
"What just happened?"

Xinhai touched her forehead, as if there was still some pain left.

Xiaoxue pulled her back and continued to retreat. While explaining softly in her ear, she kept staring at Yusti mentally from the corner of her eyes. S.Sven glanced at the two of them, and then looked back at Justice

"Before preaching, let me first ask the reason. What did you want to do just now?"

"Do you have any conflicts with her? Why would you say that?"

Sven asked patiently like a parent mediating conflicts between his children.

"No, I have no problem with her."Justeza lowered her head, almost hiding her face in her chest.

"What is that for?"Sven was even more confused. After all, these two people had never met before, and it was even more impossible for them to have grudges.

"Because I can't stand this little girl's movie!"Jestisa looked sideways and stared at Xiaoxue on the side fiercely.

"Aha?"Sven was stunned.

"This little girl who can't do anything, who is of no use, who doesn't even have her own magic circuit other than being qualified as a master, why should she enter into a contract with you? What qualifications do you have to be your emperor?......."

"ah......It's because of this."

Sven knew as soon as the other party opened her mouth that the other party did it to find a place for herself.

She seemed very dissatisfied with the fact that she had a master.

Now that Justeza mentioned this matter, Sven Wen realized that he had overlooked this point.

Normally, no matter where he was, the decisions he made were always consistent, and no one ever objected, or did not dare to object, so this time Swain also made the decision directly. But obviously this matter seemed normal to me, and the decision made to repay a favor aroused the dissatisfaction of others.

Oh no, Justisa is alone now. If it is after returning...

Swain's mind reflected the reactions of many people upon hearing this. Of course, there were many scenes that could not be imagined. After all, not only people but also gods reacted, and there were also many goddesses he knew!

There's no chance that one or two of them will do something drastic!

Xinhai and others also heard the conversation between the two, so they looked at Xiaoxue, one of the protagonists of the incident, worriedly.

"Not so."Sven shook his head and said seriously.

"What you see is just the surface. My master can only be her. She is really important to me."

"Because of her, I can continue to use magic like I do now"

"But I still......"Justeza still wants to fight for it

"This matter has been decided like this"


However, Swain blocked her words again with one sentence.

Seeing Justisa who seemed aggrieved, Swain felt funny for a while. It was rare to see a royal sister put on such an expression. He stepped forward He touched her cheek and comforted:

"Don't act like this, you are angry for me, I am very happy, but there is really no need. Maybe you are right, she can't do anything now, because she still needs a process of adaptation and learning, not everyone can do it. I can do everything since I was born. It has taken me countless years to get to where I am now. Give her some time, okay?"

"......"Justeza glanced at Xiaoxue, then at the smiling Sven, and finally accepted this fact for the time being.

"Okay, I'll just wait for Swain's sake. If she still fails, then I'll....."

"Okay, let’s talk about it then."

Sven smiled and rubbed her face to interrupt what she was going to say next.

After convincing Justice, Sven turned around and introduced to the two confused people behind him:"Well.....Although a lot of things have happened, let me introduce them to you now"

"My friend, Justeza.....Um, what's next?"

Sven wanted to help introduce Justeza, but as soon as he said four words, he forgot all the rest. After all, her name was too long!

Swain really couldn't remember it!

"Justeza Ritzleich von Einzbern."

Jestisa crossed her arms and spoke in a cold tone, squinting her eyes with an expression of disgust and disgust, but neither Xinhai nor Xiaoxue dared to find fault.

Sven was still a little big-headed now, and he didn't expect Justice Sa's temper could be so violent, even though he was so docile when she was with him. Obviously, he didn't know that when she was in Juste Sa's fantasy world, the treatment that Mei Lin received when she rashly broke into it was worse than this. It's exciting!

He had thought about finding a time to introduce everyone to each other, so that they would all be friends in the future and it would be nice for everyone to coexist peacefully.

But it turned out that the first time they met was in this situation.

Well, now Look, let alone peaceful coexistence, as long as there is no fighting, you can already say that you are satisfied!

"Well, that's it. Although she is a bit venomous, but after getting along with her, you will find that she is very gentle, very cute, and a very good person!"

Sven tried to smooth things over with a smile.

However, the rest of the people stared closely at Justice, obviously not believing what Sven said.

I'm afraid the gentleness and cuteness on the other side is for you, right?

"Of course, if you don’t want to lose your mind, go crazy, or lose yourself, have a mental breakdown, or die mentally, try not to stare at the saint in her state, and try not to listen to what she says, don’t think deeply about it, and don’t get too close, especially Don't touch her directly"


Hearing this, Xiaoxue seemed to have a headache and closed her eyes to calm down.

Listen to what these side effects are!

Any feeling can kill you!

"Go crazy, lose yourself and have a nervous breakdown.......Master, just listening to your introduction, I feel that she is not a good person......"

Even though Xinhai complained in a very small voice, everyone present could still hear it clearly.

Speaking of this, Justeza let out a burst of evil laughter, and gently covered her mouth with the hand wrapped in the long-sleeved Saintess uniform, with a cunning and joyful collapsed expression underneath.

"Hehe, I don’t mind getting closer to you, just like Sven, who can feel my temperature, my breath, and my existence most directly, but only if you can bear it.~~"

"You too, don't always use this appearance outside, it's too dangerous, you should use your avatar."Sven rolled his eyes at her, knowing what she was talking about.

"Hmm, okay."

Since it was Sven's request, Justeza accepted it directly, looked in the direction of Xiaoxue, smiled contemptuously, and then her whole body was once again wrapped in black shadow, and her two scarlet eyes flashed, When the light faded, another unfamiliar face appeared in front of everyone.

She was wearing a gorgeous white dress. The hem of the skirt was layered like swan feathers, dancing in the wind. It was obviously from Swain's work. Hands.

Gray curly hair and gray pupils complement each other. Even though the age does not seem to be much different from Sven at this moment, it seems that because of his blood, he is tall and his legs are still wearing black and gold leg rings with white knee-high collars. socks, and small leather boots on her feet.

Justeza, no, it should be said Brownie, looked at Sven with a smile at the moment, and then moved forward and hugged the opposite arm tightly, and even straightened herself up Proud breasts.

However, Xiaoxue regarded this action as a cheap provocation, and she was not even interested in responding.......Well, I really just have no interest in accepting this provocation. There really is no other meaning.

Looking at Xiaoxue who turned her head away as if she was out of sight and out of mind, Xin Hai, who also had a limited understanding of people's hearts, obviously couldn't understand the open and covert fights between people on the field.

However, just when Swain was about to announce the next trip to the three people, a large number of noisy footsteps came from the hillside in the distance, attracting everyone's attention.

Turning around, I saw a large number of people wearing armor appearing on the other side of the hillside where fresh grass sprouts had grown.


"The loud noise before came from here!"

"Go quickly to confirm the integrity of the barrier, and send someone to check the status of the sacred cherry tree!"

"Everyone is ready to fight at any time!"

The armors of these people are all standard. Except for the commander's armor, which looks more gorgeous and thicker, the others are all exactly the same. They hold spears in their hands and swords on their waists. After crossing the hillside, these people Still maintaining their formation, they ran towards Swain and his group, who looked very conspicuous on the beach.

"Who are these people? Xiaoxue looked at these people and asked.

"I'm afraid they are soldiers of the shogunate."Xinhai still has some common sense.

"I hope it won't have anything to do with us"

"After all, it looks like a nuisance."

However, what she said still attracted Si Wen's eyes.

I don't know why, but now that Xin Hai said this, Si Wen felt that it was 100% going to come true!

Xin Hai and Xiao Xue talked quietly. He retreated to Sven's side. The disagreement between the teams was his own family's business. Now that there were outsiders, how could they let them see the joke?

Xiaoxue was still very clear about this.

Soon these soldiers surrounded the four of them, and Xinhai As soon as he turned around, he discovered that Swain had changed all the clothes of himself and Justice at some point. Swain was dressed as a butler, and Justice was dressed in more gorgeous silk and satin, like someone who was out for fun. The eldest lady of the family.

I feel that Xiaoxue is more like a maid in comparison?

This group of people alone seems to have no problem, but there is a miko like myself in this group?

Don't you really find it strange?

At least you should change into a priest or witch costume and cooperate with yourself!

After all, I am just a leisurely deep-sea fish, and I can’t change my clothes with just one click!

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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