The Goddess Is Still So Pitiful, She Was Invested By Me!

Chapter 101 Jealous Kiyoshi! (Fifth Update!)


I don't know who swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

All the students in several colleges felt that their mouths were full of fluid.

The way they look at those watermelons now is full of affection, unable to extricate themselves.

Zhu Qian suddenly said: "This is an old tradition in our college..."

Zhu Qian entered the capital university in competition.

I heard from him that he was training at Capital University before.

I am very familiar with many seniors.

He knows the affairs of the previous sessions of the Mathematical Academy like the palm of his hand!

"What tradition? Ice watermelon for freshmen?"

Wang Jun's saliva was drooling, dreaming beautifully.

"What are you thinking? Eating watermelon in front of freshmen in military training!"

Wang Jun was dumbfounded: "Is this what people did?"

Qi Yun said quietly: "It is because the seniors of a certain class are not human beings, so the students in the following mathematics academy gave up their humanity..."

Wang Jun watched the seniors eating watermelon, and smiled at them proudly.

Thinking about it in my heart, when I was a sophomore, I saw freshmen in military training.

Eating watermelon like this, why does it feel extra sweet?

A group of seniors hid in the shade, with a piece of watermelon in their hands, watching Qi Yun and the others eat it with great enjoyment.

"Don't say it, it's really cool to eat this watermelon here!"

"Seeing this group of freshmen reminded me of our past year. At that time, I thought, if I am a sophomore, I will definitely not be such a bullshit senior!"

"??? Then why are you here?" 29

"Later I understood that he cannot lose the glorious tradition of our academy!"

"Get out!"

Suddenly a senior said: "How many girls in this class are good!"

Although there are few girls in this year's college, there are indeed a few good-looking girls.

At least at the high school class flower level.

"Old Qin! Don't tell me you're thinking about it!"

"So what? Seniors and juniors are a natural match! Besides, I can tell you that this girl has just entered university, and she must be the most uncomfortable when she is most in need of help. When seniors like us show up, one Help, don't you have it at your fingertips?"

Hearing what Senior Qin said, the other boys couldn't help but feel their hearts move.

The boys in the number school are miserable!

As far as their class is concerned, there are 80 students in a class, and 10 girls!

It is all internal digestion, then there are still sixty bachelors!

Now that I see fresh and tender elementary school girls and hear that I have the possibility to solve my personal problems, can I not be tempted?

"Let's leave some hope for the next class of students!"

A female voice came from behind them.

Several people looked back.

"Qiu Yue, why are you here?"

Several boys are a little cautious.

Qiu Yue!

They are recognized as the most beautiful girl in this class.

I don't know how many college boys' bedroom night talks are the protagonists.

There are more boys who want to have a relationship with him than those who pass the exam!

It's a pity that Qiu Yue never fell in love with boys from several colleges.

It's not the flower of Qiuyue Gaoling, so don't get close to strangers.

On the contrary, I made a lot of boyfriends.

But it's all about the basketball team, the football team, whatever.

There are no colleges.

It is said that she likes sunny and sporty boys.

And the boys from the school...

Let's put it this way, there were 70 boys in the last school, and they ranked second to last in the school football competition.

The bottom one is the Department of Literature, the number of boys in the school can barely make up a football team...

Senior Qin and the others heard that some time ago, Qiu Yue and her boyfriend broke up again.

These people suddenly felt that they seemed to have hope again.

Seeing Qiu Yue now, she was quite restless.

There are a few girls beside Qiu Yue, all of whom are girls from their courtyard.

Several people looked at the watermelon in Qin's hand and shook their heads in disdain, "You don't do anything good! You just know how to bully freshmen!"

Senior Qin scratched his head: "Isn't this the tradition of our school!"

The girls snorted and looked at the freshmen from the several courtyards.

Originally, this group of seniors had no classes and were bored, so they came to watch this year's military training for freshmen.

Looking at it, Qiu Yue's eyes kept looking at one place.

"Is that also a freshman in our academy?" She pointed at Qi Yun.


Qiu Yue nodded.

After a while, she suddenly stood up and went to the school's small supermarket to buy a bottle of Coke.

Walk towards the place where the freshmen of the number courtyard are.

Senior Qin and the group behind her stared wide-eyed.

"Old Qin, what did you just say? Competing with juniors for juniors? I feel that you may be too optimistic.

"Now the problem is serious, we haven't made a move yet, the younger brother will do it first! Don't talk about martial arts!"

"I think we can take another look, maybe it's for girls?"

The seniors watched Qiu Yue walking towards Qi Yun and the others with longing eyes.

It's fine if Qiu Yue is taken away by someone from another department.

But was snatched away by his junior.

Where is the dignity of these seniors?

When Qi Yun raised his head, he felt a girl walking towards him?

The closer Qiu Yue got, the more convinced he was.

This girl is here to find him.

"Hello, junior!" Qiu Yue stood in front of Qi Yun, showing a gentle smile: "My name is Qiu Yue, and I'm also from the Mathematical Academy, and I'm your senior sister!"

Senior Qin and others behind him saw this scene.

My heart is broken.


He actually took the initiative to talk to a student!

It's still number one!

You know, she has never confessed to many boys in the same school before!

In the past, they could comfort themselves that it was Qiu Yue who didn't like boys from the school.

Now they can only accept reality.

It's not that she doesn't like boys from the math school, it's because she doesn't like boys who aren't handsome enough...

Standing in front of Qi Yun, Qiu Yue felt that the closer she looked, the more handsome she was!

Originally, she was still sad about breaking up.

But the moment she saw Qi Yun, she realized what it means to have nowhere to go!

"Here! Junior, get tired! Drink Coke!"

Qiu Yue held up the Coke in her hand.

The Coke has just been taken out of the refrigerator, and there is still condensed air-conditioning on it, which looks very refreshing.

"If anyone buys me a bottle of iced Coke, I can marry him!" A girl in Qi Yun's class stared straight at the Coke in Qiu Yue's hand and said.

"Wake up, senior sister is a woman!"

"You just woke up, now there is ice coke, who cares about men and women?"

Makes sense.

Can't refute.

Qiu Yue looked at Qi Yun with pride.

At this time, I appeared with an iced coke.

Sweet senior sister, icy happy water!

Double the joy!

Can the junior not kneel under her pomegranate skirt?

Qi Yun suddenly looked upright, and refused:

"Thank you senior sister, I can't ask for it."

Qiu Yue felt that the ice cola in her hand was so cold that it could freeze her whole body.

Senior Qin and the others at the back looked at Qi Yun's eyes at this time, which was called kindness.


Juniors should be sensible!

How can you compete with the senior for the senior sister?

"Why?" Qiu Yue was not reconciled.

"Hey, I think, as a boy with a girlfriend, he can't take drinks from other girls."

"You have a girlfriend?"

Qiu Yue was stunned, didn't the juniors of this class just entered the school?

Who did it so fast?

"Yes, he has a girlfriend, which is me.

Lian Qingxue's voice came from behind her.

She was also wearing a military training uniform and was holding a bottle of mineral water in her hand.

He also secretly glanced at Qi Yun.

Qi Yun: Well-behaved.jpg.

Senior Qin stared blankly at Lian Qingxue.

Suddenly put down the watermelon in his hand, 560 turned and walked back.

"Stop eating watermelon?"

His tone was very vicissitudes.

"No matter how sweet this watermelon is, how sweet is someone's girl? No matter how cold this watermelon is, how cool is my heart?"

Several seniors didn't know what to do, and felt that Lao Qin suddenly had a melancholy temperament of a poet.

"Then what are you doing?"

"Study! Our good looks, besides studying, what else can we rely on to attract girls?"

Old Qin, he has fully realized!

Qi Yun and Lian Qingxue sat down on the shady steps.

"Why are you here?" Qi Yun asked.

"We have a lot of girls in the School of Economics and Management, the instructors are better, and the rest time is very long. I'll come and see you."

Lian Qingxue sat on the steps, dangling her calves, wondering what she was thinking.

After a while, she suddenly said:

"I didn't get a Coke, I'm very disappointed."

"Huh? Coke? What Coke? Who has a Coke?"

Qi Yun looked innocent.

"It's a pity that I only have mineral water, neither ice nor sweet, and no Coke to drink." Lian Qingxue looked to the side, not looking at Qi Yun, and said leisurely.

"I'm not happy when you say that! You don't know the goods? Is this ordinary mineral water?" Qi Yun was furious: "This is my little Qingxue, who brought it to me all the way! Inside, there is Gan of love!"

"Not as sweet as your mouth!"

Lian Qingxue pushed Qi Yun.

Qi Yun patted his heart quietly.


Little Qingxue, she will be jealous!

Behind them, Wang Jun, Sheng Huai, and Zhu Qian all covered their ears and made eye contact, and suddenly reached a consensus.

The days when Qi Yun was deprived of his registration should have been longer.

You can bear being handsome, but how can you bear to spill dog food?

The military training of Beijing University is quite serious. For example, the inspection of internal affairs is very strict.

PS: 14,000 achieved! Continue tomorrow!.

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