Siwen weighed Xiaoxue twice on his back, but he didn't seem to have any intention of restraining himself. He continued to walk around and pat him, which made Xiaoxue have to pay attention to his words, deeds, and appearance at all times, and he felt extremely restricted.

But in the eyes of others, the interaction between the two people looks like they are spreading dog food, but is it a show of affection?

" do I"

"I feel like these two people are on vacation more than they are in distress?"

"Be confident and remove the image. These two are here for vacation."

Maybe it's because everyone hasn't spoken for a long time, which makes Xiaoxue almost forget that although she can only see two people here, there are actually a lot of people watching from the side! But she was lying on Sven's back, Being at such a close distance, it was difficult for her to refute with the others, so she could only keep her mouth shut, as if she had acquiesced.

And Sister Xiaoxue looked at her sister's expression and had some guesses in her mind.

"Could it be, Xiaoxue?......"

"It's already late, it's already seven in the afternoon. Let's rest here today."

Sven found a flat spot on the top of the mountain and took out the house again.

Every day after that was similar. Swain continued to research and make new equipment, while Xiaoxue was exercising, feeling tired or exhausted. The two of them sat together and watched a movie.

But when they went to bed at night, Xiaoxue still slept on the bed, and Sven made the floor.

It seemed that only each other was left in their lives, with no one to disturb them and no need to worry about trivial matters in the world. , there is no intrusion from the Honkai Beast and no heavy vocation.

It even makes people think that they will live here for the rest of their lives?

But Xiaoxue touched the gem necklace around her neck and drove away this idea. In his mind.

This continent has not been invaded by humans, so Sven has not seen any Honkai Beast so far.......

Time has passed, more than a month has passed, it is now the end of May, and the weather is gradually starting to get hotter, although these few degree changes are the same as nothing in the Arctic.

Xiaoxue sat on a piece of broken ice by the sea and looked at the vast and boundless sea, and at the same time, there were several polar bears gathered inexplicably around her.

During this period, these big guys often gathered near the two of them, and they gradually became familiar with them. Maybe it was because of Swain's regular feeding?

He seems to have a good impression of these fat and white guys, but I don’t know if he has forgotten that these guys are bears.

"polar bear.....That is the bear.......Well, that means this is a big cat, that is, a cat.......Meow~~meow meow~~"

Xiaoxue looked at these small white dumplings and big dumplings, and found them quite interesting after getting familiar with them.

At the same time, thanks to Swain, Xiaoxue can now imitate the cat meow and touch the belly of the little polar bear, and she is still among the polar bears.………

Wonderful experiences increased.

Swain, on the other hand, was sitting on the back of a polar bear, constantly tinkering with his prototype, modified, robotic arm Gem Type No. 1!

It feels like this name is getting longer and longer......

It is more refined than the previous design, and abandons the use of metal. Instead, it is made entirely of gemstones that have been fused with magic and changed their shape. The obsidian-like metallic color looks extremely heavy and secure.

Compared with the previous robotic arm, this robotic arm is also equipped with an attack system, which can be connected to the armor and used as energy to increase magic output.

This was inspired by the Honkaiju turrets in the underwater cave.

And he is also planning to load it with tactical support systems, such as artificial intelligence, and other functions, just like Chaldea's bracelet.

I believe these things will definitely come in handy in the subsequent battles!

But the premise of all this is that......He really built this thing and perfected it, instead of just sticking to prototypes and design drawings.

Click -

Sven's hand slipped, and the half-assembled parts in his hand slipped and fell on the snowdrift.

Sven lowered his head and looked at the parts that were obviously falling apart and could only be reassembled, and his elf-like ears twitched slightly.

Then he tilted his head and glanced at the tail that had just been temporarily used as his left hand. Sven tried to control it to move. The three tail blades at the end moved slightly and made a clanking sound. They looked very sharp and powerful. As a weapon, It is like a chain blade, and it has the ability to continue to extend. It can be used as a sneak attack weapon, or it can be used to hold another weapon. These are both good choices.

But after such a long time, Sven still can't control this tail very well, and he doesn't know how his mother controls her tail. By the way, it seems that Anna's tail was even worse when she turned into a Gorgon. It's still flexible, so I can ask questions and learn from experience when the time comes.

Sven suppressed his divinity and magic, and his pointed elf ears and chain blade tail suddenly converged and disappeared. It was convenient to hide them.

"So, have you figured out how to get there?"Xiaoxue raised her head and looked at Sven on one side.

"No, I am actually still thinking about how much materials and time it would take to design and build a boat that can allow the two of us to reach Shinano safely."Sven got off the back of the polar bear and collected all the parts on the ground.

"Eh......This is not a short journey."Xiaoxue sighed.

Modern high school students must have studied geography. If they take a boat from here, they will need to take a slight detour to the Bering Strait to enter the Pacific Ocean.

"It seems that the boat cannot be made smaller, otherwise it will probably sink before it can get very far out to sea."

"That's not a problem, as long as I'm here, this ship will never sink!"I am very confident about this Sven.

No one knows the ocean better than me!

If there is, it is my mother!"

"But the problem now is that I have basically used up all the materials on hand. Let alone building a boat, it is now difficult to even build a car."Sven scratched his head in distress when he mentioned this.

When he was in the town, he was only thinking about how to get Kallen away. When he was on the island, he had almost exhausted his consumption, but later he forgot about it. Supplement.

Later, I became a wanted criminal by destiny, and due to the Black Death, I completely forgot about this matter.

Now, I can't just tear down the buildings in the ring and build a ship. ?

"Don't worry, if it doesn't work, I'll carry you across the sea in the worst case!"

"Idiot, do you know what you're talking about?"Xiaoxue's face turned red. If the good guy really agreed to Sven, then he probably wouldn't be able to get off Sven's back for several months or even longer. When he felt that it was time to land on the shore, would he still be able to do it? Walking is a problem!

"I know, isn't it because you oppose me that I want to build a ship?"

"But in this wilderness, it’s freezing cold and I can’t find any materials even if I look for them now."

"What should we do in this place where there are only fish besides these little white bears?………etc."

Sven felt as if he had noticed something in his mind. He looked back at these little white bears, and then looked at Wang Yanghai in the distance.

"I seem to have some ideas"

"That look in your eyes.....I always feel like your idea is not a good one."Whenever Xiaoxue sees Swain's expression during this period, she knows that this guy's mind is definitely open again.

"It seems that there is no hard and fast rule that we must take a boat to cross the sea, don’t you think so?"Sven looked at Xiaoxue and smiled.

"Well, indeed......what do you want to say in the end?"

"Then is it okay for us to leave by submarine?"

"???" submarine! ?

What are you thinking!

This is the tenth century!

Not to mention submarines, it’s hard to find a bigger boat, okay?


Swain snapped his fingers and nodded, feeling that his idea was a good one and extremely feasible.

He turned around and patted the polar bear he was sitting on just now, asking him to take care of Xiaoxue for a while.

Sven suppressed his divinity and magic, and his pointed elf ears and chain blade tail suddenly converged and disappeared. It was convenient to hide them.

"So, have you figured out how to get there?"Xiaoxue raised her head and looked at Sven on one side.

"No, I am actually still thinking about how much materials and time it would take to design and build a boat that can allow the two of us to reach Shinano safely."Sven got off the back of the polar bear and collected all the parts on the ground.

"Eh......This is not a short journey."Xiaoxue sighed.

Modern high school students must have studied geography. If they take a boat from here, they will need to take a slight detour to the Bering Strait to enter the Pacific Ocean.

"It seems that the boat cannot be made smaller, otherwise it will probably sink before it can get very far out to sea."

"That's not a problem, as long as I'm here, this ship will never sink!"I am very confident about this Sven.

No one knows the ocean better than me!

If there is, it is my mother!"

"But the problem now is that I have basically used up all the materials on hand. Let alone building a boat, it is now difficult to even build a car."Sven scratched his head in distress when he mentioned this.

When he was in the town, he was only thinking about how to get Kallen away. When he was on the island, he had almost exhausted his consumption, but later he forgot about it. Supplement.

Later, I became a wanted criminal by destiny, and due to the Black Death, I completely forgot about this matter.

Now, I can't just tear down the buildings in the ring and build a ship. ?

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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