"Well, if you insist on saying so, it is true."Xiaoxue thought for a while and said based on his rough understanding of Swain during this period:

"He usually tries to persuade first, but when he really wants to take action, he will be absolutely unambiguous. If he can beat him to death, he will never hold back."

"too horrible........"As far as Xinhai knew, Swain was the first person she had come into contact with who was so violent.

Ah, thank you! This lady!

You saved my life!

Without Xiaoxue even knowing it, she inexplicably became Xinhai's savior.

At the same time, Xinhai also decided in his heart that before he separated from the two people in front of him, it would be better for him to pay less attention to Sven's affairs and keep a close eye on the person next to him. Otherwise, he might not even know how he died!

As he spoke, Sven had cleared away all the remaining dragon lizards around him, causing the originally noisy underwater cave to suddenly become quiet.

"Well, it looks like the neighborhood has been cleared up for the time being."Sven looked around again, then waved the scythe with one hand, brushed it vigorously for several weeks, shook off the blood on it and put it away.

"Uh-huh......."Just listening to the howling wind, it was not difficult for Xinhai to guess how heavy the weapon was. It was probably much heavier than her. If it hit her,......With my small body, I will definitely not be able to get up again!

The few people continued to move forward and came to a wider place. Apart from being similar to the ones just now, the surrounding scenery was similar to the one just now. The biggest feeling of dissonance was the huge stone gate standing in the distance.

The overall feeling of the stone door is thick, with countless carved patterns on it. Although many of them have been lost due to the passage of time, you can still feel the extraordinaryness of this thing through the remaining body. In ancient times, this thing Even as the gate of a certain king's royal city, it doesn't feel out of place at all!

There is just a huge open space in front of this huge city gate. The open space is paved with stone slabs and there are huge squares on it. Although there is no sunlight here, the green moss and some marine plants are still there. Less spread

"What is it this time?........"

Swain walked forward and walked across the stone floor in front to the place opposite the door. There was obviously a place similar to a console here.

With this first experience, Swain stepped forward and put his hand on the operating table. Sure enough, he felt that the dusty operating table reacted, booming - accompanied by waves of earth-shaking sounds. With a rumble, Xiaoxue and Xinhai behind them staggered unsteadily, and finally fell to the ground.

The console in front of Swain split from the middle and opened to the left and right, revealing what was in the middle. It was a chessboard filled with chess pieces. At the same time, Swain's feet were also tightly cuffed by a pair of metal shackles that suddenly appeared near the console. Locking it tightly so that it cannot leave, two walls covered with spikes suddenly appeared from far away from the ground on the left and right sides. Obviously, as long as the two sides die together, the person in front of the chessboard will definitely be stabbed through!

On the stone floor in front, the spaces began to sink, but then huge chess pieces rose from the ground. They were black and white, representing the two camps.

"Oh? Chess is a game that determines victory and defeat, as well as life and death."


Xiaoxue and Xinhai came up from behind and watched everything.

"what is that?"Xinhai has obviously never seen chess pieces before.

"That's chess, also known as chess"

"You can understand it as a kind of war chess, a game that tests people's strategies."Xiaoxue probably explained the rules and gameplay of chess to Xinhai, and Sven had already started to move. Sven moved first. According to his usual style, it was neither a steady move nor a rash and aggressive move. While attacking the rhythm, a considerable number of chess pieces are left for defense and backhand, which is quite satisfactory, and it is difficult to understand which tactic is preferred.

As Swain moves the chess pieces, the giant chess pieces on the field in front also move slowly!

However, based on the last experience, Swain had completely expected what kind of deceitful behavior the opponent would do.

When one of Swain's knight chess pieces, which was also the first chess piece, was eaten by the opponent's soldiers, The two walls covered with spikes on Sven's side moved towards Sven a few minutes. Sven took a quick look and found that the remaining distance between him and the two walls was about as long as he lost ten chess pieces. , regardless of whether your king is intact, you will lose the game outside the game board

"You need to protect your own king and the number of chess pieces, break through the opponent's defense, and defeat the opponent's king. so hard......."

Xiaoxue held her chin and watched the changes in the chess game on the side. She was also calculating the chess moves in her heart. On the contrary, she didn't seem to be very interested in Sven's comfort.

"that.....Aren't you worried at all?"

"Is his life on the line now?"

Xinhai looked at Sven in the distance, who was gradually starting to play the game seriously. This is a life-and-death game!

A decision between one piece and one piece can determine your life and death!

Why do you two look like this now? You don't look very nervous!

I'm worried in my heart that if I were to think about countermeasures and arrange the chess game in this environment, I'm afraid that it would be full of loopholes due to the high pressure, and it might not take long for a fatal flaw to be revealed, and then my life would be lost. Ah!

But these two people in front of me feel so calm in every sense of the word!

"It doesn't matter, anyway, this kind of evil thing is a good match for this naturally sinister guy. If it can really be stabbed, it might become a new post-modern art piece."

Xiaoxue now firmly believes that a mechanism of this level cannot hurt Sven. Even though he is weak now, weakness is relative to others.

For example, to himself, this guy is strong from beginning to end. , I can’t beat him anyway.

"Hey, hey, hey!!"Xinhai screamed. She didn't understand this kind of behavior that took the lives of her companions so lightly.


What should I do!

This person seems to be abnormal in some way!


I I want to go home now. I want to go back. I feel very dangerous staying with these two people!

"call......Calm down. If you panic now, you will lose."

"No matter what kind of enemy or dilemma you face, you must first remain calm so that your opponent cannot see your plans."

"React calmly, wait patiently, and wait for the right time!"

Xinhai was muttering something alone on one side. Xiaoxue just glanced at her and stopped paying attention.

He turned to look at Sven.

"Ten chess pieces?"

"Who are you looking down on? ?"

"There are a total of 32 chess pieces in chess, sixteen for each side. The losses are more than half. There is not much difference between winning and losing in this kind of battle."

Sven curled his lips, looking very dissatisfied.

"bishops advance.......The castle still defends........Okay, the soldiers have arrived on the other side.....upgraded to......Knight."

Sven still adopted his own tactics and successfully reduced the number of opponent's pieces. In the blink of an eye, the opponent's losses had exceeded half.

"He is very powerful, his chess skills are superb, and his reactions are very fast. I haven't encountered such an interesting opponent in a long time."

Although Xiaoxue on the side wanted to remind Sven that the wall next to him was two blocks closer, but seeing that he was having a lot of fun, he decided to forget it.

"Okay, if we continue like this, it will take about seven steps to defeat the general.~!"

Seeing that the king on the opposite side was about to be surrounded, Swain pursed his lips and waited for the next step from the opposite side.

However, the soldiers on the opposite side only advanced one space, which was of no use, so Swain used the knight to eat the bishop on the opposite side as planned.

However, an accident happened at this moment.

The bishop who was supposed to be eaten and exited the field, but at this moment, two more bishops were generated at random locations on the field!

"After eating the child, you can be reborn twice as much?"

"This is to allow me to use roundabout tactics to avoid consuming myself and the opponent's chess pieces."

It doesn't matter to switch to the exclusive tactical notebook, but the changes around him are more than that. There was originally only one operating console in front of Sven, but two more operating consoles appeared on both sides of the operating console!

At the same time, the surface of the mountain on both sides of the cave began to After the collapse, the rocks, moss and plants on the surface fell off, revealing two chessboards vertically on the wall. And it was not a restart of the chess game, but an endgame with Sven as the unfavorable side!

And the left and right walls also started. Regardless of whether Swain loses or not, it hits the middle as time goes by!

"Huh, do you think this can scare me away?"


"Come if you can!"

Although Sven said he didn't care, his expression became more serious before he turned up. After all, with three chessboards, he can lose ten pieces in total, and there are still seven pieces left to lose, but as time goes by, he can The losing chess pieces will become less and less!

Although these stabbings on the two walls cannot hurt Sven, they will still lose the game, and it is a game that a normal person can only play and lose once in his life. If you lose, you will still feel unhappy!

Swain quickly observed the current chess game. The middle chess game went according to the original plan. After all, the movement of giant chess pieces on the field is not instantaneous!

"In the chess game on the left, our side is almost completely surrounded, but fortunately we still have a relatively complete set of chess pieces, but we want to get out......Need to sacrifice some chess pieces"

"In the middle chess game, you cannot kill the opposite chess piece, otherwise it will increase in number, so choose to go around!"

"In the chess game on the right, the lineup is too scattered. There are few remaining chess pieces, and we cannot organize a favorable offensive. We need to take risks and be aggressive. Try a more adventurous charge and beheading!"

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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