Before he finished speaking, Swain had already arrived at the top of the tower from the outside.

At this moment, the place has become a mess. The memory that was previously connected to this piece of soul steel has fallen to no one knows where. Only a few wires that seem to have been cut by sharp rocks, exposing the internal circuits are swinging there randomly.

"000, are you still there?"


Sven tried to wake up the AI ​​here to use its power, but there was no response at the moment. The data transfer was interrupted before it was complete. In the worst case, the data may be damaged, causing the AI ​​here to disappear!

That way If so, Swain would have to rely on most of the data he had copied before and repair it and create a new one!

But now, it seemed that he could only rely on himself.

Swain came to the side of the ball of soul steel and touched it directly with his right hand. When it touched its surface, several rays of purple lightning suddenly turned into a stream of light that flowed back and forth between the two along Swain's arm, as if data were being exchanged.

"What are you going to do?"Xiaoxue asked anxiously

"this.....It can be regarded as a mini computer system. Deep underground on this floating island, there should be an anti-gravity device in the deep water where the two dragon lizards live below. This is its control switch. Now I need to turn this thing off. Lose."Sven was doing two things at this time, separating this piece of soul steel from the remaining living system in the air, and at the same time inputting the final shutdown command.

"If you turn this off.....This floating island.....No, all the surrounding floating islands will be affected and fall!"

"Master, do you want to use your weight to flatten the other side?"

"Unfortunately, it's still not right."Sven licked the corner of his mouth with a somewhat expectant expression.

"Eh! ? Wrong again! ?"

"The weight of these large rocks alone is of no use. Swain looked up at the underground cavity and said slowly:"Look at the dome here. It is clearly unsupported but still able to remain stable and not collapse. Why do you think it is?""

"yes.....Rely on this thing?"Xinhai looked at the ball in front of the three people and said

"Yes, although this thing is an anti-gravity device, it can not only support itself in suspension, but can also serve as a fulcrum to support the cave from being crushed by the rocks and seawater above."

"And now if I turn this thing off........"

Following Swain's words, the ball that had been floating before slowly stopped, and at the same time, the support felt by everyone's feet seemed to disappear little by little.

The originally stable floating island began to sway gently from side to side in an instant, and the rock top above also made bursts of very ominous cracking sounds.

The anti-gravity device is very large. Even if it is turned off now, it will still take some time for all its functions to disappear.

"Hoo ho ho ho——!"

"Uh oh oh——!"

The two giant beasts in the fight didn't notice anything unusual around them at all. To them, these three planktons, which were not even the size of their eyes, were not worth noticing at all!


Boom boom!

The entangled huge bodies hit the surrounding rock walls, the rubble collapsed, and huge cracks followed the rock walls towards the top.

At a certain moment, all balance seemed to be broken.


The top of the rock collapsed, and the floating island began to fall rapidly!


Hua Hua Hua - if it is large, the sea water will splash everywhere like a water pipe dug by the construction team, or turn into a fountain or waterfall.

"etc! master! What should we do!"

"If this continues, we will also be buried alive!"

Xinhai and Xiaoxue could only hold on to the wall at the edge of the tower top to stabilize their bodies as much as possible.

Sven continued to speed up and turned off the controllers of all operating anti-gravity devices. Then he no longer used a gentle separation method, but directly took out Hepal and turned it into a sickle.


In one fell swoop, the platform that had previously supported the ball soul steel was cut in half, leaving what looked like a tree stump. The round surface and the densely packed lines below it, put away the soul steel and the remaining table.

Swain turned his head directly, this time using his extended tail, and directly tied the two people together.

"We are also ready to run away!"

"If you don't want to die, keep your mouth shut tightly, be careful of biting your tongue!!"

Sven didn't have time to explain, he revealed the armor, and directly entered the second stage, showing the arm blades and leg blades. Then he unfolded his light wings and flew directly into the sky!

Facing the falling rocks in the sky, Swain was also familiar with it. Well, relying on his flexible body shape and the large jet ports modified everywhere in the armor, he easily dodged countless obstacles, large and small.


This feeling of weightlessness and acceleration made the two people hanging behind Sven want to scream. However, in this case, opening their mouths would indeed bite their tongues, so they could only close their lips tightly and let out some suppressed sounds from their noses. Humming sound.

However, during this period, Xiaoxue felt that her heart was beating rapidly for no apparent reason. Was this because she was too nervous or for some other reason?

While Sven was paying attention to the physical condition of the two people behind him, he was trying not to exceed the limit of what their bodies could bear, while also looking for a way out.

In the end, Swain set his sights on a larger waterfall formed on the top of a rock.

"That's it!"

She accelerated and rushed into the waterfall, and followed the current upstream. Since the strong current here means that the cracks above are large, in addition to using water to alleviate the impact of the surrounding debris, she will definitely be able to return to the bottom of the sea along this road. , you will definitely be able to go out by then!

Bang bang!

The fish-shaped Honkai beast here has been strangled, and the snake-shaped Honkai beast has straightened its body and looked down at its prey and dinner, preparing to give it a fatal blow before eating. Before the bad beast was ready to eat, he suddenly saw a large black shadow pressing down on his head. He raised his head, and then saw a huge floating island in front of him.

No, he doesn't even have to eat these days. Did you give in?

As for throwing such a big stone at it!?

After a struggle just now, it has very little strength left, and it is in urgent need of replenishment. It is exhausted at this moment. Of course, it can no longer avoid this sudden attack!

Bang Bang Bang Bang!!

Boom boom boom!!

The huge floating island bombarded its head, causing a phantom pain of bone cracking and the clear sound of fractures reaching everyone's ears.

Everyone expected its head to be smashed. Or maybe the neck was broken by this blow.

Its huge body fell down, and the floating island also pressed its head and hit the ground and became torn into pieces. Then other smaller floating islands also hit it one after another. came down, smashed the two Honkai Beasts below, and finally buried them.

When the place completely collapsed, no one knew what was going on down there.



Swain continued Used the ether cutting several times to continuously unfold the larger obstacles on the way forward, and when encountering small cracks that could not be passed through, the ether light would directly clear a path.


Boom boom!!

Under the continuous bombardment, The escape of the group was relatively smooth. However, this time Sven only flew less than one-tenth of the distance last time and was already out of breath.

"no.....The body is so heavy......"、

All body functions are restricted by 80%, physical strength consumption is accelerated, magic power consumption is accelerated, magic power is reduced, attack power, and flying speed are slowed down. More importantly, Xiaoxue may not be able to sustain the magic power conversion at this rate!

If you have enough time, you can run out slowly, but the surrounding rock mass collapses too fast. If you slow down a little, the three of you will be buried underneath!

"If this continues, it may be difficult to escape........"

Swain was thinking about what damage would be done to his body if he used the Noble Phantasm Fantasy Horse to travel among the stars now that he was in extremely poor physical condition.

If you use the Noble Phantasm, you can definitely rush out in one breath, but the magic power that can be mobilized now will definitely not be able to use the Noble Phantasm. If it is activated by force..

"Forget it, the worst case scenario is that you'll die again!"

"I just hope that after resurrection, my physical condition will not continue to deteriorate."

Sven, who had a variety of means of resurrection after death, still felt confident, so he decided to give it a try!

"The Noble Phantasm appears to unfold!"

"this is.......Well! ?"

Sven had just begun to mobilize his magic power, and his chanting had just begun. Suddenly, his mouth was held down by a delicate white hand! Before

Sven could see the owner of this arm clearly, he heard That person's voice came to my ears

"It's okay, please leave it to me."

Before he finished speaking, Xiaoxue and Xinhai, who were hanging behind, noticed that Sven had suddenly slowed down. They covered their mouths to prevent themselves from screaming and turned to look ahead. As a result, the surrounding rock walls completely collapsed. The sight in front of me was eroded by the sea water and darkness, and was eventually pressed underneath.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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