was huge, it had many legs, and it was in front of everyone in a blink of an eye.


Karen was the first to react, shouting heartbreakingly, and at the same time ran forward, raising and shooting continuously to attract this guy's attention.

Bang bang -!

The bullet hit the giant ant's head and Sparks flew out of its lower jaw, but it was not painful or itchy at all!

Ganyu and Xiaoxue could not move, and Nuomi and Sesame were also surrounding it. Looking at the carapace all over their bodies, Xiaobai was unable to do anything. Xiaobai circled and launched It was a surprise attack, but it was useless and was knocked to the side.

Bang bang bang——!

Kallen looked at the giant ant's eyes, which were very small for its body, and kept shooting, making it have to half-squint.

"Roar oh oh oh——!"The giant ant was enraged by Kallen and turned around and waved its mandibles at it.

Kallen's pupils shrank and she jumped up quickly to avoid the blow, but a huge ravine was drawn on the opposite ground.

The giant ant continued to swing its mandibles, adding more ravines and knocking away a lot of gravel.

Swish, swish, swish -

Kallen kept firing at the pile of rubble coming towards her to break it, but the piece in front of her was too big, and she could only fly to avoid it if it couldn't be broken.


But Kallen was targeted by the giant ant in the air and hit her with a sweeping jaw.

"cough......!!!"Kallen subconsciously adopted a receiving posture to try to absorb the impact as much as possible, but the difference in size still caused her to suffer a lot!

After being knocked away, she landed on the ground and spun for a few weeks. The fairy bow in Kallen's left hand came out. She propped herself up and tried to get up, but the pain in her body made it impossible for her to move freely. She couldn't stand up several times. He lay down again.

Later, Nuomi and Sesame were shot up and hit the rock wall in the same way. Their bodies were covered with wounds, and they were bloody and looked like they had completely lost the ability to move.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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