"Is this, so much?"After all, Xinhai has never been on the battlefield. Since he was a child, he has only been talking about military skills on paper, so he thinks that the battlefield can only be simple addition and subtraction.

"Well, and it’s also very irrational for you to decide your subsequent strategy just by the number of people you see. You should continue to ask me about the situation on the battlefield."

"You only know that our side is infantry, but what about the heavy armored soldiers or cavalry on the opposite side?"

"You can't attack the opponent, and a strong attack will only cause heavy casualties. But if you choose to divide the people into several teams, harass the guerrillas day and night, and wear down the opponent, the armor is very heavy. These heavy armor soldiers will be exhausted in a short time, and then you can Is it easy to capture the opponent, or is it possible to defeat the opponent without fighting?"

"As for the cavalry, a charge may be able to break through your defense. Although a few people may be able to stay, the large army will fly away. At this time, you can use falling rocks to block the only exit. The enemy is in the low-lying area in the middle. , everyone set up their spears on the hillside and waited for these people to hit them. It was climbing anyway, and the horses on the opposite side were not much faster."

"If there are also infantry on the opposite side, in order to minimize casualties, I will open a gap, and then slowly reduce the number of opponents in the form of pursuit. This can ensure the minimum casualty rate of my own side."

"Oh, I see. I understand that you need to use different methods to deal with different enemies. You should not make rash judgments without analyzing the situation on the field when encountering similar situations."

Xinhai was filled with emotion. At the same time, he picked up his notebook and kept recording his gains.

"That's right.....You are also very powerful. You can come to the correct conclusion with just a little guidance."Swen took a sip of tea and was very satisfied with Xinhai's performance.

Such smart students are rare!

"Then in addition, we assume that the difference in number between the enemy and ourselves is still one hundred and one thousand, but the difference in combat power is that the enemy's combat power is......Pretty much the same as me!"

"Um......Um! ?"When Xinhai heard this, he immediately stopped the pen in his hand and looked at Swain in astonishment.

That expression of indescribable surprise seemed to say, are you kidding me?

A hundred of you like this?

What are you planning to do ? Are you going to destroy the country?

Let alone a thousand soldiers beating a hundred of you, you can't beat even one!

"Um, it seems that the example is not appropriate........"Sven scratched his head in embarrassment


Xinhai lowered his head and wrote another line on his note.

In the face of absolute Sven (power), any mind (wisdom) is powerless.

Xiaoxue watched the interaction between the two teachers and students from a distance, and for a moment she was afraid to get close.

It’s not that I’m worried about disturbing Swain’s teaching, it’s mainly that......The two dozing giant dragon lizards between the two sides completely blocked the road, and she couldn't get around it at all!

"Unexpectedly, he actually defeated these two dragon lizards........"

Xiaoxue couldn't help but sigh, but Swain's super performance didn't last for a day or two, and she gradually got used to it.

"Hey, you two, it's time for lunch!"

There is no way Xiaoxue can only call the two of them from a distance.

Swain turned to look at Xiaoxue and said:"Come here, we will talk about it for the rest of the afternoon."


The two of them tidied up a little and then crossed over the two dragon lizards to join Xiaoxue.

This was the third day that the group came here. Swain had already fully explained the things about this tower and the computer called Soul Steel above. He told Xinhai to listen, and also said that there was not much energy in this place, and it might collapse by then, and even the upper level Coral Palace might not be able to be saved.

Although Xinhai was hit hard, there was still nothing anyone could do about this matter. Yes, after all, the things here cannot be moved, and there is not enough energy to support the suspension here.

Regarding Swain's intention to take away the data in the computer, Xinhai felt that since the other side could open this strange 'book', let him 'copy' it There is nothing wrong with reading the content.

Swain was very happy with Xinhai's generosity and said that if you want to be a strategist, he can help. I thought it was just a talk, but it turned out that Swain only took a few lessons. He completely conquered the sea of ​​​​mind and became the current teaching situation.

Eighty percent of the data transmission above has been completed, and it will be completely completed in about one day. By then, Swain will be ready to leave, thinking about how to break through the thunderstorm..

As for Xinhai, she has not thought much about her future seriously. The strategist is just a dream, and she doesn’t know if it can be realized. She doesn’t trust a place as big as the Coral Palace to leave it alone.

It is said that she is alone and has no worries. But who can really do it?

At least Xinhai can't completely forget the place where he lived since childhood. Swain didn't rush anything. Anyway, he still has some energy and can last for a few months.

But then.......It's just Swain's estimate. There is no surprise. It can last for several months under normal consumption.

"Well, it's okay. Didn't the master say there are still a few months?"

"Don’t worry, it’s not like the battery will run out and be destroyed today."Xinhai said with a smile, seemingly unconcerned.

But when Swain looked at the opposite person, he always felt a little uneasy in his heart. It shouldn't have been true at first, but the more he listened to it, the more he felt that Xinhai just seemed like What kind of bad flag has been set up?....

At the same time, looking down from the top of the tower, crossing the tower of several hundred meters, passing the surface of the floating island below, passing through the misty mist, and continuing to fall towards the bottomless abyss below..

In the darkest depths, a gray-white, four-legged Honkai Beast with purple lines is sleeping motionless here. Its huge body is several hundred meters long, and it is definitely the top among all Honkai Beasts. The presence!

Although it was difficult to see its full picture due to the darkness, the motionless body covered by stones and the moss-covered appearance showed that it had not moved for a long time, making people wonder if this guy was dead.

And just like this Honkai Beast, there are two other Honkai Beasts that are smaller but still about 100 meters long!

What is different from this giant Honkai beast is that the rocks on the bodies of these two Honkai beasts that seemed to be integrated with the skin began to shake violently at this moment, and boom - large pieces of rubble collapsed, revealing a long-awaited structure that had not been seen for a long time. The silicon-based shells, the lines on their bodies light up, and they slowly move their tails, fins, mouths and other parts.


However, even if the two of them woke up at the same moment, the difference in strength before dormancy was still evident. One of them flicked its tail, and all the rocks surrounding its body suddenly collapsed, revealing a hundred meters of snake body.

Its two huge eyes scanned the surrounding space back and forth, and saw that it was currently lying on the body of its former boss, while another Honkai Beast in the distance was slowly waking up.

Although it was no longer a beast strictly speaking, the hunger impulse from the beast days now turned into a hunger of energy deficiency and attacked it.

It didn't dare to attack its former boss, but the other Honkai Beast, judging from the current feeling, was weaker than itself, so wouldn't it be enough for him to just devour it?

"Hiss hiss——"

Thinking of this, the Honkai beast immediately reacted, opening its huge mouth and biting at the Honkai beast next door.

The second Honkaiju looks like a fish. Although it has revived at this moment, there are still a lot of stones on its body. It is obvious that its mobility has not been fully restored. When seeing its former companions, no, it should be said that it was... The object of forced oppression has no choice but to cooperate with it and attacks it. Its first reaction is to dodge.

It is not the same group as this snake and the still sleeping giant beast. It was only because of the order that it had to cooperate with the two of them!

Therefore, its first thought now is to run away immediately!

Although there is still a large amount of rock that has not peeled off at the position of the wings, and it is still inconvenient to move, but fortunately it has an ability that the other two Honkai beasts do not have-flying!

It shook the two huge shark fins on its side, and its huge body of tens of thousands of tons flew directly into the air!!

The snake-type Honkaimon was suddenly thrown into the air, and at the same time, the hurricane of the fish-type Honkaimon's wings made the snake-type Honkaimon unable to open its eyes.

When the hurricane subsided, the snake-shaped Honkaimon raised his head, only to see that the fish-shaped Honkaimon had flown high into the sky, and now only a hazy black shadow could be seen through the layer of mist!

It was very unwilling and looked back and forth, then twisted its huge body and climbed up the rock wall on one side, preparing to catch up with the fish that was about to escape from its mouth!........


"Hmm, it's such a strong wind~!"

Outside the tower, everyone who was taking a break and chatting after lunch suddenly felt a strong wind blowing from below. They were so fascinated that they could hardly open their eyes.

"What's going on? Why is there such a strong wind all of a sudden?"Xiaoxue opened her mouth to ask Sven, but when she opened her mouth, a large amount of wind rushed into her throat, and she couldn't speak at all.


"Why is the wind so strong at the bottom of the sea? Could it be that some monster has awakened?"

"I just hope it won’t blow up the floating island under my feet and make it fall from the sky?"Xinhai covered his face with his hands, but he seemed to have not forgotten to set up a new flag.

"Y-probably not."Now even Sven is unsure.

This can't be such a coincidence, right?

It's probably just overthinking.......It's okay, it's okay.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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