
Sven stopped abruptly, tilted his head slightly, and the next moment a broad blade with lavender lines stabbed out from one side.

Swain squinted at the blade that was thrust out almost against his cheek. It looked like a machete with one edge, but it was difficult to judge the whole thing without seeing it.


Even though I didn’t hide my aura intentionally, I shouldn’t have discovered it so quickly, right?

The shadow in the back was a little surprised to see Sven actually dodge the blow that he thought could kill him in one hit. Countless thieves have invaded here so far, but most of them will be discovered by the shogunate soldiers outside and left with nine robes. Luo led people to clean it up.

Even if a few people with good luck and strength are able to invade near the castle tower, they will be discovered by themselves and then be killed with a single sword like just now!

Ying did not panic, and immediately waved the blade in his hand, changing the protruding stab into a vertical slash, but Sven stepped aside one step ahead. Seeing this, Ying changed his attack pattern again to a sweeping attack, and even lowered his height very low, aiming towards Sven. Attacked at the waist.

Swain lowered his waist and lowered his height even lower. He even had enough energy to straighten the rounded gentleman's hat on his head, but this action also allowed him to see the full picture of the weapon that attacked him.

The purple blade he saw before was just a part of it, and there was a long handle behind it.

What's this? with.....The spear on top of the machete?

Swain, who had left this land early, had never seen anyone using this kind of weapon. At most, he had seen people using spears and knight's guns.

After several consecutive backflips, Swain left the attack range of the long-handled weapon and looked behind him at the person who had just attacked him.

There was not much expression change on her beautiful and cold face, her eyes glowed with a faint purple light like a gem slowly glowing at night, and the long hair behind her was braided for ease of movement, making her look He looks very heroic.

The clothes she wears are typical kimonos, without too many decorations or patterns, making her look a bit simple. She wears a pair of wooden clogs at her feet, which makes her height slightly equal to Sven.

And Swain felt that the most beautiful thing on the opposite side was the small tear mole at the lower corner of the right eye. This little embellishment made the whole person's atmosphere more mysterious and pitiful.

"Oh, I'm sorry, it seems that my visit at night has disturbed your rest, Miss."

Sven patted the non-existent dust on his body, then held his hat and said apologetically.

Only then did Ying raise his head, his purple phoenix eyes narrowed into a thin line.

"This outfit......Foreigner?"

"With a black fox face, are you the guy who claimed to be a businessman who appeared last time?"Kage himself knows the contents of the official document submitted by Kujo Sora. This person was mentioned in the previous report.

"Hahaha, I didn’t expect the lady to know me. I’m really honored. If it weren’t for this scene at this moment, I would really want to invite the lady to have a cup of afternoon tea with me.~"

"No, this time should be good night tea?"

"A glib and disrespectful person!"Ying immediately burst into anger, snorted coldly, turned the naginata in his hand, stepped forward, and made a quick slash, pointing the blade directly at Sven.

As Sven turned around and backed away, he touched the blind spot of Ying's vision with his right hand and took it out. Hepal took the form of a scythe, raised his hands and used the handle to block the downward attack.



But it is much larger than the one used by ninjas, and the handle is very long.

Unseen/unfamiliar weapon, be careful To deal with it, let's test it out first!

With this mentality, the two began a sparkling confrontation, and neither relied on any ability. They just competed in moves, experience, adaptability and physical ability, just like warriors in a duel. Like that!

Clang clang clang --!

There is no one at the moment. In the dim castle hall, only the sound of weapons clashing constantly echoes. Two black shadows hit from the window to the door and then around to the general's seat above. In just a few breaths, the two of them fought several times, and the situation was immediately in a stalemate!

But mainly, Shadow was attacking fiercely, and Sven was passively defending. Sven's experience in using a sickle with both hands at high intensity was obviously not as good as that of his opponent. The unknown weapons came with proficiency.

Because they were all long-handled weapons, every time they swung them hard, the whistling wind blades were extremely sharp, and even a slight scratch could be fatal!

After a while, the two of them were surrounded by weapons. The idle tables, chairs, accessories, and even the floor and tatami were all covered with the marks left by sharp knife marks!



But soon, Swain fell behind in his moves. From being evenly matched at the beginning to the current passive defense and retreat, the battle line is somewhat unsustainable!

Damn it! I still have a little experience in using the sickle, and my moves are not as flexible as the opponent's changes and not as sophisticated as hers. The opponent's moves are lagging behind, and it seems that her skills are not good enough. He was not at home, but other than that his body skills were pretty good.

The two of them had their own ideas. In the end, Kage found the right moment, stepped forward, quickly waved his naginata with both hands, and hit the bladeless back of Swain's sickle with its tail. Go up, smash it into the floor with a bang and jam it. The left hand fixes the tail so that it keeps pressing Swain's scythe, and the right hand rotates the position of the blade to chop towards Swain.

Sven immediately gave up his weapon and retreated, but the naginata man on the opposite side slashed the brim of his top hat first, leaving a slight gap.

Shadow thought that it would be easy to solve the problem without the weapon on the opposite side, but when Sven retreated Only then did I see that the end of the scythe was connected to a chain, and its end was hidden in Sven's cuffs.

Crack, clack, clack!

The chain shrank rapidly, and the scythe spun and flew back into Swain's hand.

"........"Swain silently touched the brim of his hat. There was a shallow gap there.

Looking at Sven like this, Ying could feel that the opponent seemed a little angry, unconvinced, and unwilling to admit defeat, but it was a fact that he was inferior in skills, and it was useless no matter how angry or unconvinced he was.

Shadow, on the other hand, held his sword behind his back, looking down on Sven as if he was very proud.

It seems to be saying that you are at this level?

However, she just didn't think about anything, she just stood there blankly to see what other tricks Swain had that didn't work....

Obviously, Swain is not a person who easily admits defeat, and was unintentionally provoked by the opponent.

He immediately stepped forward again and started the second battle with Shadow.

The situation this time is surprisingly similar to the previous game, but this time Swain's actual combat experience with Sven's Scythe seems to have improved a bit. The shortcomings just now have been made up one by one, and the movements are much smoother!

Ying had to frown and deal with this seriously.

He's progressing so fast......

But this time it was Shadow who was caught in a gap, or to be precise, he was caught off guard by Sven's sudden physical skills.

A piece of the clog on her left foot was kicked off by Swain with her toes, causing her to lose her balance a little. Not only was her height just a little bit the same as Swain's, she was now shorter than Swain.


This time, it was Kage's naginata that was pressed into the floor by Sven's scythe.

Is this the move I just made?!

The subsequent attack was exactly the same, its precision, strength, accuracy and timing were all as well controlled as his own just now!

This time, he even put himself in a temporarily unbalanced state!

It’s basically impossible to dodge this blow!

Looking at the scythe from top to bottom, it was certain that he would be injured if it went down, so Ying immediately prepared to use his own ability to resist. If he did this, it would seem that the one who used his special ability would lose between the two. The extremely tacit and unconvincing condition of the duel is that his side loses.

But now is not the time to care about this!

Ying's eyes began to glow slightly purple, even the tips of his hair behind him.


However, in the distance, there was a very noisy and rapid sound at this moment. It sounded like a large number of people and horses were moving here.

Shadow stopped activating his ability, and the light in his eyes and hair disappeared again, because before the sound of footsteps could be heard, Sven's scythe stopped in mid-air.

She didn't see clearly how he retracted the scythe, Ying could only feel him lightly leaping backwards and then leaving her.

"It seems that tonight's showdown for this skilled young lady should be considered a draw."

Both sides suffered some losses, and the winner was not decided.

Shadow pulled out his naginata, and before he could speak, the rapid footsteps got closer. After thinking about his identity, he stood next to Swain. In his eyes, the person in front of him turned into a purple ball of thunder and lightning, rushed towards the ceiling, and then disappeared into it.

"Oh yeah......It's such a shame that you didn't even want to say your name?"

Sven raised his head and looked at the direction in which the shadow disappeared. He touched the gap in his hat and said regretfully:"If possible, it would be great if I could find out her name before the next duel."

(To be continued)

"Asking for flowers"、"Asking for a reward"、"Ask for collection" or"Ask for monthly pass"

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