"Therefore, we no longer need the shelter of this land to continue to survive in this era. We are free to leave here, but........Since the last general died of illness without a successor, sister, you actually took over these human affairs and took over the position of general. This is obviously........"The person behind the kimono woman said slightly dissatisfied

"Do you want to say that the life and death of these people has nothing to do with us, and I am just doing something thankless?"The kimono woman wasn't angry either, she asked with a smile.

"That's right"

"Really, Shadow, aren't you interested in the things and people here?"

"Those things have nothing to do with me. My words are enough as long as my sister and the naginata in my hand are present."Ying very simply shook his head.

"ah......You, don’t sit at home all day long and go out occasionally. Look, your mind has become too rigid now!"The kimono woman sighed. She felt that her sister was about to become a squatter at home.

"But the last time I went out, I saw the vast land, the blue sky, and the crowds of people shoulder to shoulder......."Ying raised his head and began to recall the scenery he saw last time he went out.


"No, I still think it's better to stay at home. There's nothing fun outside. There are obviously a lot of people, but everyone is so weak that they fall down after just a few hits. There's no way they can fight with me."


It's over, my sister looks completely crooked!

I have completely become a squatter at home, it is hopeless!


Zi La La——


There was a large amount of green smoke coming from Sven's body, and his steps seemed extremely heavy as he walked to the reef. Even his clothes were burnt, his face had turned black, and there seemed to be smoke coming out of his mouth.

The protective lightning power just now was split instantly by these more powerful lightnings, so Sven could only dodge quickly, but the attack range was too wide and dense, so it was unrealistic to dodge them all.

"hateful.......The attack power of this thunder and lightning is indeed much stronger than mine, and the defense is too tight. Cough, bah!"Sven coughed twice and then stuck out his tongue, as if there was a strange taste in his mouth, but in fact it was just because his mouth was numb and he had no sense of taste.

After being baptized by thunderstorms for most of the day, Sven became more and more sure of his thunder and lightning power. Power is not used for active attacks. It may be more convenient to control things like machinery.

If it is a thunder and lightning with high attack performance, then the power of your moves will definitely be stronger than now!

"Um........"Sven raised his head, then turned around and lay down on the rock. His whole body seemed to be paralyzed by fatigue, and occasionally a few lightning bolts jumped over his body.

"The 47th Raid Time Travel......Failed"

"You, I told you to give up when you were about to try for the third time."Xiaoxue looked at Sven like this, feeling distressed and amused at the same time. At the same time, she was seriously thinking about whether this guy is really stupid or a hypocrite?

Or is he just a simple fool ?...

"Haha, I don’t like to give up halfway, and I’m not just rushing in blindly. I have roughly mastered the rules of thunder and lightning generation and attack. If I do it about 70 or 80 times, I will be 60% sure to rush in."

"........"Xiaoxue looked at Sven at this moment, with a look of speechlessness and surprise.

"However, now it seems we need to find another way"


Xiaoxue knew that this was all her fault, so she subconsciously wanted to apologize directly.

"Shut up."

But he was still interrupted by Swain's very harsh words.

"Apology is something you can only say after you have done something wrong and recognized your mistake. You have not done anything wrong, so you are not qualified to apologize."Sven stood up and washed his blackened face with sea water.

"Can.....In fact, I'm holding you back again, otherwise you could have done it......"The more eager Xiaoxue was to help, the harder she exercised and the more powerless she felt.

Maybe the person named Skaya is right. The gap between me and Sven is astonishing. There is a gap between the two parties that cannot be bridged no matter what.

"It's not like that, you are the master and I am the slave."Sven continued to clean the black ash from the lightning strike on his body.

"And to me now, you are equivalent to my heart"


Xiaoxue's originally lowered head suddenly raised up, and her lips trembled slightly. The same group of onlookers also maintained the attitude of watching the show, looking at Xiaoxue's embarrassing situation at this moment like a joke.

But Swain still didn't realize it. Continuously increasing attack power while outputting violence

"No one can live safely after losing his heart, and no one will think that his heart is too heavy and is a burden."

"What other people want to say is their business. I don’t think it’s a problem. What does other people’s opinions have to do with me?"

"So no matter what others say, you don’t need to blindly obey me. You are neither a burden nor a hindrance. You are an inaccessible part of me."

Swen shook the water on his hand, and then turned to look at Xiaoxue who said nothing.

"Do you understand it?"

"........"Xiaoxue just pursed her lips and did not answer, but her eyes seemed to look at Sven viciously.

"Forehead.....What's wrong?"Although Swain didn't know what happened, he could vaguely see that she seemed to be angry?


Did I do something wrong again!?


Xiaoxue glared at Sven as if he was contemptuous, then turned and walked away.

If there were really only two people present, Xiaoxue felt that it didn't matter.

But the problem is.......

In this atmosphere, while listening to this guy's words that were more unacceptable than his affectionate confession, he also listened to a bunch of people's unscrupulous imitations and ridicules!

Who can keep a good face?

"Hello! you.....What happened!"Sven was about to reach out to stop him, but when he thought about it later, it seemed that there was no need.

After all,.......This reef is only so big in total, and Xiaoxue can't walk on the sea. Even if she doesn't want to pay attention to Sven, where can she go?

So the two people were separated by the reef in the middle, only about seven or eight steps away, and the scene was stagnant.

"Swain......If this place hadn't been so big, you would have already lost points to the point where you failed just now if you didn't chase him out."Meilin, who was watching the show, took two sips of a cup of hot tea and complained.

"Minus points? What points? Which subject is the score? What is it used for? Also, will there be a make-up exam if I fail this thing?"

Swen glanced back and forth at Xiaoxue and Meilin's bracelet, his little eyes filled with doubts.

"You, me, this........"Facing Swain's set of rhetorical questions, Mei Lin was speechless.

"Eh.......You are hopeless, you deserve to be single!"Meilin is obviously disappointed with Swain.

As long as his emotional ability can be learned from humans, it won't work. It doesn't matter if you can't learn to imitate others directly!

Don't just observe human ecological habits, humans will do what they want. Whatever you choose, okay!

Human beings like to keep exploring and take the initiative!

You should learn more about this!

If you are more active, Sven's baby will probably be able to go to school now!


"No, does this have anything to do with whether I am single? ?"........

Swen Wen and Xiaoxue turned around and had been drifting on the sea for several days. Although the improvised boat made of ice under them could not cross the ocean, it was still fine floating near the offshore.

May has almost passed, but so far Swain has not found any effective way for the two of them to pass through the thunderstorm circle safely.

Xiaoxue lowered her head and looked at the several methods on the notebook that everyone had brainstormed to cross the thunderstorm circle. However, many of them were rejected before being implemented, and the rest were proven to be completely unfeasible.

"Either fly above the clouds and over the thunderstorm circle or dig a hole under the sea?"

"Swain should be able to do the former, but now it will take more than two months for his condition to recover. If he forces it, his body will still be unable to bear it. As for digging holes......Just me and him?"

"I have been digging for years and years without knowing it!"

Xiaoxue closed her note in frustration and pinched her eyebrows, then looked at Sven, who was lying in front of him with his legs crossed under the umbrella on the boat, his face covered with a dark blue peaked cap, and he was taking a nap.

"Why are you more relaxed now?"

Xiaoxue slightly straightened her curled legs and kicked the soles of Sven's shoes.

"No, even if you are anxious, there is nothing you can do now. At least go around the thunderstorm circle and take a look. It would be better if there is a weak point or something."Sven didn't even respond. He just took a deep breath and replied lazily.

"That's right, there is no good solution at the moment."Xiaoxue stretched out her hands, then turned to look at the direction of the drifting boat behind her.

Seagulls flew in large numbers in the sky, and occasionally a few would fall to the sea to feed.

At first all this seemed normal, but when a large number of seagulls fell below the sea level and did not come up for a long time, Xiaoxue, who seemed to be in a daze, noticed something was wrong.


"it's wired."Xiaoxue turned around and knelt on the boat, squinting her eyes to see the situation in the distance.

The large white waves in the distance seemed to be splashing on the sea. Under the sunlight, the splashing and flying water in the air appeared crystal clear. The transparent appearance also forms a rainbow with a wide distribution and different sizes.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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