After the staff led everyone to a well-arranged venue, they took photos together, shook hands, signed their names, and left with satisfaction.

Midway, someone suddenly said, "Hey, isn't that Boss Yang?"

"What Boss Yang?"

"That Yang Suhuan who opened a special book! Ji Youze advertised for her!"

"Oh, I didn't watch it at the time, it turned out to be her!"

After Yang Cailin heard the low voices of those people, she looked up and saw Yang Suhuan.

Speaking of which, the last time the photos of Yang Suhuan and Ji Youze were spread all over the sky, she had seen Yang Suhuan's photos.

The first feeling at that time was that the temperament and appearance were so familiar, I always felt that I had seen it. To be specific, I don't know where I have seen it.

Yang Suhuan didn't expect that she would be recognized, but she didn't feel that there was anything wrong with being recognized either.

After hearing someone talking about herself, she turned sideways slightly, turned her head, and looked over there. Someone photographed this moment. She didn't express her surprise, nor did she stand up to it, but quietly turned around and walked straight towards Ji Youze.

Yang Suhuan's eyes could only see the world he was willing to see and think about.

As for other things she doesn't want to pay attention to, all can become air.

"Sign me, Miss Ji." Across the arm blocked by the bodyguard, Yang Suhuan tore off the rubber band on the notebook and passed it over the arm of the bodyguard.

The eldest bodyguard, who was prepared to subdue the crazy fans, saw Yang Suhuan's expression and demeanor with such calm expressions, and he was instantly dumbfounded.

After seeing Yang Suhuan, Ji Youze was a little surprised. Immediately he smiled and said, "Yang Suhuan? Why are you here?"

Kang Xi was telling Cai Yun at this time that everyone could sign. But after hearing Ji Youze's voice, he turned his head like a chicken blood instantly, looking at Ji Youze and Yang Suhuan.

"Kang Xi, hey, it's great to see you!" A fat girl pulled over the hem of her dress and asked Kang Xi to sign on it.

At this time, Yang Suhuan looked at Ji Youze and said, "Do you remember me?"

"You are so young and beautiful, and no one will forget it. It's not uncommon." Kang Xi helped Ji Youze return to Yang Suhuan while burying his head in his signature.

As soon as I looked up, I found that the little fat girl in front of me was moved and almost crying, and instantly knew that the little fat girl seemed to have misunderstood something.

After hearing Kang Xi's voice, Yang Suhuan turned his head to look at her and said, "Thank you Miss Kang for the compliment. But I don't think I'm pretty. Miss Ji is really beautiful."

After speaking, Yang Suhuan turned his head and looked at Ji Youze motionlessly. Those eyes were dull and cute and foolish. It really seems that the whole world only sees one Ji Youze.

Yang Suhuan’s answer from the God’s logical God simply caused the people around him to have blood in their hearts.

"Boss Yang really overrated." Ji Youze didn't know how to answer the conversation. The embarrassment is almost coming out. After signing her quickly, Yang Suhuan got the notebook and looked at it for a while.

"I haven't thanked you for what happened last time. Because of you, the business in the store has improved a lot." Yang Suhuan didn't mean to leave after taking his signature.

She just stood aside and gave up a position, while letting the people behind continue to sign, while picking up the gap, she talked to Ji Youze.

The bodyguard brother was embarrassed to take her away. After all, listening to what they said seemed to know each other. If you forcibly drag it away, you always feel that something is wrong.

Ji Youze went on to sign the next one, then looked up and said: "You are welcome, I said, we are also related to each other, so..."

Hearing this, Kang Xi turned her head back and looked at Ji Youze, then smiled and said, "Well, good ape dung."

"Yes, it's fate! So, with a little effort, why bother?" Ji Youze smiled brightly.

After listening, Yang Suhuan shook his head and said seriously: "If it's not for Miss Ji's kindheartedness, if she is a different person, even if she encounters it at the same time, the outcome of the matter will be very different."

Ji Youze originally helped her in advertising, in fact, only because she felt that her business was too bleak. If this continues, she will definitely lose her mother to the point of not knowing her.

Moreover, she really just posted a Weibo easily, and she was so ashamed to be praised so well by Yang Suhuan.

"You don't need to care too much. Ji Youze just likes to help others. She has done a lot of similar things, such as helping the tadpole find a mother. She has done it all. And she doesn't ask for anything in return." Kang Xi looked at it. The two of them glanced at them, suddenly smiled, and spoke for a while.

"Wait, help the little tadpole find his mother?" Ji Youze looked back at Kang Xi.

"Isn't it? That year, that January, that day, on a sunny afternoon, who was passing through a paddy field in the countryside..." Kang Xi shook hands and started to add in spirit.

"No, no, don't say it!" Ji Youze waved his hand.

Well, she remembered.

That was the first time she went to the countryside several years ago, and she went with Kang Xi.

Passing a rice field that day, I found more black commas swimming around in the water, and I was very excited to see it. I couldn't help but think of the text about the little tadpole looking for his mother.

It just so happened that there was still a big horn on the road. So Ji Youze quickly stretched out a leg and got a frog into the field.

Kang Xi was serious at the time and asked her what she was doing. She said she wanted to see the tadpole reunite with his mother and son.

Later, Kang Xi said that the tadpoles in that field were small in size and dark in color, so they should be punk children, not frogs. After all, the tadpoles hatched from the eggs of frogs are larger in size, and the color is gray and black instead of dark black.

After listening, Ji Youze nodded thoughtfully, then turned around and started to help the tadpoles. At that time, Kang Xi wanted to muddy her face.

After Kang Xi finished speaking, she looked up at Yang Suhuan and smiled: "So, you don't need to be surprised."

Yang Suhuan was thoughtful after listening. For a moment, he said, "What happened later? Did you find the tadpole mother?"

Hearing these words, the bodyguard finally couldn't hold it back, his lips twitched and he almost laughed.

Yang Suhuan's focus is also about to leave the solar system.

At this moment, Yang Cailin finally couldn't help it. She walked out, took Yang Suhuan's arm, and asked in a low voice, "Do you know Yang Hongyu?"

Yang Suhuan listened and nodded: "Suddenly asked my father, why?"

"It turns out that you are his daughter. No wonder, you are really beautiful." Yang Cailin exclaimed.

"Let's take a step to talk." Yang Cailin finished speaking and whispered something in her ear.

After that, Yang Cailin told Yanyan some things, and then left with Yang Suhuan.

"Hey." Cai Yun glanced at Yang Cailin's back and continued to look at the scene with his shoulders folded.

Kang Xi raised her eyes and looked over. Intuition tells her that this Yang Suhuan is not just a fan. Although she was still wearing a support suit. Ah yes, that is the support server in the group. So, is Mu Yihuan really her?

But a girl like Yang Suhuan, who looks so indifferent to the world of fireworks, and so incompatible with the cliché world, doesn't look like a star chaser at all.

Moreover, the look in her eyes when she looked at Ji Youze just now makes people feel that there are too many strange feelings in it. Although she looked so calm on the surface, it was like a calm lake.

In fact, Kang Xi is really accurate in seeing people. Although Yang Suhuan looked calm, his heart was really like hot magma, tumbling endlessly.

Even when she was walking with Yang Cailin, she was still thinking about Ji Youze.

After Ji Youze recognized himself, he didn't show much excitement, and he didn't say anything else after signing. It's as if she sees herself like other fans. But if in Ji Youze's mind, she is similar to other fans, then why does she remember her name?

Yang Suhuan's head was filled with so many whys. She hasn't even figured out the relationship between Ji Youze and Kang Xi. Are they just pure friends, or are they just like some cp fan yy, they are lovers?

Therefore, when Yang Cailin said: "You go with me first, I have something to say. When Aze is done, I will let you talk alone." She agreed at once.

Yang Cailin took Yang Suhuan to a VIP lounge under the crew...

"They have about twenty minutes to finish. By the way, how is your father?" Yang Cailin asked.

Yang Suhuan heard the words and nodded.

"It's really been a long time since I saw you. In high school, he taught us history for a while, and he was very nice. When he was transferred, everyone in our class was crying. I always said I wanted to see it. He, helpless, he is no longer in that school. The contact information given by the school also failed. Later I was busy again, so I put it aside." Yang Cailin looked very excited.

Also, after all, Yang Hongyu is an admirable history teacher. His teaching method is very unique, and the person is nice. Everyone is afraid of him and loves him.

"My father hasn't been a teacher for many years. Now he is devoted to researching planting plants and flowers. Sister, are you his student?" Yang Suhuan was also very surprised.

"Yes, speaking of it, you met me when you were a child, you were probably only a few years old at that time. You may not have an impression of me anymore." At that time, Yang Suhuan was indeed still a minor. Since Yang Hongyu is a middle-aged daughter, she is very concerned about this daughter.

At that time, he was only a few years old, and Yang Suhuan knew how to write Chinese calligraphy, calligraphy, and sing songs.

Now that Yang Suhuan has grown up, he is even more beautiful and has a dusty temperament. Moreover, those eyebrows are exactly the same as her handsome father. If it weren't for this, Yang Cailin probably wouldn't dare to recognize her.

"I'll go over and stare at the situation there, and come back when it's over." Yang Cailin said, looking down at the time.

"Good." Yang Suhuan nodded.

After Ji Youze and Kang Xi were busy, they entered the VIP lounge under the **** of their bodyguards and two agents. As soon as they opened the door, Ji Youze and Kang Xi were stunned.

Sitting there, Yang Suhuan was groping from the bag he put on his knees, and took all kinds of food one by one onto the light green round sofa.

Apple pie, walnut crisp, egg yolk crisp, pudding, and the macarons that Ji Youze had dried last time.

"Ah, it looks so delicious, I really want to eat!" Kang Xi and Ji Youze's two assistants both had star eyes, and ran to take a look.

Yang Suhuan listened and asked, "Like it?"

The two assistants nodded frantically.

"There are tutorials on the Internet. You can watch and learn how to do it yourself." Yang Suhuan finished speaking, took out a small bag, shaken it open, and filled everything in. Then she walked to Ji Youze and said, "These are for you. It's hard work."

The jaws of the two assistants were almost falling to the ground.

The general pattern...shouldn’t it be that after they praise the good and want to eat, the people who cook the food will give them a drop to taste, and then they praise the good food, and then the people who cook the food express their happiness?

The little assistant said that, as expected, the world is complicated, and he shouldn't fix his thoughts, eh!

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