Looking down at the little fox who seemed to be in good spirits, Swain immediately cleaned up the water stains on his body, changed his clothes, and then grabbed the little fox by the scruff of the neck and lifted it up.

What does this guy want to do?


Where is he taking me?

This way......There seems to be some food smell, could it be the place where you eat it? ?

Does this two-legged beast want to eat me now? ? no!



Sarilang.....No, he killed the fox!

The little fox still wanted to fight back, but before that Sven put it on the table on the side of the kitchen door.

It turned around and was about to run away, ah!!

This table feels a bit high!

Is it true that if I jump like this, I won’t be injured twice? ?

The little fox paced back and forth around the table anxiously, trying to find a suitable angle to jump off, but he could only keep leaning up and bouncing on the table in a hurry.

Walking into the kitchen, Swain opened the refrigerator, poked his head in and looked around, so his voice sounded a little dull:"Hey, little fox, do you want to eat anything?"

"???"The little fox blinked his big bright eyes, full of doubts, and turned back to look at Sven who was bending down to search the refrigerator.

Wait a minute? what's the situation?

"I'm here.....There are all kinds of chicken, duck, fish, beef, sheep, and pork, as well as many deep-sea fish, shellfish, crustaceans, and some birds of prey......Oh, by the way, there’s also dragon lizard meat. Do you want to try it? , all kinds of vegetables and fruits, do you have any favorite?"

If Sven just talks, the little fox may not understand, but every time Sven says something, he takes out something and puts it on the table in front of the little fox. Soon all his escape routes are covered by these things that look and smell... Extraordinarily delicious food sealed

"Or......In fact, you also eat flowers?"

Sven took out another bouquet of flowers with different colors and a wonderful fragrance. He even picked up two or three of them and ate them. They looked delicious.

Even compared to just eating the sweet petals. Di Ganyu was even more extreme, not even letting go of the painful flower paths.

If this little fox's expression were more humane, I'm afraid looking at Sven at this moment, his face would definitely show something about this guy. What an expression!

What does this two-legged beast want to do?

Why does it put so much food in front of me!!.....Could it be......This guy thinks that I am too small now and has no meat to eat, so he plans to fatten me up before eating me! ?


That must be the case!

The little fox stared at the food in front of him, biting his mouth tightly and not wanting to speak.

No, you must not open your mouth or eat!

Not to mention that after eating and gaining weight, you will be eaten, and by then you will probably not be able to run at all!

"Uh-huh!!"The little fox looked at Sven warily, his eyes filled with vigilance and vigilance. He even opened his mouth and started barking a few times to intimidate him.

However, this look and intimidating behavior stopped when Sven took out the final killer weapon. Completely fell apart

"oh~!"Swain's eyes lit up, and he realized that something else had matured in his finger, and he fished out a black shadow.

"By the way, try this!"As he spoke, Sven waved his hand and took out an oversized lobster. It felt like the pair of large pincers were heavier than the little fox now! The big lobster was lifted out of the sea by its body and was still jumping around. Two large pliers aimed at Sven's arm and pinched it hard, but it was useless. Even Sven didn't even look at it, but continued to introduce to the little fox:

"These are lobsters that I carefully raised. They are all fed with the fruits of the fruit trees that I cultivated with all my heart, a variety of organic vegetables, and the shellfish and small fish and shrimps that I raised. It is guaranteed to be plump and full of elasticity when you bite into it. The quality of the meat~"

I don’t know if the little fox heard it. Anyway, since Swain took out the lobster, the little fox has been in a sluggish state. Only the drooling from the mouth shows that it is fully focused. This big lobster was on the body.

In the early morning, Xiaoxue and Xinhai walked out of the room almost one at a time. However, when they came to the living room, they saw a lot of food on the dining table on one side. There were only leftovers on the plate, and a large lobster with only a complete shell left on one side.

Well, they can be used as specimens. The shell is really complete, and the meat inside is also removed. So clean!


And in the center of this mess, the pink-furred fox that Swain had rescued before was lying in the middle of the table with a contented look on his face, his belly as round as a ball.

Well, that’s really fragrant~!

One of its little paws was on its belly, massaging it, and it was panting heavily with its head raised and a happy expression on its face. It was obvious that it had eaten too much and was full!

I didn't want to take a bite.

But this hateful two-legged beast dug out a large piece of shrimp meat and showed it to my mouth.

I didn't want to eat it at first, but I was still worried that it would arouse his murderous intention, so I had no choice but to swallow my anger and succumb to his lustful power.

I definitely didn’t fall in love with the taste at the first bite and I ate so much because of my gluttony.

Absolutely not!

"You......You really eat enough"

"How do you manage to fit into a body as small as yours?"

"Your belly won’t be bursting in a while, right?"

Sven was also lying on the table, looking at the round belly of the little fox in surprise. He stretched out his hand and poked it curiously, and even the little fox's body swayed a few times. Well, it's furry and soft. Almost.

However, the little fox didn't even raise his head. He just stretched out his paws symbolically to push away Sven's hand. However, because he was too full, he only moved twice and didn't even touch Sven's hand. It just stopped there.

Well, it ate too much and didn’t want to move.

Seeing this, Swain took the opportunity to poke its little paws and the little pink meat ball in the middle of the paws.

"Oh, squishy~~"

"Really?"Xinhai and Xiaoxue have long been interested in the meat balls on the little fox's paws. There were exactly three of them, and it still had three uninjured legs, so they started playing one by one.

Well, a new day, from The three of them started to masturbate the fox!

At this point, the fox completely lay down.

Oh, forget it, they have eaten and drank enough, and they are also tired. Let’s kill or scrape these two-legged beasts at will. I was too lazy to move.

So early in the morning, everyone in the gem found that these three people had done nothing. Except for Sven, the other two people had not brushed their teeth or washed their faces, and they were there licking the fox.....

After playing with it for a while, they seemed satisfied. Xiaoxue and Xinhai didn't do anything in particular. They just put it back into the temporary nest that Swain made last night and let it sleep.

These days of eating, sleeping, and eating are really enviable~!

Because of this fox, the three of them stayed here for another two days. During this period, Swain searched for a long time, but found no trace of the spiritual sword except for copper coins and a few old clothes of his own.

In the past two days, Swain finally made a prosthetic limb that he was satisfied with.

From the outside, it looks exactly like a human hand. The outside is wrapped with highly realistic artificial skin, and the inside is made of artificial muscles and a skeleton made of extremely hard alloy.

Originally, Swain was planning to use that piece of soul steel as a skeleton material on a whim, but he felt that it was a waste to just make the thing into a skeleton, so he made one to try it out first.

"What do you think?"

"Can you see any inconsistency?"Sven spread his arms and let the two people in front of him plus a fox judge.

Compared with the original prosthetic limbs made, this can be said to be a qualitative leap in all senses.

"Hmm......."The expressions and actions of Xinhai and Xiaoxue were surprisingly consistent. They held their chins and examined them carefully.

To the naked eye, there seems to be no difference between Sven's two arms. From the skin color to the muscle lines, they are surprisingly consistent. Even the five fingers can move freely. If one ignores the traces of wounds on the shoulders that are not very natural, everyone will look the same. You can’t tell it’s a prosthetic leg!

"I think this look is already awesome."Xinhai expressed his most direct feelings. This kind of prosthetic limb that is completely indistinguishable from a normal human arm is enough.

"I don’t think there’s anything picky about it if you achieve this level.......Do you seem to be dissatisfied with anything else?"Xiaoxue wanted to nod in agreement, but her bright black eyes noticed Sven's unnatural expression.

"It’s not that I’m not very satisfied."Sven gently stroked his left hand

"It's just that there is no sensor installed on it, so there is no sensory feedback. In fact, I am also planning to connect a pseudo-magic loop to it or simply use it as an external magic storage device."

".......Um?"Xinhai and Xiaoxue feel that so far, they may be a little out of line, but they can understand it.

"If possible, add some other functions, such as a small calculation system or map mapping, detection radar, anti-obstruction communication, or AI for combat assistance. By the way, what do you think will happen if there is a small transmitter built into it?.......Um, no, why are you looking at me like this?"

Halfway through Swain's words, he noticed that Xiaoxue and Xinhai were looking at him with very unbelievable eyes.

The expressions seemed to say, do you want to listen to what he just said?

Magic circuit? Magic storage device? Calculation system, battle Auxiliary AI?

What about a small launcher?

I think you look like a launcher!

You call this a prosthetic limb?

The equipment of the arms dealer next door is not as good as yours!

But think about it carefully.......

It didn't seem like it took even a few months for this guy's prosthetic limb to go from scratch.

If he really wants to, he can really do it!

This is the most irritating thing!!

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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