"I see......Haha~"

When Sven said this, Xiaoxue really felt a little tired, covered her mouth and yawned a little, and fell asleep without saying anything.

This time, Xiaoxue slept until noon.

She woke up. After arriving, Sven had already disappeared, and it was already sunny outside. It should be said that this kind of weather is the scenery that this place should have. After all, it should be the polar day period in the Arctic. After washing up a little, Xiaoxue did not find Sven in the room. , or under the instructions of the others, I saw Sven outside waving his weapon and exercising.


At this moment, Sven quickly danced with the moon in his hand, while Grammer was helping him on one side.

Just looking at the serious atmosphere on the field and the sound of weapons constantly breaking through the air, there was a feeling that it was difficult for people to get close.

And Seeing how Sven was dodging left and right, and even having to roll on the ground to avoid getting out of the way, it seemed like he was fighting more than just an imaginary enemy?

And that was exactly the case. With the help of Mei Lin, Sven did have four enemies in front of him. An imaginary enemy surrounded him like he was in a cave under the sea and attacked them in groups.

Sven stood up and looked at the four people in front of him that only he could see. He still felt that it was very difficult.


Swain looked solemn, and it turned out that it was too much to force him to move like this.

Sven, who was in the previous state of corona side effects, needed Anna to take care of him.

Mei Lin also persuaded Sven that his physical ability has dropped by more than 80%, and you need to absolutely rest!

But what Swain means is that these are all excuses. Others don't care what state you are in.

Could it be that if you are sick today, others won't kill you?

Just kidding, Sven wishes that the other person would be sick all the time, so that he could get started!

"What about being weak?"

"I want to continue to become stronger, so strong that even if I am seriously injured and on the verge of death, and I can fall down like a candle in the wind, no one can defeat me!"

Therefore, in order to accumulate and summarize the experience of this battle, Swain is now constantly checking and filling in the gaps.

"Sure enough, it is unwise to fight. Fight and then retreat... No, is it better to escape with one blow and then ambush him by surprise?"

"In a fight with two people, the third person should use melee to approach me in order to avoid accidentally injuring his teammates.………No, if you are confident in your abilities, you will not rule out using long-range means. At this time, it is safer to counterattack first."

"But...what to use? Light wings? Or Grammer?"


Swain is thinking about countermeasures and trying to learn lessons from them to continuously improve himself.

So faced with the same situation, he changed his strategy again and again and tried again, trying to find the optimal solution.

"Right here, when the third person is about to approach, first repel the two people in front of you temporarily, then turn around and use Ether Cut to buy time, then get in between the two people, change positions, and let their backs to the third person!"

After a high-intensity illusion training for the current Sven, Merlin withdrew her power, and the phantom Sven saw disappeared immediately.


Sven exhausted himself and lay down directly on the messy snow around him, breathing heavily with sweat on his head. He took out his notebook and took a look, then put his arms down weakly, closing his eyes and saying:" Okay...this part is also solved……"

"Thank you for your hard work, you are really diligent."

Sven heard the sound, opened his eyes and saw Xiaoxue who was leaning on his knees and looking at him.

"Good morning, have you had a good rest?"Sven narrowed his eyes and said hello.

"Hmm... But it shouldn't be morning now, it's already past one in the afternoon."Xiaoxue nodded and trimmed a strand of hair from her temples to the back.

"It’s already this time...ah, yes, it’s the twilight phenomenon."Sven looked at the position of the sun in the sky and realized that this period is the polar day period in the Arctic. The sun does not set for several months.

"You didn't even notice the time. Aren't you hungry?"

"I ate a few gems in the middle, so it was okay."Sven sat up and patted the broken snow on his body.

"That's great, since you're not hungry now, it looks like I can have lunch all to myself."Xiaoxue walked slowly towards the house with her hands behind her back, and at the same time looked back at Swain with a teasing smile.

"That's not okay, I still have to eat, and this is one of the few pleasures I have."Swen smiled bitterly, got up and followed.

Lunch was a very common dish. Xiaoxue and Swain turned on the TV on one side, occasionally glancing at the movie on the screen, but basically chatting.

Moreover, Xiaoxue asked Swain unilaterally After all, this is something that as a 'Master', you must understand.

Of course, Swain did not tell everything.

After the meal, the two of them cleared the plates together like yesterday.

"What are you going to do in the afternoon? Or go exercise?"Xiaoxue took the washed dinner plate and wiped it clean.

"No, I plan to stay inside in the afternoon and make other preparations."Sven lowered his head to clean the last plate.

"Really...do you need me to make some snacks?"

"No need, you can just read a book and watch TV in your room."Sven finished his work and washed his hands, dried them and walked out of the kitchen.

"I'll just stay in the living room. If you need anything, just call me."


"What? If anything happens, you can just call me by my name. This is the basic qualification for a master."

"I………Can I also learn from you?"Xiaoxue clenched her fists and gritted her teeth before saying this.


"What to study? Swain asked

"Ways to become stronger!"

Xiaoxue was a little moved today when she saw those little girls who had left their hometowns for various reasons and now gathered around Sven.

She also bears the heavy burden of saving the world where her hometown is!

The responsibility on her shoulders is not easy!

"Become stronger?"Sven tilted his head and looked at Xiaoxue.

"yes, I.......I don't expect to be as powerful as Karen or Miss Ganyu right away, but now.....At least for now, it would be good if I could learn some self-protection abilities, such as using a bow and arrow, a gun or something else, as long as it can make me stronger and not become a burden to everyone."Xiaoxue lowered her head and told Swain what she had been hiding in her heart for a while.

After all, along the way, Xiaoxue honestly felt that she had not been of much help. All she could do every day was to give to everyone. People only cook three meals a day, and the rest of the time is completely useless!

She felt it was necessary to make a change!

"........"Sven came back to his senses and looked at Xiaoxue seriously.

Xiaoxueye faced Si Wen directly, straightening her body, her eyes were firm, and her eyes did not wander.

Apparently she means it!

"Is it......I see."Sven nodded.

Xiaoxue's face became much more relaxed after hearing what Sven said.

"Then go over there first and take off your clothes, shoes and socks for me to see."Sven said, pointing to the sofa on one side.



Everyone was shocked, what are you talking about!

We thought you were a good person before!

But only Merlin didn't show any signs. After all, he is Sven, and there is nothing he can do about his lack of common sense in certain aspects. After all, he has been taught since childhood. He is a little girl who only knows a little about everything.

"you.......say what?"

Xiaoxue's eyes were full of disbelief, as if she was telling Sven that you were kidding me.


"So, I asked you to go over there and take off your clothes, shoes and socks, and let me take a look."Sven blinked, tilted his head and repeated, slowing down his tone and thinking for a moment.

"Any questions?"

Obviously he didn't know what other meaning this sentence had.

"......."Xiaoxue also noticed Sven's demeanor at this time. It was very normal, as if what he said really didn't mean anything else.

"Just to be on the safe side I would also like to ask, why?"

"Aha? Didn’t you say you wanted to become stronger?"

"You are just starting now, which is a bit late, so at least I need to see what your qualifications are before I make a decision?"

"If your physical ability is too low, or there are other reasons why you are not suitable for practice, it is better to stop before you start working hard or get injured."

Sven's act of taking it for granted and doing it all for your own good made everyone who just thought wrong and Xiaoxue feel very sorry from the bottom of their hearts....

"Ahem.....Okay, I get it, um, sorry"

"Um? Why apologize?"Xiaoxue's apology did not make Swain feel relieved. Instead, it made him more confused. Sure enough,

I couldn't understand what these people were thinking.

Xiaoxue sat on the sofa and wrapped the gem around his neck tightly with a tissue on one side. Seriously, I started to take off my clothes.

"No, it's just a gem, isn't it?"

"Don't treat it so carefully."Sven scratched his head,

"The hardness of the stone is pretty good. There were no cracks in the battles I went through before. I don’t have to worry about it breaking due to daily bumps."

Xiaoxue didn't say anything and just nodded, but she was not worried that the gem would break......Although I am really worried.

But more importantly, she didn't want anyone else to see what happened next!

"Ah, just a jacket, just wear the warm clothes underneath"

"I see."Sven's words made Xiaoxue's heart, which had almost jumped into her throat, at least return to her chest.

Sven was not polite and sat next to Xiaoxue, then took her right hand and squeezed it slightly, but soon began to slow down. Slowly exerting force, Xiaoxue felt a numbness in her palms.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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