He Xiaoming hesitated for so long, but finally made news for his wife and children without conscience. However, it didn't take long for his news to be ended all at once.

Moreover, people also pursued his company-Apple News through this matter.

The internal boss of Apple News quickly found He Xiaoming to talk.

Said it was a conversation, but in fact there was not much conversation, and all the content added up to only a dozen sentences.

The company disliked him as having no brains for composing stories, and for publishing them, they didn't know how to find someone to take a look and check them. Having worked for so long, he didn't create any benefits for the company, but almost plunged the company into trouble.

Therefore, he was fired.

When he returned home, He Xiaoming faced his wife's cooked meals without saying a word. Eating quietly, until the end of the meal, tears were almost streaming down.

His wife is not stupid, and seeing him cry like that, you know that something must have happened at work.

After He Xiaoming calmed down, he smoked his nose to tell the truth. His wife pondered for a moment, and finally said: "Don't forget the original intention. If you do this, you must do things in a way that is completely contrary to your wishes. It's better not to do it."

He Xiaoming was surprised and shocked. But after thinking about it, he also found that he almost gave up his original intention, which was a terrible thing. Because everyone around him was telling him that what he did before was wrong, and the correct way should be another, so he really planned to do what others thought was right.

However, would he be happy then? In this business, does he want to show the real things for everyone, or just want to pack everything funny to grab the heart?

After thinking a lot, He Xiaoming also figured it out.

However, he did not expect that the news he released, within half a day after he was dismissed, suddenly went slant and produced an alternative influence.

"Hahaha, if Ji Youze really has a leg with that old man, if the two children are really their crystallization or something, it is impossible to have such a purely oriental face!"

"I found that my focus is different from those of Naimen~ Didn’t there have been a picture of the square dance girl with two children before? Didn’t the person who broke the news say that the square dance girl is Ji Youze? Everyone at the time? Because I couldn’t see my face and I didn’t believe it, but after this news was posted, I wanted to say... The two children who appeared in both news articles looked the same, indicating that..."

"Explain that it was Ji Youze that broke out in the previous news?!"

"Ah, isn't it?!"

"Today the Henghai Square Dance Competition was held with great momentum. I also went to watch it at the time, but I didn't pay attention."

"I want to say that my mother is the host of that contest. I recorded it today. I will sort it out and post it."

In half an hour.

A square dance video quickly appeared in the public eye.

In the video, Ji Youze, wearing a sun hat and sunglasses, watched the movements of the aunts in front of the crowd with all his heart, while waving his arms vigorously and beating his body, it looked really very pretty. In the middle, Ji Yuze had the same hands and feet three times, stepped on the foot of the aunt next to him twice, and missed the beat twice.

On the whole, it’s good that the dance is not difficult, and it’s relatively popular. Even in a small open space near where Ji Youze lives, she has seen her aunt skipping there several times, so it’s considered to be there. impression.

However, after the majority of netizens confirmed that the girl with sunglasses is Miss Ji, all of them became active.

"I am getting more and more confused about Ji's style of painting."

"Hahahaha, season two match!"

"I have to say, in fact, she can dance pretty well...my mother said..."

"Hey, the little princess of the square dance was born!"


After watching the movie in another place, I feel that the whole world has changed. When Ji Youze saw what those people said on the Internet, his cheeks became red and hot inexplicably.

The incident of her dancing in the square was so exposed, she was really unprepared.

And this incident continued to burn until the next day. The hat held by the little square dancer was really pressed on her head and it felt like she couldn't take it off.

After sending away the little sisters from the Song family and returning to Kang Xi's house, Ji Youze lay carelessly on the sofa. Lie horizontally and vertically. But no matter how she lay down, she still kept her mobile phone in her hand.

"Square dance young man, come, eat an apple." Kang Xi came out of the kitchen, passed in front of her, and fed a small apple in his hand to Ji Youze's mouth by the way.

Ji Youze sat up cleverly and said seriously: "But to be honest, I think it's really good for me to dance! It's legendary, talented!"

"Oh? How do you prove it?" Kang Xi put the fruit fork in the fruit plate, resting her chin in one hand, her hair snaking down like a stream, and blinking.

"Wait!" Ji Youze said, quickly got up and went back to his place, took the disc and a black hat, ran over and closed the curtains, and then sat down next to Kang Xi. .

"Jazz dance... tutorial?" Kang Xi took the CD and turned it around and read it out.

"Yeah!" She originally wanted to give this to Song Wu, but after a few rounds of testing, she found that Song Wu didn't seem to be interested in jazz dance. So Ji Youze, who bought the wrong kind of dance, put it away by himself. Then she played it last night for two hours and was surprised to find that she could barely keep up.

"You will buy these for yourself?" Kang Xi didn't know Ji Youze, so she couldn't believe it.

If Ji Youze buys game equipment, she probably still thinks it is more suitable and more normal.

"Of course I will buy it! Who am I? I am pursuing all-round development!" Ji Youze would not say that she had bought it wrong.

"Okay, then God of Dance, how about two paragraphs?" Kang Xi took the CD into Ji Youze's arms.

"Haha, wait, I will blind your eyes soon!" Ji Youze finished speaking, and opened the disc with a snap of his hand. The result was too much force and the box was broken. She glanced at Kang Xi, probably because she was afraid of being laughed at that she was too reckless, unlike a girl or something, so she pretended to be as if the box hadn’t been broken, and said while taking the disc, “Ahahaha, this one is so tightly packed. , But I finally took it out!"

In fact, Kang Xi had seen it a long time ago, and for such trivial matters, it can be said that she actually didn't care at all.

Turning on the TV and plugging the disc into the machine, Ji Youze opened a dance tutorial called ger. Turning around confidently, said: "I absolutely dance exactly like the person inside!"

Kang Xi nodded after listening, stretched out a hand, and said, "Please."

Ji Youze didn’t twist at all. He pulled over the clothes rail, skipped the teaching process, and then jumped with the people inside for the last time, probably to prove that she was indeed the part of the tutorial. People are almost jumping.

When the music sounded, the people in the studio who met on the TV danced very smoothly with a cane and a hat, and Ji Youze also danced with a hat and a clothes pole.

It is undeniable that Ji Youze's position is correct. It’s just that, after all, it’s not like jumping from childhood to big, waist, abdomen, legs and feet, etc. The flexibility is not very good and it is difficult to be in position.

However, you don't need to look professionally, just look at it with ordinary eyes. In fact, it's okay.

"Don\'p!" Ji Youze pulled the clothes rail aside, opened and closed his hat, and then walked towards Kang Xi with **** steps. The clothes rod in his hand was slammed horizontally for a while, pinched up and down with the orchid fingers, and then turned in circles for a while, pulling the brim of the hat and blinking at Kang Xi.

"Not bad." Kang Xi took a cup of tea and took a sip.

"Come, dance together, don't worry, if you can't, I will teach you!" After Ji Youze paused the dance scene, ran over and pulled Kang Xi up.

Kang Xi couldn't laugh or cry. This girl, alive and kicking, looked terribly hilarious. She couldn't help sweeping Ji Youze's interest, so she had to follow the past and jump up.

Moreover, Ji Youze deliberately took the broom from one side and handed it to Kang Xi as a walking stick.

"Come, come with me! One, two, three, four, two, two, three, four, three, two, three, four..." The amount of exercise is too large, and the range of the movement is too large. Not much, Ji Youze's bangs are already wet with sweat.

Panting, jumping and jumping, Ji Youze suddenly couldn't close his legs, tripped his left and right legs, and was about to fall to the ground!

Upon seeing this, Kang Xi hurriedly extended a helping hand and grabbed Ji Youze's wrist.

As a result, the center of gravity was unstable, and Kang Xi and Ji Youze held hands and rolled to the ground together.

After rolling around, Kang Xi lay on Ji Youze's body. At this moment of crisis, Kang Xi still stretched out her right hand and put it between the back of Ji Youze's head and the ground. For fear that Ji Youze will be thrown into a mentally retarded.

I didn't think much about it, but at the moment when the eyes were facing each other, the music in the stereo changed from ger to another song. There is a line in the lyrics: r, oohiloveyou...

No matter how bad Ji Youze's English is, she can still understand such simple sentences.

Not to mention Kang Xi, she is quite fluent in English. The lyrics of this song are extremely hot from beginning to end. Under this circumstance, Kang Xi even felt like she heard the beeping sound of *, and her mouth became dry all of a sudden.

"I'm going to change a song..." Ji Youze's inner thoughts at the moment were that Emma was fortunate that this disc was not given to Song Wu. It seems that if you send children to them in the future, no matter what, as long as it is related to English, you must check it. After all, Song Wu's sister Song Yu is a master of English.

However, Ji Youze was just about to get up, but was pressed by Kang Xi's wrist, so the upper body that was originally propped up was suddenly pressed down by Kang Xi...

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