As soon as Yang Suhuan opened the large boxes, all the contents were revealed.

I saw there, all the stuff was good fish and meat, and it was still steaming. Speaking of which, she called a restaurant several hours before she came here.

When she got here, the restaurant just finished everything and delivered it.

Originally she wanted to make it by herself, but what she was more confident about was dessert. There are also some simple snacks. I buy marinated ingredients from outside, wrap them in flour, adjust the heat and put them in a special frying pan to fry them until they are moderate. But for the complicated Chinese food, she couldn't make it as good as she wanted.

Originally, she wanted to challenge Chinese food. But since that happened, she gave up. That incident was that on her father’s birthday, she made a big table according to the recipe in order to repay his father’s upbringing. That night, his father Yang Hongyu went to the hospital after eating. A good birthday, almost died.

After that, Yang Suhuan didn't cook easily. It's strange to say that it's obviously all on hand, so why do you cook sweets but not vegetables?

So, when I came to the crew to explore the class this time, Yang Suhuan directly ordered it at a place where he often went to eat and felt that the taste was not bad.

However, because she didn't know Ji Youze's taste, she didn't know what Ji Youze would eat or not. So, I just came up with a menu item.

Coconut milk black bone chicken soup, grilled eight treasures, sweet and sour pine nut fish, garlic vermicelli open back shrimp, fish-scented tomato box, pot meat, boiled pork slices, soy pork trotters...

When the staff looked towards Ji Youze, they were so surprised that their eyes were about to fall out!

This girl Yang Suhuan is really generous, she is simply a hero!

It's half past nine in the evening.

After finishing work, Ji Youze went back to the residence, hovered for a while while holding his chin outside, touching his chubby belly, and then opening Kang Xi's door.

As soon as the door opened, Kang Xi, who was sitting on the sofa with her legs crossed and chatting, put her mobile phone aside and stood up.

"Are you back? Are you hungry? Wait a minute, and I'll serve you supper." Kang Xi said, fiddled with her hair, turned around and walked to the kitchen.

Yeyeye supper? ! Ji Youze originally wanted to say something, but finally nodded.

Damn it. The things she ate at seven or eight o'clock hadn't been digested yet! The belly is still holding on!

However, how could she refuse the supper that Kang Xi made by herself?

So, putting the bag aside, Ji Youze sat down at the dining table seriously.

After a while, Kang Xi came out with a bowl of glutinous rice balls.

The glutinous rice **** are not white, but transparent. You can see the purple fillings inside! After Ji Youze saw it, the whole person was stunned.

"Wow, this is so cool! How did you do it?" Ji Youze hugged the bowl of glutinous rice **** to his eyes and looked at it for a while.

It is mellow and smooth, with a little osmanthus sprinkled on it, which is really amazing!

"I added some lotus root noodles. I was a little curious when I saw others doing it, so I tried to make it. I didn't expect to make it the first time. It's still a good choice for supper." Kang Xi sat in Ji You Opposite Ze, with his hands crossed, placed under his jaw, slightly outside, looking at Ji Youze with a gentle expression.

"I'll try it!" Ji Youze said, took a small spoon, scooped one, and put it to his lips. She didn't swallow one whole, but bit open half of it, and curiously studied the stuffing inside.

good to eat! good to eat! Ji Youze gave a thumbs up.

Kang Xi grinned with joy when he heard Ji Youze's praise. By the way, he drew a tissue from the tissue box on the table, handed it to Ji Youze, and pointed to the corner of his lips.

It is true that the glutinous rice **** are delicious, but the stomach capacity is insufficient, which is true.

After eating four or five, Ji Youze felt that if he continued, he should roll his eyes and kick his legs into the west.

"Can't eat anymore?" Kang Xi asked.

"Do not…"

"Don't hold on if you can't eat it, idiot." Kang Xi gave her a funny look, then moved her bowl of glutinous rice **** to her, grabbing a spoon and ate one.

"Hey, this, I have eaten it, will it be dirty..."

"What's dirty?" Kang Xi held the handle of the spoon and spit out her tongue.

After listening to Ji Youze, his lips twitched, and he laughed unconsciously.

However, after Kang Xi finished eating, she immediately rushed to take the bowl from Kang Xi and ran to the kitchen to clean it.

After washing, the two huddled together to watch TV. While tuning the channel, I saw an entertainment program. Kang Xi originally planned to turn away, but because she saw Yang Suhuan, she froze there.

"Boss Yang is really beautiful, right?" Kang Xi finished speaking, turned her head, and asked Ji Youze.

As a result, as soon as she turned her head, she found that Ji Youze clenched his fists on her legs, stared at the screen in a daze, and had a nosebleed.

Kang Xi looked at Ji Youze and Yang Suhuan on TV, biting her lower lip.

"Here." Kang Xi stretched out her hand, took out a square scarf from the drawer of the coffee table, folded it diagonally and stuffed it under Ji Youze's chin.

"??" Ji Youze turned his head to look at her without knowing.

"Since you are going to be a nympho, let's have fun. Your clothes are quite expensive. You don't wear a saliva towel and are stained with blood. What should you do?" Kang Xi hugged his shoulders and said slowly. His eyes floated from Ji Youze back to the TV.

According to Kang Xiyi, Ji Youze felt that there was indeed a cold sensation under the nose like a small bug crawling.

She was startled, grabbed the square scarf and wiped it, instantly dumbfounded. nosebleed! nosebleed!

Looking back at Kang Xi again, I saw that Kang Xi was unhappy.

"This, it's not what you think, this thing should be like that, hey, I'm not saying it should be what you think, in fact, the truth is..." Ji Youze became anxious, even speaking a little bit. The foreword is not a follow-up.

"It's not like that, it's not like that, what exactly is it like?" Kang Xi played with the remote control and glanced at her.

"The fact is, I overfilled my head." Ji Youze sat there, looking at Kang Xi innocently.

"speak English."

"At about seven or eight tonight, Yang Suhuan brought a bunch of things to our crew. The food was very rich. I was too embarrassed to openly reject it in front of everyone. After all, that was too bad. It gave people face, and maybe it was spread out, and people would say that I don't know what is good or bad. So, so I ate it." Ji Youze said with a tissue and wiped his nosebleeds.

"I'm just curious, what exactly is it that can eat you like this." After listening to Kang Xi, she didn't know if she was still angry, but she reached out and picked up the tissue, instructing Ji Youze to lift her head slightly. Then help her stop the nosebleed.

"I don't know what the names of those dishes are, anyway, I have eaten sea cucumbers, abalones, ginseng..." Ji Youze raised his head while freeing his right hand. Every time he said something, he held out a finger. After counting his right hand, he stretched out his left hand again.

"By the way, she also asked me to bring this to you." Ji Youze said, reaching out his hand to fumble open his bag, and then took out a box of things from it.

That is a rectangular box made of hard kraft paper. The middle part is tied with a small rose gold ribbon, tied with a beautiful bow.

Moreover, there are many beautiful patterns on the kraft paper box.

After Kang Xi listened to it, she took the box, only to find it unbelievable.

Untie the ribbon, open the box, and you will see a thin, beige letter paper. After the letter paper was unfolded, I saw neatly arranged brush writing on it.

"Ms. Kang, you are very grateful for your promotion for the store. Su Huan is really grateful. I feel happy to think that Miss Ji has friends like you. A small gift is not a respect, and I hope to accept it. If it is convenient, I don’t know if you can make an appointment Miss Kang came out to talk? I will prepare good food to entertain you."

The phone number was left at the end.

What the hell? Countless question marks popped out of Kang Xi's mind. What about logic? Under the letter paper, there are neatly arranged several handmade chocolates placed on top of the sawdust.

"What did she write?" Ji Youze leaned over and asked.

"Nothing." Kang Xi gently withdrew the letter paper to her side.

Ji Youze felt that the world was changing so fast that she really didn't understand it.

After half an hour, Kang Xi and Hanna chatted in full swing.

"Baby, you have to believe me, she is definitely sending you a war note!" Hanna emphasized again and again.

"She gave you chocolate, which is her revenge for the last time you ate what she gave Ji Youze! She will tell you again: If you want to eat, the old lady will give you it! I don't believe you can't kill you! Anyway, my old lady There is no shortage, my old lady is not careless!"

"She asked you out, just to attack you head-on!"

"Furthermore, she said,'When Miss Ji has a friend like you, she is very happy.' Isn't this sentence very explanatory?"

"She will date you, but it's not for Ji Youze!"

"My God, Xixi, I can be a psychologist!"

Kang Xi held the phone and looked at what Hanna had sent, tossing and thinking about it for a long time.

If it is the same as hanna said, then Miss Yang intends to provoke herself openly? But why is it openly provocative? Could it be that she really likes Ji Youze, and she also sees that her relationship with Ji Youze is unusual?

In the end, she sent a text message to Yang Suhuan: "Are you free next weekend?" That's right, Kang Xi was ready to wear his shirt on the battlefield.

After receiving Yang Suhuan's "free time", Kang Xi lay on the bed with her hands behind her head, and was silent for a while.

"I looked at the itinerary. Both of us will be free next weekend. Why don't you accompany me to a place." Kang Xi stretched out her hand and poked Ji Youze on the shoulder.

Kang Xi didn't plan to play peekaboo with Yang Suhuan. She decided to take Ji Youze to show off her affection in front of Yang Suhuan and directly cut her back.

Ji Youze, who was awkwardly asleep, turned over, smiled, and said, "Okay, come, let's go to heaven together..."

When Kang Xi heard Ji Youze's words, she couldn't help but smile. In the next second, she was embraced by Ji Youze.

"Hey, big crystal dumplings, I want more! Delicious and delicious, mua! Mua!"

Unable to dodge, Kang Xi's head was held and kissed by Ji Youze all over.

And Yang Suhuan, after sending the text message, got up from the computer and walked to the closet.

Opened the closet door, packed up the clothes, put them in a basket, and went to the bathroom.

And after she left, the computer still showed the bd know page that was not turned off, and the know page contained the following content—

Q: How to chase someone?

Answer: "My suggestion is that you can start with that person's relatives and friends. If you conquer that person's relatives and friends, maybe that person's friends will help you to say a few words in front of your sweetheart."

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