"Hmm.......Want to see my handiwork first?"

"Of course there is no problem, rather it is inevitable."

Seeing that Swain readily agreed, the deacon nodded with satisfaction, and then took out a piece of paper.

"Just make one according to the pattern above and these dimensions. If you have time,......It's a little more generous. I'll pick it up after a month. This should be enough time, right?"

Although the deacon said this, Swain knew that this time was still too late in this era where objects need to be completely hand-made.

Is this a way to make things difficult?

"No, it doesn't need to be so troublesome."

Sven just glanced at the request and already knew what he was asking for.

"Um? what do you mean?"

"Can't take it?"The deacon asked immediately

"No.....I mean.....I can finalize the manuscript in the afternoon and start working on it tomorrow.....Although it can be completed as soon as tomorrow afternoon, but to be on the safe side, you should pick it up the day after tomorrow."

"the day after tomorrow......morning?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"Do you think I would joke about my store with the Kujo family?"

"I don't want my newly opened store to close now."

Sven didn't explain too much, just replied lightly.

"Um....really."However, the deacon nodded very convincingly. As long as the other party is not stupid, he will never boast about Haikou.

"So the deposit......"

The housekeeper was about to pay the deposit, but was stopped by Swain.

"That’s okay. If I’m not satisfied, I’ll smash the sign of Yae Chong Hall outside."

Sven didn't explain much. He directly raised the curtain on one side and entered the inner hall to prepare for work.


The butler nodded, but it was not surprising. Some people with amazing skills also have normal tempers.

So he turned to look at Xiaoxue beside him.

"Madam, your husband seems to be a sweetheart."

"Then I won't bother you and will come visit you the day after tomorrow."

The deacon bowed and left. Xiaoxue had no time to explain the misunderstanding, so she could only send him out of the door in a hurry.

However, during the time when he returned from the door to the house, people in the surrounding shops seemed to have identified Xiaoxue's identity. An eighth-level lady.

And Xiaoxue was also tired.

In this era, it would be miserable if you said that you and Swain are just friends.

Which girl who has not left the court would live with a male friend?

Therefore, for Xiaoxue’s explanation, Everyone had caring looks on their faces, thinking it was just the little girl who was thin-skinned. In this way, Xiaoxue had no place to reason. Back in the inner room, it was more lively, with a bunch of little girls studying here or in the backyard. Of course, there are more who now live in the suburbs outside the city, where the houses have been built long ago. Then

Swain is worried that it will not be good just to let these little girls stay in the ring, and they will always come out to contact the leftovers of society. They were out of touch, so now they are all forced out by Swain to adapt to society.

Although there were so many foreign little girls at first, many people around were curious, and some people from Tianling came to investigate.

But Swain Their identity certificates were guaranteed by the agency, and after questioning these little girls, they learned that they were all adopted by Swain from foreign countries, from places that had experienced natural and man-made disasters.

And it seemed that Swain took good care of them, and they lived there. The place was very bright, and the clothes they wore were clean and new, and they could even be said to be white and fat.

Therefore, the Tianling soldiers who came to check basically all kept silent, and after a cursory inspection, they collected The team joined the team, and then the news spread to the neighbors. In addition to the natural surprise, there was more admiration.

Therefore, everyone took good care of this special big family.

The little one stood next to the sewing machine. , watching Swain flexibly manipulate the machine in front of him.

"this hand......easy to use?"

The little one carefully poked Swain's left arm.

Yes, it's soft, but also hard. Is this a muscle?

Sure enough, boys' and girls' bodies are different. I can do it too.......No, no, no, I heard that girls should not be so muscular. The soft, cute and obedient look is more popular with boys.

The latest mechanical arm has a skeleton made entirely of soul steel on the inside. The remaining soul steel is now being transformed into some other parts, which will be installed as additional functions in the future.

In order to make this skin also have defensive capabilities, Swain also arranged a lot of magic arrays in internal testing, and the driving method was also using artificial compressed energy gems built into the robotic arm.

Artificial compressed energy gems, one is more powerful than six. When the arm is used up, it can be used as a bomb for the enemy to use again!



"Soul steel is very strong and is an ideal material!"

"Moreover, there is no problem with the small sensor produced. Now the tactile sensation is normal and the anti-hit performance is also very strong. Even during combat, the entire arm can be kept functioning normally. Under normal circumstances, this can be said to be my strongest ground protection. shield!"

"I will make some adjustments later to add some performance. If nothing else happens, I plan to keep using this arm for a long time."Sven turned his head to look at her and rubbed her chubby little face affectionately.

The little one now obeys Sven's orders and smiles every day, but avoids people.

Well, he smiled.....But it’s the same as not smiling


"Boss Yae, are you there?~?"

"I'm here to play~!"

At this time, a very energetic sound came from outside.

Swain obviously already knew who the visitor was, and he didn't show any surprise, but the little one showed a reluctant look on his face.

Before the two of them could say anything, the door curtain on one side was opened by a red figure.

Wearing a fiery red yukata with brilliant fireworks printed on it, just like its owner's character, and stepping on a pair of wooden geta, the same fiery red rope was tied behind the back to form a huge shimori rope.

Her light blond hair seemed to be tied casually into a high ponytail that looked a little messy. The earring on the right side had a huge firework ball earring. I heard that it was filled with candies?

However, in addition to her hair, there are also some big problems with this person's dress. Originally, Sven made the yukata exactly according to her preferences and body shape, but she asked Xiao Gong to wear it.......Her left shoulder was exposed, wrapped in a white corset, and there were similar white straps on her wrists and thighs. Sometimes Swain really couldn't tell whether it was a corset or a bandage.

With a sunny and healthy smile, the visitor is the daughter of the well-known Naganohara fireworks shop in Hanamizaka. She is known as the Queen of the Summer Festival.

"target discovery~!"

With a cheerful sound, the figure pounced directly on the little one next to Sven.

At first Sven thought the little one would be hugged, but now she was very alert. She ducked down and hid in the gap between Sven and the sewing machine.


"You don’t have to be so raw, right?"

The visitor seemed disappointed.

"Miss Xiaogong, it seems that you are a little too enthusiastic. Many of my little girls are afraid of strangers. Don't scare them."Sven looked at the visitor with a chuckle.

"Hey, hey, I'll pay attention~"

"Ah, by the way, do you want some candy?"Xiao Gong smiled shyly, and then took out two handfuls of candies from somewhere.

Wen looked around at the people who came over curiously, and it was obvious that they all wanted to eat.

"Well, there is still some time before dinner. The little one asked them to make some snacks and drinks for everyone to eat together, but remember not to eat too much."


The little boy nodded, looked at Xiao Gong warily, and carefully ran away from the other side of Sven.

Swain looked at the little one's reaction and chuckled:"You can see that he was quite frightened by the enthusiasm of the first meeting."

"Hey~" Xiaogong pretended to knock his head and stuck out his tongue.

Then he looked at the drawings and body data placed in front of Swain.

"Oh, you have a job?"Xiao Gong put his little head forward and looked curiously at Swain's upcoming new work.

"Yeah, from the Tianling cultivators."Sven didn't pay attention, but continued to control the sewing machine and start working.

"Wow wow~ Big customer, uh, wouldn’t it be a good idea for me to bother you now?"Xiao Gong felt that it had disturbed Si Wen's work. He clasped his hands together and stuck out his tongue apologetically.

"That's not the case. If you can play with my little girls, it will be a great help to me."

The little kid on the other side came back from the backyard again, staring at Swain carefully. He said crisply:"Brother Swain......."

"Um? What's wrong?"

"Ingredients......Finished eating again."

The little one feels that she is already embarrassed to say this. After all, people like her have become more and more able to eat recently.

And besides eating, many things are paid for by Swain, and they can only do what they can. For example, I can only clean up the housework and be responsible for three meals a day, so I feel very sorry for Swain’s efforts.

"Finished eating again?"Sven looked at the little one and the other little girls around with some surprise.

"There is nothing you can do about it, you are growing taller and there is nothing you can do about it if you eat too much."

Sven was about to get up.

"Then go shopping today"

"Just forget it and continue working here, while Xinhai and I will go."Xiaoxue, who came in from outside, obviously heard the conversation inside the house.

"Ah, there's me, and I'm here to help too.~!"Xiao Gong raised his hand very actively and even moved forward to block Sven's face.

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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