That night, Ji Youze rushed back to the villa to continue recording the show.

As for Hu Qingqing, it was said that he had gone home that night, so he did not come.

Ji Youze always wanted to ask Hu Qingqing face-to-face why he lied that night, but because of work and Hu Qingqing's relationship as a student and attending classes, the two never met.

What's more, that night, something about Yuan Yingying was revealed that night.

And there are photos attached.

Kang Xi was right. Someone was really taking pictures outside the window that night. Now Ji Youze thinks about it, and feels that Kang Xi was right to scold herself at the time.

In a place like that, when someone is peeked at, speaking is still so nonsense. Even if you are right, but after being caught by the paparazzi and making a fuss, hasn't it become your own mistake?

The reason for forbearance is not that you want to be a tortoise for your life, but that you still have to consider the environment at the time and take the overall situation into consideration.

After all, some people are so disgusting that people can't imagine.

The paparazzi was contacted by Sun Feito. After secretly photographing the quarrel between Ji Youze and Yuan Yingying, he went back and relied on his own yy to compile a big peculiar article.

The content of that article described Ji Youze particularly unbearably.

It is said that Ji Youze heard a girl discussing that she did not like herself in Hu Qingqing's school, because she was too dirty, so she got angry and beat the girl. After that, the girl wanted to escape in horror, but was stopped by Ji Youze, and the two fought. Finally, Ji Youze slyly pushed the girl down the stairs, with a strange cold smile on her mouth...

All in all, the news was written interestingly. It was written by a person named Po Dongfeng, and the whole article was written like the one who wrote Po Dongfeng always watching Ji Youze push other girls.

Later, it was written that after Ji Youze was invited into the office, he met the family of the injured girl and had no regrets at all. He did not say that he did not push anyone, and that he was flushed and clenched his fist to beat the girl Family and so on.

Such a piece of news, coupled with some angry photos of Ji Youze, looks like it is really the same.

Such news suddenly became the focus of everyone.

Even when Ji Youze turned on the laptop and clicked on the perfect anti-virus Swiss software, even the pop-up pop-up news from the anti-virus software contained news about himself.

It's ridiculous.

Ji Youze feels that people who believe in such absurd news are definitely mentally handicapped.

But when she opened Weibo at one point, she discovered that there were a lot of people who cursed herself, and she suddenly began to wonder if she was mentally handicapped.

Otherwise, why do you feel that everyone has said so much, and you don't know how to send a Weibo response?

This incident also alarmed the upper management of the company.

Yang Cailin and the people above are discussing how to solve this problem.

On Kang Xi's side, because the reporter took the photo, Kang Xi was the same as the other person, so it was not affected.

In the dressing room, after Cai Yun helped to finish the day’s schedule, he said to Kang Xi: “Ji Youze is doing this this time, don’t get into the muddy water, let me tell you.”

Kang Xi nodded after listening.

After tapping a button on the screen with her finger, Kang Xi rubbed her temples and raised her head, turned her head to look at Cai Yun, and said, "I didn't hear too clearly just now. What are you talking about?"

Cai Yun rolled his eyes after listening, and then repeated what he had just said.

After Kang Xi listened, she rolled her eyes and said, "I'll go out and buy something to eat."

"Let the assistant buy it..." By the time Cai Yun finished speaking, Kang Xi had already gone out.

I always feel something is wrong, it feels weird?

Cai Yun thought about this, then opened Weibo, and the latest updates in the circle of friends were swiped out all at once.

I don’t know if I didn’t do it, I was shocked when I did it, Kang Xi’s long Weibo just jumped out!

Cai Yun clicked on it and saw that the content of Kang Xi's post was really incredible.

The first sentence is: "Your Excellency Dongfeng, today I read a piece of news written by you. After reading it, I have to say that I have been deeply attracted by your brilliant and colorful brain. Your news really fully demonstrates what is called a lack of material, and you can fill it with your brain. Especially the sentence you wrote,'After pushing Yuan down the stairs, there is a trace of Ji Youze's mouth on the side. A weird cold smile', you are so humorous..."

Such a long Weibo can be said to be a concentrated mockery of all the loopholes in the news.

After Cai Yun finished reading, he only felt that his brain was a little hypoxic.

"Kang Xi, you're a thousand dollars, I didn't mean to say... such a big person, what kind of mimi to eat!" Cai Yun started to get angry, still very scary.

After seeing Kang Xi coming in from the outside, she almost ran forward frantically!

Seeing Kang Xi holding a pack of Mimi shrimp sticks in front of her eyes, and holding a shrimp stick in her right hand to deliver it to her mouth, Cai Yun was not angry.

However, because her voice was too sharp, everyone around and even outsiders turned their heads and looked at them and smiled.

After all, Cai Yun didn't know it, but he said words that made people want to be crooked.

"You said, what did you just do?" Cai Yun put the phone in front of Kang Xi.

"I'm piercing for a good friend." Kang Xi said calmly.

"Even if you cut the knife, it shouldn't be like this! It's not clear about this, okay? Did Ji Youze push someone, who knows? Besides, Hu Qingqing testified that she did. You are at this time. He even jumped out to support her, isn't it asking for trouble?" Cai Yun was really angry this time.

"Ji Youze absolutely didn't do this. The truth is definitely not like that." Kang Xi's face suddenly became cold and fixedly staring at Cai Yun.

Cai Yun was stunned by Kang Xi's eyes, and then continued: "I know you two are very good now. But. You can't just forget some of the rules in this circle because of this."

"I haven't forgotten." Kang Xi continued to retort: ​​"You were not present in this matter. But I met the witness Hu Qingqing and the parents of the injured in Teacher Qu's office. There are too many doubts. In addition, if you It's Ji Youze, you were framed. And at this time, even the person you thought was your best friend didn't come out to support you. Do you think you can survive?"

After Cai Yun listened, for a while, there was no reason to refute it.

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