

"It's okay, little girl, come and see here!"Sven fell back, sat up straight, and his tone became a little more stern.

"Um?"The little kid subconsciously raised his head instantly, and then saw Sven with a serious expression. At this moment, he did not know when he had randomly painted a few makeup on his face, and it was also deliberately very funny.

"Come on, let me give you a smile~!"

Sven's originally serious expression suddenly turned funny, like a clown in a circus.

Because of the sudden contrast in expressions, even the little one didn't hold back for a moment and chuckled softly.

"puff......Uh, hee hee......"

"Oh, you laughed!"

"How dare you laugh at me!"

"I am the head of the family!"

The more serious Swain's words become, the more the opposite is true of the expression on his face, the more funny he becomes, so that the little one can only continue to lower his head, cover his mouth, and not look at Swain, otherwise he must. Can't laugh out loud

"Still laughing? Do you still dare to laugh?"

Sven seemed to be furious, and he came forward and scratched the itchy flesh on the little one's body.

"Wait, right, haha, right?....sorry!"

The little one wanted to apologize, but when it came to his mouth, it all turned into laughter.

"He didn't even think about repenting and still dared to continue laughing! ?"

"I want, I must punish you!"

"Starting today, if you don’t smile for three minutes every day, you will double it the next day!"

"Remember it for me!"

After saying this, Sven let go of the little one who was already on the ground clutching his stomach and smiling weakly. He removed the makeup on his face and fell backwards to the ground, giving the little one some time to breathe and recover.


Hearing the little one's breathing calm down on one side, Swain continued to speak:"Don't worry, what you are thinking about is unnecessary."

"I've never broken my word"

"As long as you don't abandon me and leave me, I will always respond to your expectations."

"Um......I see."The little one was lying on her side, but even though her violently heaving chest had calmed down, the color in her eyes did not recede.

When Swain came back, in reality the group had a hasty breakfast and set off.

Heart Haiben thought that Swain's excited good mood would last all the way, but as time passed, the smile on Swain's face began to gradually disappear, even to the place where traces of human activities could be seen. Instead, it feels a little more sad.

Damn it!

What does it feel like to be this irritating, disgusting but reluctant bastard?...

Hey, hey, hey! Ahhhhh——!!

So annoying!

How complex are human emotions?

Xinhai looked at Sven who was leading the team and was a few steps behind the two of them. Now he was constantly hesitating in front of a tree, almost starting to buckle the tree like an autistic child. He asked Xiaoxue doubtfully:"Master, he What happened?"

"If you continue to buckle it, the tree will fall."

That's right, there is a pile of freshly dug wood chips at Sven's feet.

This scene made the woodpecker in the tree next door look dumbfounded.

Where did King Juan come here to rush for performance?

"Children, don't watch this. If you learn badly, you will only become an autistic social waste like him in the future."Xiaoxue shook her head and turned her head away from looking at him.

"Eh?"Xinhai didn't seem to understand what Xiaoxue meant. After all, she was not a modern person.

But she could hear the sarcastic secret.

Who else has such a strong hand? I'm afraid he wouldn't be careful even in the middle of the night!

And Xiaoxue also After teasing, he began to answer seriously:"But......I guess he may be feeling happy about returning to his hometown, and the bad memories he experienced here came to his mind at the same time, leaving him extremely entangled, not knowing whether it was better to go back or turn around and leave now."

"Is that so?"Xinhai tilted his head uncertainly.

"Don't worry, it's the same every time I go back to my hometown. Just let him struggle for a while and simply get used to it."Xiaoxue said calmly, not caring at all that there were still a bunch of people in the gem on her chest. Look and listen again.

"Eh! ?"Xinhai looked at Xiaoxue with wide eyes.

"Jian, just get used to it?"

No, are you really not afraid that your family will know this?

And you have only been serious for a few seconds!

"Xiaoxue......Is it the same when you go back to your hometown?"The lively female voice didn't know what to say for a moment.

You are going back to your hometown!

Are you as confused as he is!?

"There was no way, her mother was too strong, so it was no wonder that Xiaoxue didn't feel like going home."Sister Xiaoxue obviously also knows the reason why Xiaoxue said this.

"No, your family is too........Ah, sorry........"The lively female voice wanted to complain, but felt it was too rude.

But even without saying it, everyone knew what she wanted to express.

This family is extraordinary in every sense of the word!


"Help, help!!"

Then suddenly, a man's urgent and panicked cry for help suddenly came from the originally silent forest. It sounded not far away, and immediately he saw the birds and beasts in the forest flying into the air in a mess.

"A cry for help?"

"It sounds like it's very close, in the nearby woods!"

Sven was the first to react, and regardless of the entanglement in his heart, he was the first to react and ran towards the place where he asked for help.

It was not far away, about less than a hundred meters away, and Swain was there in the blink of an eye.

Although the woods were relatively dense, Sven could still see a black bear in a small clearing ahead of him with a leg in its mouth, swinging its head back and forth, and then flipped him to the side. In the grass.

The man was in pain and kept twisting on the ground. He raised his body and looked at his bloody left leg. The pain and fear made his legs weak. Let alone running away, even if he stood up, Impossible!

There is also a flattened backpack on one side. There are many fruits and fungi scattered on the ground, as well as a few small fish connected by reeds and grass. Apparently they happened to come across it on the way back from hunting and were looking for food. black bear.

It can only be said that he is unlucky.

"Ahhhh!!"While covering the wound on his thigh that was constantly bleeding, he kept moving back until he leaned against a tree and was unable to retreat.

"Help, help!!"

"Is there anyone here to save me?"

Sven saw this and quickly took out Hepal, preparing to switch it into a sickle form to save the man. However, as he approached, his steps slowed down. He stood on the edge of the open space and looked at the people on the field. people

"This person is........"

Swain looked at the slightly older face of the middle-aged man in front of him. Although Swain didn't know his name, he knew him. After all,.......Back then, in the square in front of the village altar, this man also stood in front of him.

Hearing footsteps approaching, the man turned his head and saw Sven diagonally behind the black bear. Especially when he saw the silver one-handed sword in Sven's hand that was not only valuable but also extremely sharp.

The man's eyes were filled with the desire to survive, and he stretched out his blood-stained hands in the direction of Sven, shouting at the top of his lungs:"Please, please, please save me!"


"I, I don’t want to die yet!!"

"please! Please help me!!"

Hearing the man in front of him shouting, Sven ignored him and still stood motionless, as if the life and death of the man in front of him had nothing to do with him. However, this was actually the case. The black bear also heard the man's roar. , although it didn’t understand what it was shouting, but it smelled the scent of other prey! It immediately turned around and looked at Swain, then turned to look at the prey that fell on the ground, its left leg had been bitten off, and it could not escape, even if Now he turned to deal with the new prey behind him, and he didn't have to worry about returning empty-handed!

So the black bear turned his attention to Sven.

And because the distance was not far away, Xiaoxue and Xinhai quickly caught up with him. , and saw the situation on the field clearly.

It was obvious that the big black bear happened to run into this unlucky man when he was looking for something to eat.

According to Xiaoxue's knowledge, Swain should immediately go to save the man when faced with this situation. Yes, but now he stood aside strangely, even put away his weapons, and became a quiet bystander?

"Hey, what? It’s boring. I’m tired of watching it. Let’s go."Sven decided there was nothing interesting in staying any longer.

"Eh? Don't you want to save this person?"Xinhai pointed to the man in the distance who placed all his hopes on Swain and stared at Swain with great expectation.

"No, I'm not interested, and the bear is hungry and needs to eat."Sven just glanced at the man.

He didn't have the habit of saving people who had wielded weapons against him and wanted to kill him. If he didn't go up and stab him a few times now, he was still worried about the two people around him.

But If you push yourself too hard, the other person may regret and regret why you didn't die directly in the bear's mouth!

Just ignoring him is already a very lenient way of treating him.

The black bear looked at the two more people, but obviously they didn't It doesn't take them seriously, for it, they are all weak food that can be slapped to death!

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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