After Kang Xi took Ji Youze and walked for a while, she suddenly realized that she couldn't move.

At this moment, Ji Youze suddenly let go of Kang Xi's hand, turned around and ran back to the place where he had been splashed with dirt. The group hasn't completely dispersed yet.

Those people were stopped by the security, and there was no way to rush over. But who is the one who threw the bottle is no longer found.

Ji Youze trembled with anger, staring at the people around him with his eyes wide open.

At that moment, she felt that her brain could hardly think. He whispered his lips, squeezed his fists, and his back became extremely stiff.

Among those who watched the excitement, some had their faces full of fright, and some were still smiling, as if they were wondering what would happen next.

"Come out if there is a seed! What to hide, what to hide?!" Ji Youze lost control of emotions, stepped forward, stretched his long legs, and stomped on the bottle that fell to the ground. The bottle slammed and exploded.

Ji Youze would have such a big fire, and everyone present was a little frightened. When the security guards saw this, they tried their best to maintain order on the scene and prevent physical collisions between Ji Youze and the ordinary people.

"Is it so fun for you to take pictures of me? Who just threw the broken thing? Did you take it? With so many people with so many mobile cameras, no one has taken it?!" Ji Youzeyi He threw off a security guard, then took off his sunglasses, threw it into the trash can, stroked his hair, sneered and looked up at the crowd, and hooked his fingers.

"Come on, shoot, shoot! You guys go on, I don't care anyway!" Ji Youze said, took off his hat again, crumpled it and fell to the ground.

"The one who threw the bottle and the dirty stuff, I warn you. You hide, it's okay. But even if you hide in the end of the world, I will not let you go!"

After finishing speaking, Ji Youze turned around and grabbed Kang Xi who had already been trapped, and walked to the car.

After watching Ji Youze leave, everyone present was shocked.

"Did I just... saw something incredible?" A passerby stood there, stupefied.

After that, Ji Youze took out the tissue without saying a word, and wiped the smelly and unpleasant things mechanically.

The smell was strange. It seemed to contain raw eggs that were not completely ground, and the smell of milk. And there are meat mozi, a little yellow-green in the beige. It feels like a dark dish.

Ji Youze never spoke. It's just that those eyes, like this leopard in the dark night, carry a kind of silent danger.

The first time I saw Ji Youze's expression, Kang Xi was a little bit overwhelmed, but let Ji Youze take care of the dirt on her skin, clothes, and hair.

Since it is not close to the place of residence, the two of them found a hotel nearby and checked in.

After Kang Xi went in to take a shower and wash her hair, Ji Youze sat alone on the swivel chair beside the bed in a daze, thinking about these incidents this time.

Should she be sad? But at this time, a person like Kang Xi stood firm and helped himself to block those things. If she behaved down there again, she would feel sorry for Kang Xi instead.

After more than half an hour, Kang Xi took a shower and walked out. After Ji Youze heard the door opening, he stood up from the stool cleverly. Because of the too much movement, the stool turned around in a circle.


Kang Xi was wrapped in a bath towel, and her skin was as white as snow, and there were still some drops of water on her that had not been wiped clean. All the dirty things have been washed away, but the scene of Kang Xi being hit before still lingers in Ji Youze's mind.

"This time, if I don't pull that guy out, I won't be Ji Youze." Raising his hand to stroke Kang Xi's wet hair, Ji Youze bit his lower lip and said in a low voice.

"Take a deep breath, Aze." Kang Xi buried her head and hugged Ji Youze, gently stroking her thin back under the long hair with her hands, and said softly.

"Is this character like me really unsuitable for being in this circle?" Ji Youze asked suddenly for a moment.

"Why are you talking about this all of a sudden?" Kang Xi let go of Ji Youze and looked up at her.

Ji Youze closed his eyes and said, "My personality is like this. I can't change it. Tomorrow, my affairs will be more troublesome? To be honest, I don't like to care about them. I'm just sorry, because I think I also brought you a lot of trouble invisibly."

"Is it because of what I said last time? I...maybe a bit too much. But you know, my intention is actually..."

"No. I just don't see you encounter this or that kind of thing because of me." Ji Youze hasn't paid attention to those public opinions these days. "Will I affect your career... This is a question I have been thinking about for the past few days."

She would worry because she discovered that someone even started attacking Kang Xi because of herself.

She could not accept such a thing. I also blame myself.

"Do you know what career means to me?" Kang Xi kept looking into Ji Youze's eyes as she spoke, her expression so serious.

"Care for me is to live and do what I like. But with so many things I like, how can it be limited to filming?"


"My favorite person is you. What I like most is to be with you." Kang Xi said, standing on her tiptoe and kissing Ji Youze on the cheek.

That sentence seemed to have magical power, and that kiss was more like a medicine with a miraculous effect. In an instant, Ji Youze's mood became much calmer.

"You think, I'm not a machine. I restrain myself in everything for work and filming. How boring, isn't it?" Kang Xi said, pressing Ji Youze on the stool, stretched out her hands, and said, "Come on, I Give you a massage to relax your nerves. Believe me, everything will eventually rain and clear."

If the irritable Ji Youze is like an angry beast, then the calm and calm Kang Xi is like an experienced orc trainer, able to pull Ji Youze's emotions back to normal form at once.

The process of Ji Youze's madness was fully recorded and posted on the Internet.

The video looks a bit shaky and noisy, but it's not blurry.

In the video, Ji Youze and Kang Xi are both recorded in one frame.

Such a video is simply an explosive big news.

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