Ji Youze now naturally doesn't have the mood to be a beautiful girl quietly chewing trotters.

"Are these people so awesome?" Looking at the comments on the Internet, Ji Youze felt that he was almost dizzy.

"No way! Is it really a couple?"

"No! Kang Xi is mine! How can I be with Ji Youze? How can I be generous?!"

"I think it's great! Hahaha, yy them all the time, but I didn't expect..."

Everyone discusses that is in full swing.

In this incident, not only the netizens who exploded the blockbuster, but also Kang Xi's parents all at once. Kang Xi's parents called frantically to ask about this.

Ji Youze's parents also called.

After all, I never thought about coming out now, Ji Youze's heart is square.

"Aze, have you been tired recently?" Ji Changcun asked in a gentle voice.

However, this kind of voice made Ji Youze's whole body every nerve and every cell highly vigilant.

"Hahaha, what can I do, hahaha!" Ji Youze grabbed his hair and laughed grimly.

"Oh oh, I saw that video, in front of you, there are countless plates of pig's feet. I wonder if your crew’s food has been so bad recently that caused..."

"Hahaha, how could it be possible, dad, you exaggerated, where did you see countless discs..." Ji Youze continued to shrug his shoulders and smile grimly.

"That's good. I also watched that little gossip."

"Then what?" Ji Youze asked anxiously.

"That group of idiots, dare to say that you are not worthy of Kang Xi, our daughter, who else is not worthy of? Oh, I am so angry with your father and me!" Ji Changcun's tone suddenly became unhappy.

After listening to Ji Youze, nothing was right. Oh, after Dad learned about this, his focus...isn’t it a bit biased? !

"Dad, I... Um..." Ji Youze continued to call and flipped through the webpage, shorting his mind and hesitating to speak. At the beginning, the Internet was sometimes lost. After a long time, I finally connected. It should be because the network cable is not in good contact, it is time to change it.

"Dad! Why are you on the hot search?!" After smoothly scrolling through the 24 hot topics, Ji Youze almost screamed at his father on the phone. I saw the topic #季优泽爸爸# suddenly appeared, followed by the word ‘new’.

I clicked in and saw what was posted by her dad's account in an instant.

Maybe it was because he didn't know how to post the long Weibo, so his dad posted five or six Weibo with 140 characters in a row.

"I'm Ji Youze's dad. Regarding this matter, I can't help but want to say a few words. You people, all day long, it is true that my daughter is not good enough for this or that. Tell you, even if Kang Xizhen has something with my daughter, don’t worry about it. My daughter will definitely treat her as a baby. But the problem is, they are friends. My daughter is still single. , You are so magical, to introduce a boyfriend."

"This Weibo is too annoying. I can only post 140 characters at a time, which is not enough! I suggest a revision and revision!"

Then, under those Weibo posts posted by Ji Changcun, the comments and styles were very strange.

"Oh, what little **** is he who pretends to be her dad."

"Hello, I'm Ji Youze's mother. I asked you to buy me the **** soy sauce. Why did you buy it here? Go to the floor for me to sleep at night!"

"Hello, I'm Ji Youze's aunt. Hi, what a coincidence, you also play Weibo? I also play."

"Hello, I'm Ji Youze's neighbor next door,"

"Hello, I'm Ji Youze's high school teacher."

"Hello, I'm Ji Youze's university teacher.

"Hello, I am Ji Youze's little nanny."

"Hello, I'm Ji Youze's older brother, Ji excellent."

"Can you have such enlightened parents now, and still use Weibo? It's definitely a fake. Don't you think it's not messy enough? It's shameless to pretend to be her family!"

Ji Youze looked around, confused. Although there are only one or two thousand comments, almost every one is so sharp.

Of course, I still believe it, and I kindly guide Ji Changcun on how to make it grow without being restricted by 140 words. There are also group photos for mutual fans.

"I'm really her dad!" Therefore, Ji Changcun sent another note to emphasize it.

However, everyone didn't believe it at all.

So Ji Changcun posted a video. That was a video of him and Ji Youze when they were young. In the video, Ji Youze is sitting on the floor with a large bag of Wangwang snow cakes in his hands, with two pigtails, his face flushed. Next to it is Ji Changcun.

"Aze, do you like Dad?"

Xiao Ji Yuze nodded.

"So, Aze, do you prefer snow cakes or dad?" Ji Changcun asked again.

After listening, Xiao Ji Youze looked at the snow cake, then at his father, his little fingers twitched, and his little face was stunned, and he didn't speak.

"Then Dad and Xuebing can only choose one, which one do you choose?"

After listening, Xiaoji Yuze squeezed the snow cakes tightly and lowered his head: "Dad...snow cakes... cakes...Dad...wow, it's too difficult, this is too difficult, wow! I want snow cakes, too To dad!"

At this time, Ji Youze's mother set the DVD and went into the mirror, and ran over and said, "Aze wants snow cakes, right? Then my father and I are gone!"

With that said, Ji Youze's mother took Ji's father to run.

Xiao Ji Yuze panicked all of a sudden. After a few seconds, he suddenly cried so much that he stood up holding the snow cake, and ran a few steps unsteadily. After that, Xiao Ji Yuze waved his hand and slapped the snow cake to the side of the trash can, crying with tears in his eyes, "I want dad, I want dad! Ugh! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Dad—dad—dad—dad—! Wow..."

When the video came out, netizens were stupid. Some are still questioning, thinking that the blogger can even get this kind of video. He is definitely a god, but he is definitely not a father!

There are also people who pay attention to the deviation and say: "When I was a kid, I was so cute, my dear, don't cry little princess..."

"Hahahaha, she was silent for half a minute on the issue of choosing snow cakes or you!"

After seeing the whole lot, Ji Youze only felt angry and moved. The annoyed is that Ji Changcun didn't discuss it with himself when he was infatuated. What moved is that when Dad Ji posted that Weibo, he was really enlightened and defended himself. Finally, there is a little guilt, that is, she is indeed with Kang Xi, but her father has been kept in the dark.

For a moment, Ji Youze almost said, ‘I am indeed in love with Kang Xi’. However, in the end Ji Youze still did not say.

She just wiped her eyes with a tissue, and said in a crying voice, "Dad, thank you for protecting me like this..."

"Nonsense! I'm your dad! If you don't protect you, I will protect the ghost?" Ji Changcun sighed again after he finished speaking.

"Those people, worry about other people's affairs all day long, tsk tsk. But Aze, let me tell you, those are nothing!"

After hearing this, Ji Youze choked up and asked, "Dad, let me ask you a question...that is, what you just posted looks like, as if you are not opposed to homosexual love, that, why, why?"

"What age is it, and I still oppose it. I, the last time I read this book, it says that homosexuality is normal. It was written by some famous person in the United States!"

After listening to Ji Youze, he felt a little in his heart, and then continued: "However, many people do not understand now. What if... I said what if, what if! If I really like girls, And I’m a star again. In that case, I might have to give up my career. No matter how well I do it, but because of the homosexual relationship, the development will be limited. There are many things, and the above will not Give me more resources...at least, this is the case on the mainland..."

"Those people are really idle! But that's okay. Like you, you can't live if you don't mix in the entertainment industry. Dad can give you a piece of the world at home! But, you worry. What's this? Anyway, you don't like girls, don't you?" Ji Changcun asked rhetorically.

Ji Youze's heart trembled again, and then said, "Haha, too, too."

After thinking about it for a long time, Ji Youze felt, still, let's not talk about it. Thinking about the solution is the right thing to do.

At this moment, the screen pupil uttered again.

"The script part of the "Laws of Survival" starring Guo Yu, Tong Jia, and Ji Youze has been exposed. The entire script is said to have been revised countless times before and after. Among them, Ji Youze's role in Xue Mei's later stage will increase. For the sake of youth and beauty. Xue Mei will deal with trotters every time she plays. Poor Ji Youze, come on!"

The following pictures are a few photos of the script of the Qianwu Girl's Law of Survival. The script in one of the photos looks like this.

Xue Mei looked at Zhao Zinan (with affectionate eyes), and said: "Sometimes I feel that what I do is wrong, but. No matter when there is something, I feel that I am doing it too right. That thing is to fall in love with you. ."

Zhao Zinan touched his nose, smiled, and replied: "Me too. Fool, hurry up, look at these pig feet you ordered, there are so many more."

As soon as this Weibo was born, the people talking in full swing were stunned.

"Damn, they are playing against each other for a long time?!"

"Damn, that's the script's lines for a long time?!"

"Hahahahaha, this reversal!"

"It's all gone, my heart is so tired, I'm so excited by the posts on Weibo, but I didn't expect that the real situation is like this..."

"Sure enough, falling in love or anything is not true..."

On the other side, after Kang Xi found several big Vs to forward it, she slumped on the sofa with her forehead.

Fortunately, in the scenes that Ji Youze shot, one of the screenwriters was a friend of her Kang Xi.

Fortunately, the screenwriter was interesting enough. In order to help Kang Xi resolve this matter, he changed the script without hesitation. And it was handed over to the director for review.

Everything is... okay...

And Sun Fei, after seeing this reversal, was completely stunned.

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